DOWNLOAD HD: [FTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_-_01_[720p][9172389F].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [FTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_-_01_[480p][0FC4800F].mp4
The Causes of Eighth-Grade Syndrome and Its Effects Throughout History
fotc (Mazui Subs, Unlimited Translation Works)
Eighth-grade syndrome (known also as chūnibyō) has gained a singular popularity in recent times as a universally experienced phenomenon. Despite its generally accepted universal nature, and while the particular symptoms of the “disease” are easily recognized, a formal treatment of its causes and effects is conspicuously lacking. In this multi-part article, the psychological, philosophical, social, and cultural causes and effects of eighth-grade syndrome throughout history are explored.
An effort is made to provide for the reader without background in the applied psychology, philosophy, and history sufficient knowledge to understand the exploration. The provided background is in no way exhaustive, and the reader is encouraged to pursue further study in the topics discussed. Furthermore, the exploration provided is in no means exhaustive or authoritative; expansions, criticisms, and counterarguments are encouraged and welcome.
The Causes of Eighth-Grade Syndrome and Its Effects Throughout History by fotc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Research was funded in part by FFF Fansubs.
Totally called it!
oh my god, thank you so much guys!
Wasshoi! Wasshoi! Wasshoi!
Thank u guys ^^
Based UTW
worth the wait thanks ftw~
Does this means UTW will be subbing Ren? AWESOME!!!
woggghhh.. really “FTW”
thanks FTW~
I <3'ed you guys, now I <3 you more.
You guys are terrible liars.
So it’s confirmed that FTW’s gonna sub chu2koi all the way?
All of my love. Take it.
Honestly, I won’t download any other subs work for Chuu2Koi Ren. Quality > Speed.
Thanks a lot FTW!
Anime is saved.
Never leave my side UTW.
What the…
Thank you very much UTW
always wait for this
Fuck Yeah, I am so glad I didn’t touch CR Version yet.
I already downloaded and watched Commie. Why would you do this to me
Thank you so much, guys, I knew we could count on you. Looking forward to your work this season!
Now~ off you go to the recycle bin commie
I love you.
I knew it, based ftw, it was all just a suprise.
My prayers have been answered.
Glad to see you guys are doing this – thanks for the release!
Thank you so much.
you guys are absolute LEGENDS for subbing despite simulcast. if only i’d known before i watched hs version
OMG, thank you, thank you. I fell for your trick. HS was alright, but it just didn’t feel right. I wuv you guys!!
A good start to the morning. Thanks FTW!
UTW – Quality assurance since 2010. I almost going to ignore Chuunibyou without you guys subbing it. Good job people !
I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about up there, was it about some kind of 8th grade syndrome ??? ==> have not seen S1<== :p ….
anyways i am pleased to see you guys changed your minds about doing this.
i remember last season the reason you gave for not subbing LB was because "it" was to be simulcasted, and you said doing it is equal to reinventing the wheel ??!! okay … while i might (partially) agree with this reasoning, but it seems CR are on there way to simulcast every anime out there, and HS say they are not shutting down anytime soon, that means you might simply stop subbing entirely, right ? heck why not all subbing groups stop for the same reason as well ? still … grateful for the change of mind, and hope this miracle happens again in the coming seasons too
Thank you all so much~
Who is editing this one?
wow! Thank you so much FTW!
Can i tell you that i love you
…… wtv.
*delete chuu2koi from random fansub on my HDD*
*start downloading UTW’s*
Yes, thanks. :3
So… I don’t have to send the ninjas in order to “persuade” UTW to sub Chuunibyou????
Guess I’ll spend the money in cookies and send them to you =D.
The last thing I’m gonna watch before going to sleep =)
Thank you so much for subbing this <3
Oh,thank you so much,i was about to watch the HS one…
omfg!! My net was just out for 24 hours and that was the best email I could’ve possibly woken up to! Thank you so much! you made my season
Thank you very much
Thank you based UTW, you are awesome
Manly tears of joy were shed. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS.
I am glad you’re doing this series cause you were the best group that did the first season. FTW joint for this season is pretty much the same as URW joint for the first season. Staff from rori subs went to FFF so the quality of the subs for this season should be the same as the first season.
Oh god how I missed these fotc posts.
Thanks FTW! You made my day!
You guys made my early kingdom rise again for subbing chu2koi! ren! Thank you very much FTW!!!
FTW yeah
Thank you so much UTW
Nice surprise.
Thanks to fotc and team.
based FTW FTW
Yes! So glad you guys decided to sub this, woot!
