Unlimited Translation Works

Seitokai Yakuindomo Bleep – 11

One down, two to go… slow…

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Seitokai_Yakuindomo_Bleep_-_11_[h264-720p][197E7BA2].mkv
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Seitokai_Yakuindomo_Bleep_-_11_[h264-480p][5C5AAF82].mp4

134 Thoughts on “Seitokai Yakuindomo Bleep – 11

  1. blackice85 on June 8, 2014 at 1:49 pm said:

    Thanks, almost forgot about this lol

  2. BloomingDesire87 on June 8, 2014 at 1:52 pm said:

    Oh Yeshhh Baby!!! Awaiting the SD..and the rest!! xD… I can’t live with HorribleSubs subs xD

  3. ElPsy on June 8, 2014 at 1:55 pm said:


  4. None as yet. We’ll see what happens.

  5. tume on June 8, 2014 at 1:59 pm said:

    Finally. Thanks

  6. Vegeak on June 8, 2014 at 2:01 pm said:

    The rest of episodes will be released this week? Thanks.

  7. Benda_11 on June 8, 2014 at 2:03 pm said:

    Take your time, you lazzy faggots!

  8. Gaston on June 8, 2014 at 2:05 pm said:

    The episode is out and so is my

  9. Vajra on June 8, 2014 at 2:07 pm said:

    At last!!

  10. dark dragon on June 8, 2014 at 2:14 pm said:

    OMG, it’s alive! I’m so glad! My gratitude, guys!!!!

  11. anon on June 8, 2014 at 2:14 pm said:

    The time has come, and so have I

  12. Kojou on June 8, 2014 at 2:16 pm said:

    I hope you will do for SAO II on july

  13. Plantz on June 8, 2014 at 2:19 pm said:

    Someone pinch me I must be dreaming.

  14. No, we aren’t doing SAO II, sorry.

  15. Anon on June 8, 2014 at 2:20 pm said:

    I saw this and actually shouted “Oh my god” at the screen. I don’t normally do that. I was just so taken back by seeing it released. Dayum.

  16. PAD-O on June 8, 2014 at 2:22 pm said:

    Do you think you might do Prisma Ilya 2wei in summer?

  17. PAD-O on June 8, 2014 at 2:22 pm said:


  18. Dunno, if we can get a TLC probably.

  19. Kiyoso on June 8, 2014 at 2:25 pm said:

    Soooooo I’ve watched dai ni joo dai juuyon kou, and now I’m going to watch dai ni joo dai juuichi kou. Haruhi times are back and safe and sound.
    *despite all of the coldtemperish words, loudly cries IRL*

  20. Shit, gotta typeset 12 now

  21. Being jlr is sufferan

  22. Kiyoso on June 8, 2014 at 2:39 pm said:

    Being typesetter on SYD is always suffering (made-typeset-for-recent-OAD-kun).

  23. It’s not that bad, it only kinda stinx when you’ve got to knock the typesetting over in 24hrs lol. I’ve typeset the last couple of eps nearly solo and yeh it could be worse, just the sfx kinda get on your nerves after a while.

  24. Kiyoso on June 8, 2014 at 2:48 pm said:

    Those sfx are realy annoying (especially when program cannot track it accurately).

  25. Archie on June 8, 2014 at 2:49 pm said:

    Now the wait is over! For this episode at least, now to wait another 2-3 months for the next episode.

  26. Branden on June 8, 2014 at 2:52 pm said:

    There’s not even a point in you guys doing this show anymore.

  27. @Branden
    Do you think we care? We do what we want to do.

  28. Arthain on June 8, 2014 at 3:01 pm said:

    Thank you UTW! I didn’t bother to touch Horriblesubs because there’s just too much crap that needs a proper touch in SYD! And I’m glad I waited! YAY!!!

