DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Danganronpa_The_Animation_-_06_[h264-720p][5C54EB33].mkv
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Danganronpa_The_Animation_-_06_[h264-480p][6F39B201].mp4
Pretty sure several things happened in this episode, but the only thing I can remember (and obviously the only thing that’s important) is Asahina-tan crying in her nightwear.
Raze pls, that’s lewd.
^ I approve of this image. Thank you.
… and crying =(
thank you for danganronpa =)
Yuyu pls
Ah, happiness.
Thanks for the episode. Good work with translations. Really great job.
Celestia best girl!
I hope celestia and asahina die soon
how could they kill the best boobs in the show ? can’t see that happening.
Asahina has everyone’s babies.
True story.
Dat’s hawt.
Thanks again UTW!
any point in waiting for railgun this week or should i wait for the full film in 2ish weeks
there’s no railgun subs this week. Wait till they sub the movie.
First 23 minutes of movie aired in place of usual Railgun this week. There’s no point in doing this preview because movie BD comes out in just a few weeks.
Who wouldn’t want to comfort her?
@ 19:36 “The culprit the corpses” ?
just wondering, episode 6 still not available in irc
Thanks for the subs.
12:56 – missing “it” after at
Haven’t seem dat pic in ep 6. What is time when it appears?
Know what would reeaally make an episode even more memorable?
Sakura in that same dress. XD
Strange enough, when they first found Yamada, the bear ring the ball. When Ishimaru was found no bell was sung. I’m thinking the first bell was for Ishimaru (if you think, there were three people at the scene), while Yamada was still alive till they find him again
SD where/when??
Photokano batch when/where??
SD -> When its done (later on today).
Photokano batch -> When somebody feels like doing it/has time.
There is a mistype in this episode that I felt needed to be pointed out. “masdear” should be master. Otherwise good work with the translations.
It’s obviously intentional… pretty sure nobody could typo master into masdear!
If it’s intentional then that means they made up a word. Looked it up and there is no result for such a word. If this is in fact a word, then what does it mean? HorribleSubs use the word master in these lines which makes more sense.
Uh, i’m not 100% but pretty sure it’s just a made-up word from > Master + Dear.
Just finished the game.
The “premise” is nothing special. It’s redeeming quality lies on the class trials thus if you remove that from the game there would be nothing left. The “big reveal” can also be brushed off to the side completely since… who cares when everything is over anyway? If you’d ask me if its worth the effort for a TL then I’d say “no”. But that’s not to say the game is horrible. I’d say decent at best. Personally, I have 3 things in this VN that is noteworthy which would definitely improve my “decent” rank to “above decent”.
1. the title of chapter 1 being イキキル and it was translated as “kill free or die hard”. Now that I can actually read katakana I can further appreciate the TL note that they provided. It was rather flavorful of them to actually end up with such a translation.
2. That one particular hard question given by Monokuma in chap 6. The one heavily resembling Nanjo’s murder in game 3 of Umineko. If you’ve played the game you’d instantly know what I’m talking about. Took me a long time before finally answering it, and when I did the “wow” factor hit me hard. If not then you wouldn’t even know what I’m talking about.
[spoiler]3. Togami’s epic tsundere nearly the end game. I really lol’d there.[/spoiler]
If I had to guess, the biggest motivation for the TL team to do this could be purely because of note 3 alone. But that’s just me. And it seems UTW is also using Project Zetsubou’s translation more or less.
@ecchiskechhi: [spoiler]Yes you’re absolutely onto something. hint: this was also my impression when the corpse discovery announcement was made. I won’t spoil it here.[/spoiler]
I recently updated the CCCP codec pack and now this ep causes mpc-hc to crash. it says I can continue anyway and plays just fine. all other episodes start with no problem. I was wondering if you are aware of any issues and maybe suggest what I could do.
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