>no derivatives
Relicense please
I’m a Historiographer and I find this study worth a try. Thank you for the possible thesis.
Also, thank you guys so much for the episode.
Cheers from Brazil! o/
I don’t know about most people here, but UTW feigning ignorance over the highly acclaimed Chu2byou is just unfathomable. seriously, people should have a little more tact. UTW (Raze or archdeco in particular) trolled us back in Raildex (can’t remember where exactly, but seriously it was a long time).
Anyway, not really “surprised” by this announcement. UTW had always been my most loved group (despite some rare trolling here and there) back when I learned of raildex.
so, chu2byou BD where?
fotc’s posts never fail to amuse me.
I love you guys, keep up being awesome
Oh cool, didn’t know Creative Commons 4.0 was out.
@kidlat FFF is doing the BDs
Rikkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *-*
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
fotc best girl
*dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing**dancing* *dancing*
Eh, the sub is not as good as usual, but thanks anyway
Original TL?
Do tell us more sir “lel I’m an expert at Japanese hence I watch subs!!!1!!!1”.
Thanks for the release. ^_^ Did you guys do the OVA? If you did, I don’t think I ever got it. I need to look now. ^_^;
waiting for Seitokai Yakuindomo and ChuuKoi poll XD
Actually, we did drop this project for a while (well, from my perspective anyway). Even now, I’m not so sure picking it back up was a good idea, since this season will last until pretty much right before my Year 2 medical school finals.
If you’re happy that this is happening, you have FFF’s drive and human resources, and fotc’s passion to be thankful for. My role in this project will be limited to a quick pass over the script whenever I’m able to slot it into my busy schedule on Thursdays.
Note that this is going to be a low-pressure, take-it-easy project for us. We have no intention of speeding through it each week and couldn’t even if we wanted to due to real life commitments. Just so we’re clear.
Blimey, foreign language puns.
I’m joining the ‘BASED FTW FTW’ bandwaggon.
Plot twist: Deko actually likes cheese now, and is just faking it.
Kumin best girl, DFM best chuuni.
I don’t care if this takes a day or two longer to release as long I get a UTW release instead of the CR crap. And i bet there are many many ppl that are thankfull this is getting a FFF/UTW Release now.
Guys, don’t push yourselves too hard. My shitty head is conflicting with emotions right now. There’s gratitude that you’d do this for your fans and distrust stemming from your unpredictable actions and misleading announcements. What makes this more special than Refrain? I hope you don’t bother with EX. Non-Tamiyasu Sassasegawa Sasami is sub-par anyway.
UTW, Y U NO Sakura Trick subs ?!
Mezashite! picked up Sakura Trick, watch their release
Stop making email required you tards.
email: stop.making@email.required
Better late than never. We’re really thankful!
Thanks guys, you all are awesome.
There’s nothing wrong with you guys doing this show, but I really wish you’d stop pretending that simulcasts stop you from subbing shows. I don’t know if it’s meant to be some sort of inside joke, but you’re obviously a group that just subs what you want to sub. Which is fine, of course. It’s best for you to be working on the shows you actually enjoy working on, and there will always be people to appreciate your work. I expect that the recent trend of 99% of what’s airing being a simulcast will continue from now on, so it’s not like there will be much choice in the matter anyway. As long as it’s what you want to be doing, it’s a good thing to do.
Really, I don’t understand why some of you think we’re “pretending”, “being misleading”, or “trolling”. Would you rather we held true to our original announcement and not do it? I could certainly use the free time, and whether a show has good subs or not doesn’t affect me in the slightest. It was a change of heart after consideration of new factors that came to be after we made the original decision, nothing more, nothing less.
I’d also like to point out subbing what we want to sub and simulcasts stopping us from doing so are not mutually exclusive. Like I’ve said so many times before, it’s all about whether or not we feel it’s worth the effort, and that in turn depends on a lot of things.
This change of heart may seem hypocritical to you, but we were just trying to please. Maybe we shouldn’t have cared about what you guys wanted.
It at least -seems- that FFF/UTW intended to do this all along, and the “announcements” that it would not be picked up if a simulcast were trolling. Maybe that’s not the case, but that’s how it looks to people from outside when groups claim one thing (claim to have a simulacast policy), then don’t abide by it.
Does it really matter? No, fansubs are done for fun (or at least should be), and even outright claiming you won’t do a show no matter what, then “surprising” everyone by releasing it should probably be taken lightheartedly, (“aw, you got us!”) not as a deception by entitied fans (“how dare you tell us you weren’t going to sub it – and then sub it!”) or as some mean, vindictive plot.
