Unlimited Translation Works

Suisei no Gargantia – 09

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Vivid]_Suisei_no_Gargantia_-_09_[h264-720p][7B0ADA1C].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Vivid]_Suisei_no_Gargantia_-_09_[h264-480p][21521065].mp4 [DDL]
I hope you’re ready for science! And healing. Maybe some healing science, if we have time.

58 Thoughts on “Suisei no Gargantia – 09

  1. Oddmoonlight on June 2, 2013 at 11:22 pm said:

    So many years into the future and yet Chamber still found the Hideauze girl!

  2. mianghuei on June 2, 2013 at 11:24 pm said:

    10 years into the future? That little girl does look like Amy….

  3. Nelly on June 2, 2013 at 11:33 pm said:

    thanks 🙂

  4. DeadPidgey on June 2, 2013 at 11:44 pm said:


  5. neorok on June 2, 2013 at 11:47 pm said:

    OH GOD, YES!

  6. boingman on June 2, 2013 at 11:48 pm said:

    Thanks for the episode. That’s more how I like it.
    Anyone with a link to the end card?

  7. Samuel on June 3, 2013 at 12:19 am said:

    Lol that picture edit is disturbingly funny.

  8. roia on June 3, 2013 at 12:32 am said:

    Haha that pic, too funny 😀

  9. Brek kapitany on June 3, 2013 at 12:52 am said:

    Holy shit, I burst out laughing when I saw the ass of that squid

  10. rmarco21 on June 3, 2013 at 1:06 am said:

    Umm…Im about to purchase a Sony LED Tv…Will it be able to play your 720p 10bit videos on its USB port? Thanks…

  11. Digipokemon on June 3, 2013 at 1:09 am said:

    hmmm poor ledo… wonder what he’ll do now…

  12. GP-02A on June 3, 2013 at 1:10 am said:

    hory shiet. that was quite a revelation @_@

  13. Frechdachs on June 3, 2013 at 1:16 am said:

    @rmarco21: I never saw a more stupid request.
    1. If u want proper help post the full model name of your TV, otherwise no one will be able to know its features.
    2. Not a single Hardwareplayer is able to play h.264 videos with a color depth of 10 bit per channel. So if u want to watch them on your TV you have to either connect your PC to it and play them with a player capable of 10 bit, or you have to reencode them to 8 bit, but this only works if that TV is able to play h.264 files.

  14. Thanks a lot guys!

  15. I didn’t watch Ika Musume but that pic made lol hard xD, good one 🙂 waiting for 480 :3

  16. rmarco21 on June 3, 2013 at 1:54 am said:

    “I never saw a more stupid request”…Sorry if im not that knowledgeable on technical stuff and got pretty excited since the salesman said it could play 10bit 720p videos and therefore be able to watch anime in big screen glory but Dude, you seriously need to improve your courtesy…

  17. Pingback: Suisei no Gargantia Episode 9 - HELL YEAH - Entravity

  18. kajunbowser on June 3, 2013 at 2:16 am said:

    Well, there goes the neighborhood, de geso.

  19. xrampage on June 3, 2013 at 2:28 am said:

    Awesome ep., thanks for release guys…seems like poor little Amy can’t stand loosing Ledo anymore.

  20. macxxx007 on June 3, 2013 at 4:09 am said:

    Lol… ika…
    Thanks so much for the episode!
    Have a great night!

  21. qbit on June 3, 2013 at 4:56 am said:


  22. Mavus on June 3, 2013 at 5:13 am said:


  23. Ledo-kun does Shinji-sytle on June 3, 2013 at 5:22 am said:

    Now that’s disturbing. Last week i was joking with a friend about the origin of the hideauze.
    He was like “you dont simply use nanomachines without fucking up the world” and i “right, and alls squids are mutated japaneses, de geso” ….
    the picture above reminds me a bit of scene from neon genesis evangelion *handshake of death*
    also: some pixiv artist got the imprison Ledo needs to man up – so they drawn him as a female ;-p

  24. iprolyh8u on June 3, 2013 at 5:34 am said:

    Damnit chamber. Y u kill kawaii hideauze at the end.