  29. Furan on June 8, 2014 at 3:02 pm said:

    @ar challange yourself and typeset the 3D spinning Suzu sign 😀

  30. Vegeak on June 8, 2014 at 3:05 pm said:

    The rest of episodes will be released this week? Thanks!

  31. faggotdebois on June 8, 2014 at 3:06 pm said:

    Hope you will do Extra Chorus soon.

  32. @Furan
    It’s not that hard to do, but it would require hardsubbing. Not really possible with softsubs and vector drawings.

  33. archdeco on June 8, 2014 at 3:10 pm said:

    Nope. Not next week either.

  34. >Not really possible with softsubs and vector drawings.
    I’ve always said it and you prove it right there — fansubbing is science. Now for my question, professor ar.
    Do you think it’s possible that you guys might pick up the new Urobuchi show airing this summer? Or is the question whether you will sub anything to begin with? Quite frankly, another season without UTW subs will make me kill a Hadena staff member or two (cause, you know, it’s Hadena and someone’s gotta do the dirty work).

  35. @Enz
    Honestly we won’t be picking it up (we don’t really have many active translators atm who aren’t kinda burned out themselves), but some of the other guys are definitely going to do it (not with us) and their releases will be what I’ll be watching myself.

  36. MT-Switch on June 8, 2014 at 3:19 pm said:

    Two more to go before I can start a marathon session, I hope you guys do a straight or fixed batch.

  37. Jay-kun on June 8, 2014 at 3:20 pm said:

    Thanks! 😀

  38. odoxzz on June 8, 2014 at 3:28 pm said:


  39. @ar
    Thanks for the answer, mate. It does make me sad to hear that but after all you guys have given us over the years it’s hard not to be understanding. While it’s nice that certain members will work on the show, it won’t be the same for me since it’s the unity of UTW that makes your subs so good (okay, yeah, that was cheesy).
    Well, what else can I say? I hope to see UTW back in the fall season. F/SN can only be subbed by you guys but I certainly wouldn’t object to more shows being done.

  40. Iluz on June 8, 2014 at 3:44 pm said:

    Holy f- I think that my heart literally skipped a bit.
    Thanks guys. I love you guys. I hope that we’ll be seeing more shows under the UTW banner sooner than later.

  41. saverio on June 8, 2014 at 3:45 pm said:

    Is this true?! Is it real?!! Thank you! Thank you!!
    m(_ _)m (°o°)< ooooooohhhyeahhhh

  42. it’s very very late, but it’s worth the wait for me (>..<)7

  43. IZEROII on June 8, 2014 at 4:08 pm said:

    It is sad to see UTW slowly loosing steam as far as desire/time to pick up and release a show. I just hope to see at least one or two projects (or a movie) a season unless there is legit no interest in anything. We all know UTW and F/SN needs to happen. Keep it going guys.

  44. Dracarys on June 8, 2014 at 4:19 pm said:

    Maaaan , FINALLY ¬¬

  45. macxxx007 on June 8, 2014 at 5:33 pm said:

    Been waiting for this one!
    Thanks so much!

  46. misterwolf on June 8, 2014 at 5:48 pm said:

    Woot!!! Thanks!! Just wondering any chance you will pick up the ova next year?

  47. rifter on June 8, 2014 at 7:32 pm said:


  48. Missingno. Force (^.^) on June 8, 2014 at 7:59 pm said:

    Okay, spoiled myself with HS but UTW is always worth the rewatch, many thanks were given 🙂

  49. K.N. on June 8, 2014 at 8:24 pm said:

    At last, thank you for your hardwork 🙂

  50. arolarola on June 9, 2014 at 12:00 am said:


  51. MPythonFC on June 9, 2014 at 12:22 am said:

    Thanks guys for getting it out and not abandoning it.
    Looking forward to the next one. Maybe make it a birthday present for Shino?.. (12th June, been watching season 1 again while waiting!)

  52. about fucking time, jackasses.