Maybe the only real issue here is whether such things mess with other groups. Mezashite announced they were going to sub it since it seemed they fully believed FTW/URW were indeed not going to sub it, then FFF announced it and Mezashite pulled out stating FFF was going to sub it, but in general, it wasn’t clear to the majority of the community whether or not it was going to be a FTW/URW joint or just FFF going it alone this time.
It’s just not always clear to the community at large what the plans are, as group members usually only make their plans among themselves, and as groups share some individual members, sometimes they may be the only ones who know what they’re planning. Does a group have an obligation to tell everyone what they are going to do before they do it? Probably not. We all are lucky that anyone devotes their time to doing any of this at all. However, some transparency/honesty should be expected, at least towards the members of other groups when they’re deciding what shows to pick up, since those decisions are often based on what another group is planning to do or not do.
Maybe the complainers just don’t have a sense of humor, or don’t understand that sometimes decisions on whether or not to pick up a show don’t happen until the last minute, or sometimes even after the first episode has aired, to be sure it’s going to be a project worth picking up.
I’d say most leechers are grateful, and part of the fun of each new season is seeing who picked up what, whether that’s the we’re-absolutely-going-to-do-this-show announcements before it airs, or when the torrent first pops up on the tracker. Those who expect everyone to know what they will or won’t do beforehand, and run a fansub group like a business and treat leechers like paying customers are probably taking things too seriously.
Thanks for picking up up the show, even if it doesn’t get released for days after it airs, surely most people will wait for your release.
@Raze et al – Please never stop caring – I know I’ll enjoy your guys’ releases whenever it’s a show I want to watch, and I enjoy the amount of work that you all put into these projects. Whenever I watch your subs I always get the feeling that there’s someone who really cares about the final project and how it looks, and that’s invaluable – especially considering you don’t get paid for the work you put into these.
– Thanks for the fantastic subs!
Keep them coming, and hopefully you’ll be around for when Index III airs
Raze pls.
Trolls be trolling. Disabling the comments and doing whatever you want would be the best option.
Why do people don’t try to understand or forgive them? For me, if they don’t really want to do then it can’t help. They have real life also.I understand that because I have real life also. All of us have real life and you should understand that. Although still I don’t have real gf because of real life. Be thankful that they still sub this show with FFF and giving their time and work for free just for us. Even other “fansubs” didn’t expect this so they leave it to FTW because they have a big trust on them. Oh, my, I’m so worried right now that UTW might drop this because of what “other” says. Raze please, more patience. Like I said. Better late than never. Thanks UTW for dedication. Don’t mind~
I love sub wars. But not means comparing them to other fansub. It’s just myself only learning english and japanese from other people through their work so I’m thankful that I have 2 sub option for Chu2koi Ren (FTW/Commie) like in Season 1 (URW/GG). Although it’s not really necessary to learn japanese from anime because I know that they have polite way to speak just like in my country adding “po” to elderly.
Oh by the way, SYD* have high quality animation this season so they deserved high quality sub. Thanks UTW for subbing SYD*
Is it just me or is the artstyle different from season 1? It looks almost… cheap. Like the janitors drew this one. Maybe I’m just crazy.
Thank you so, so much. Please continue to sub great shows and have a good time doing it.
Wow would you guys shut the fuck up and stop being ungrateful little shits. We’re lucky they’re even subbing at all it’s not like they’re obliged to.
Thanks for the sub on Chuuni!! By the way, you guys are still doing SYD-Bleep, right?
I think Eighth-Grade Syndrome children are more of a right brained than the usual left brained children
Thank you guys for the change of heart and doing this with FFF.
I believe that this series is worth subbing by you guys.
When will release epsiode 2 of Chinibyou ?
when will release epsiode 2 of Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren?
There’s Lite episode on Net… Just sayin’
Awesome! I didn’t even know about this. It’s been a while since I’ve downloaded from you all, but I’m glad to be able to again, I like your subs ^^. Please tell me you’ll be doing Sword Art Online season 2, I saw the first season through you guys and not doing that for the season II would feel wrong xD
Looking forward to more parts of your article. Excellent Abstract, good sir!
There are also family Kung Fu systems which are passed on to the descendants.
Then in 39-92 AD, Pan Ku included “Six Chapters of Hand Fighting” in
his discourse on the history of the Han dynasty (Han Shu).
To use one takes a lot of skill, and they make it seem
so easy.