  25. TheKindlyOne on June 3, 2013 at 6:25 am said:

    Can you plz start using mega for DDL’s?

  26. Drano on June 3, 2013 at 6:49 am said:

    And you seriously need to put a lot more effort into asking questions, if you want to get any help.
    If I were to ask: “Hey, dude. I’m going to buy a new TV from Samsung. will it support stereoscopic 3D?” then what would be the answer? Obviously nobody can answer that, since I haven’t mentioned which TV it is.
    It’s the same with your question. We don’t know anything about your TV (except that it’s from Sony); @Frechdachs at least had the courtesy of telling you what was wrong with your question, and yet you still haven’t told us what TV it is you’re talking about.

  27. Sushi on June 3, 2013 at 7:24 am said:

    Now, that’s the Gen Urobuchi that I know and love.
    Feels like I’m watching Shin Sekai Yori all over again.

  28. namednoob on June 3, 2013 at 7:38 am said:

    Shit just got serious now and we are nearing the end …

  29. Frediloc on June 3, 2013 at 7:40 am said:

    SPOILERS I guess…
    I can’t believe I never thought of this before, but Hideauze –>> Hideous. I’m guessing that that’s the origin of the name, since the Continental Union hated the Evolvers, and they probably wanted to encourage that feeling in their people.

  30. ACrazyOldMan on June 3, 2013 at 7:43 am said:

    lol post pic

  31. Anonymous on June 3, 2013 at 8:31 am said:

    Ask the salesman if it can play tomorrow’s news on it and he’ll say it can too.
    The lesson here is that you should never trust the salesmen; they probably know less than you do but pretend that they know a lot (in some cases they think they know something when they don’t!). What you should do instead is to take note of the models you’re interested in and check out the specifications from the brand’s website.

  32. rmarco21 on June 3, 2013 at 8:39 am said:

    @drano…..Sorry..My bad..Im still about to buy it and i did not ask about that TV’s name…I just assumed that all Sony LED TVs play high definition and 10bit so i admit that i was bit ignorant…

  33. woods on June 3, 2013 at 1:06 pm said:

    Thanks for the ep! Urobuchi never fails…

  34. Jay-kun on June 3, 2013 at 4:11 pm said:

    Thanks! 😀

  35. iprolyh8u on June 3, 2013 at 4:21 pm said:

    Who would u guys have joined? Group A or Group B?

  36. GENESIS! It’s time for Urobutcher. The end is upon us!
    [spoiler]So, Hideauze is an experiment to combine Whalesquid with human being for them to adapt in the harsh long space travel to find new habitual planet. The whalesquid nest was Evolver’s experimental facility lost during the last Ice Age and the war between Evolver and Continental Union/remaining UN countries that opposed the blasphemous experiment.
    Therefore, the raging space war between Hideauze and Galactic Alliance were seed sowed by the Continental Union trying to escape the frozen forsaken Earth via Wormhole drive where a small force Evolver managed to get through the jump point before it self-destructed. That surviving Evolver mutated and multiplied into the current Hideauze in which the war is now sliding towards their favour thanks to the whalesquid genes.
    Those humans on the floating city like Gargantia and the Smokers are the descendants of humans both from Continental Union and Evolver sympathizer that survived the last Ice Age. They probably forgotten the whole ideology conflict since most of the information were lost and submerged.
    That revelation will really make Ledo question what really his raison d’etre. He would probably abandon his salvaging mission with Pinion and Flange’s fleet and head back to Gargantia with massive BSOD. With that, it will jeopardize Pinion’s personal mission since their Younboros cannot survive the onslaught of now enraged swarms of Whalesquid. Even though they manage to escape from the Sea of Fog and regroup with Flange main fleet, they are now targeted by the Smokers. The pirates already eying on the treasures they salvage from the submerged Evolver’s facility.[/spoiler]
    I’m looking forward will happen next.

  37. MT-Switch on June 3, 2013 at 4:56 pm said:

    [spoiler]The Wormhole device should still be in Earths orbit, that would provide an explanation as to how Chamber managed to travel to Earth during the 6 month time lapse from episode 1. The Evolvers most likely managed to take control of the Wormhole device before the self destruct could be triggered, but since they are not technologically advanced in machine terms they don’t have access to wormhole technology, the wormhole in Earths orbit was most likely a 1 way ticket for the evolves but allowed Chamber to travel through it. Seems I was partially correct in the Stargate theory.
    MAL says this is a 13 episode anime, if there are anymore big plot twists I reckon it would be Chamber becoming either the antagonist or Ledo having to sacrifice Chamber in some way.[/spoiler]

  38. SIMW on June 3, 2013 at 5:09 pm said:

    Elaine… saddest part of the whole episode

  39. Tuturu on June 3, 2013 at 5:12 pm said:

    Oh, nice episode!
    It somehow reminds me of Shinsekai Yori

  40. @MT-Switch
    [spoiler]If your Stargate/Wormhole drive theory are true, there are two main possibility how this will end.
    1) From the newly intel obtained from the Evolver’s facility, Ledo might use it to send the distress beacon to the Galactic Alliance main fleet. This enable him to return back to his homeworld; leaving Amy (probably his unborn child), Gargantia and the dark secret of the whole Evolver-Contential Union war behind. He just preserving the balance between good and evil, like any good soldier do.
    2)The Galactic Alliance received the distress beacon, send a rescue/recon party. Upon retrieving Ledo and Chamber, the technician manage to stumble on the archaic info that leads to the birthplace of Hideauze. So, they (Galactic Alliance) view this as pretext to nuke the hell out Earth. They consider the surviving humans that lives on the floatation are product of Evolver, Ledo do not have a choice but to do One Man Army against Galactic Alliance and finish off what the Contential Union intend to do when they left the Solar Ssystem: destruction of the Wormhole device. He probably self-destruct Chamber in order to destroy the structure since the self-destruct mechanism were tempered by the Evolver/Hideauze. He’ll sacrifice himself to protect Earth from war that both faction had started millennia ago.
    Either scenario is possible after Ledo resolves his dilemma from the revelation and if Galactic Alliance manage to rebuild back their force to launch an assault on Hideauze nest.[/spoiler]

  41. LeviathanX on June 3, 2013 at 7:06 pm said:

    Man…. this is almost as fxxked up as Shin sekai yori…..
    ….the heck… o.O”

  42. I am tempted to not wait for the batch now, lol. But I’d much rather watch it all in one sitting XD

  43. skyhack on June 4, 2013 at 1:20 am said:

    No! Ika Musune CAN”T be a Hideauze!

  44. iprolyh8u on June 4, 2013 at 5:07 pm said:

    Well, least it’s an awesome show so far.
    Damnit Chamber T_T

  45. Oddmoonlight on June 4, 2013 at 5:12 pm said:

    If you guys have forgotten, it’s probably been a couple of hundred of years since that wormhole was built. You still think it would be even up in orbit in 1 piece for a device that was intended for one use before blowing up? I mean the current ISS needs constant repairs every now and then, and that was built to last for a while…

  46. daisukiyaki on June 4, 2013 at 7:08 pm said:

    @Oddmoonlight — It didn’t say explicitly it was going into orbit, but the news report said “Currently the front lines are limited to outer space and the launch sites on the surface.” Just after that is when the wormhole drive is shown. My guess is that it was constructed in outer space, not in orbit. When it fell apart, it would merely drift in space, not fall back to earth.

  47. Eircal on June 4, 2013 at 8:33 pm said:

    Did this make anyone else think about Shapers and Mechanists?

  48. MT-Switch on June 5, 2013 at 7:16 am said:

    @Oddmoonlight: You have a point, but as daisukiyaki has pointed out the wormhole device may be far enough from Earth to not be too greatly affected by Earths gravitational field. Also given the level of technology they are at, the device may have some stabilising propulsion to maintain its position, possibly using solar energy or similar long term energy source. Besides mechanical or electronic failure, the only other thing that would destroy the device would be asteroids and the like, assuming it wasn’t destroyed in battle.
    @AMg: I don’t think the distress beacon can be sent through the wormhole device since it needs exotic particles, as mentioned in the first episode, to be powered up and create the wormhole. Your second point looks interesting, in that the Alliance may come looking for Ledo (maybe some technician noticed a second wormhole open up while retreating during their Telecomy swing) and they manage to connect to the wormhole device, leading to confrontation and Ledo having a conflicting in interest that will ultimately result in him using Chamber to destroy the device and fight any alliance guy left over in the Solar system, throw in a twist in that the Hideauze also come to Earth and a huge two and a half way fight happens.
    If the wormhole device in space is how Ledo managed to get to Earth, assuming there isn’t another one located underwater at where they found him, then that raises some problems. How did Ledo survive the impact on the ocean when entering Earth, and if Chamber was active at the time to decelerate before impact why doesn’t it mention the wormhole device, unless its existence falls under classified information.

  49. LGrey on June 5, 2013 at 9:13 am said:

    I doubt Sony’s 2013 LED lineup can play the infamous h10p files. 😀
    AFAIK, they only add .mkv files in “recognisable container format”.
    The easiest & surefire way to test this is put some anime encoded in hi10p files in a USB stick, and bring it to the store to test it firsthand.
    Good luck.

  50. @rmarco21 : no, until today, there is no single hardware player capable of playing 10-bit H264 video commonly used in anime

  51. anonymous on June 5, 2013 at 12:34 pm said:

    for me, easiest way to seeing hi10p is using tablet and connect them with hdmi cable. since theres a few china quad core tablet now. of course, not full experience but probably close.
    and damn, humans is really scary, de geso~ ..is what i think of ika musume heheheh
    you doone it uroborochi, de geso.. ika musume uroborochi style is the best lol
    it`s.. probably going to end up quite normally..

  52. UTWfan on June 5, 2013 at 8:00 pm said:

    @AMG & MT
    [spoiler]i’m pretty sure in the played records it said that the wormhole device was destroyed after they left.
    ledo simply stranded there due to problems in his technobabblesubspaceddrive.[/spoiler]

  53. MT-Switch on June 5, 2013 at 8:21 pm said:

    @UTWfan: I recall the device being rigged with explosives to prevent the Evolvers from following the Aliiance guys, will have to watch that part to check if they actually blew up the device.

  54. black_lightning on June 6, 2013 at 4:10 am said:

    I squealed inside a little when I saw that pick

  55. @UTWfan
    I think the data disk didn’t stated want really happen to the wormhole device after the news clip; only simulation of the self-destruct mechanism were played. We don’t know whether it was destroy or not.
    I think Ledo’s Machine Caliber should survived the atmospheric re-entry since Chamber can deploy anti-shock shield automatically in emergency mode if that structure able to function after hundred/millennium of massive solar flare and meteor/micro-meteor/debris collision. I think Chamber cannot inform Ledo how they end up on Earth because the structure degraded to the point it assume it’s a pile of space debris or due to ionized effect of re-entry; it’s telemetry sensor cannot pick up the structure.
    I think the wormhole device is somewhere on the Earth’s Lagrangian point (probably at the Moon orbit) and stationed at further distance to safely detonated without harming any of the Continental Union allies/neutral countries that not able to follow them with that exodus.

  56. It’s kinda ironic that Amy was once Ika Musume…

  57. rmarco21 on June 6, 2013 at 2:15 pm said:

    @all the people who replied…The TV that i bought is a Sony Bravia LED TV..Not the new series and not 3d…It CAN actually play 10bit h.264 in its USB port BUT not perfectly because some colors are a bit lagging(Not sure if that’s the word to describe it)….If i rencode it using ANYVIDEO Converter to a normal H.264…..Plays perfectly in terms of video but when it comes to the OP song (OP song only but not yet tried the ED song), the audio is quite weird..10 bit or 8 bit, the sad thing is no subs are shown..When i tried the Xvid version, video quality is really good and subs are shown but there is still the problem with the OP audio…I tried other Xvid anime videos i have from another subgroup [SS] and it plays the OP with good audio..Maybe UTW uses some unique audio codec in its OP songs…

  58. shani on June 7, 2013 at 7:18 am said:

    The first thing that came to my mind after seeing this pic was Sugita-san in a desperate voice saying:
    “Onegai IKAnaide…”

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