  53. Kaineng on June 9, 2014 at 1:38 am said:

    Could you make that three? Finish (slowly) the OVA too?

  54. Procrastinating on June 9, 2014 at 3:58 am said:

    Zensub has already done the OAD, so I doubt UTW is particularly motivated.

  55. Goddamn on June 9, 2014 at 4:16 am said:

    This blew my mind when I saw it scrolling past all that puchimas garbage
    I guess I had really given up

  56. fgsfds on June 9, 2014 at 5:06 am said:

    Why is everyone thanking them for being late?

  57. Thanks, I guess.
    *dildo drop*

  58. Tiberium Wolf on June 9, 2014 at 9:03 am said:

    Because we don’t have “good” alternatives.

  59. RPGamer on June 9, 2014 at 12:19 pm said:

    Thank you UTW!
    I shal commence on worshipping your awesome release right after this post.

  60. Baumkuchen on June 9, 2014 at 3:12 pm said:

    I’ve got a problem with one typeset (~08:30 and ~08:46):
    MPC-HC: http://i.imgur.com/5dIA91h.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/v6Gn3aW.png
    VLC: http://i.imgur.com/bWaWXD3.jpg and http://i.imgur.com/ksITJSL.png
    I’m using xy-vsfilter Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

  61. Awesome! Muchas grassyarse! Ignore the assholes. They dont deserve the attention.

  62. I second that Raz, thanks for getting this out ar.

  63. boingman on June 9, 2014 at 11:11 pm said:

    Agree, Fate/Stay Night (2014) by UTW has to happen, even if it’s the last show that your group will ever work on.

  64. @Baumkuchen
    Install this, should fix it. Wrong font version got collected by Aegisub.

  65. Thanks again for this. Damn I love this show! Since i haven’t watched it in a while i forgot.

  66. Baumkuchen on June 10, 2014 at 4:41 pm said:

    Great, everything works now. Replaced the wrong font and did a remux.
    I guess it was supposed to look like this: http://i.imgur.com/M1LZvRw.jpg
    Thanks a lot!

  67. sasukeskapa on June 10, 2014 at 9:59 pm said:

    Thank you for the release, it was really ….. lewd :DDD

  68. Kiyoso on June 10, 2014 at 11:42 pm said:

    Is that the same font that’ve been used in ED? Cause I see Default style’s one.

  69. @Kiyoso
    No. Just download the font I linked.

  70. Theata on June 11, 2014 at 9:10 pm said:


  71. Jocko on June 11, 2014 at 10:30 pm said:

    At the end of the OP, around 2 minutes, the text from Shino says “Learned that thing from earlier?”, and when it fades with the bg it reads “Remember that thing from earlier?”.
    Thanks for the release.

  72. Raison on June 12, 2014 at 1:58 pm said:

    Thank you for not giving up on it. Even till now before I saw this I’m still stuck at episode 10 waiting for your releases.

  73. Palle Kuling on June 12, 2014 at 3:45 pm said:

    Thank you for releasing this. I have been waiting.

  74. nope on June 13, 2014 at 2:18 am said:

    Why is there so much crap on the main page? kinda hard to find any content.

  75. Hkun Pan Ja on June 15, 2014 at 11:20 am said:

    thx For da release even though is late!!

  76. Draniz on June 15, 2014 at 11:53 am said:

    Thanks for the release

  77. anoooooon on June 17, 2014 at 12:16 am said:

    Wow, even more shit on the main page. *wades through shit to get to good stuff*

  78. ar, could you slap fotc for continuously adding to the puchimas to the point it now occupies 2/3’s of your main page? It’s wearing out my scrollwheel trying to get past it.

  79. shirogai on June 20, 2014 at 3:52 am said:

    The main page… Wow, thats a mess….
    @ar Anything you can do to get that to stop? RG’s point is actually legitimate….

  80. RealBirdy on June 20, 2014 at 7:59 am said:


  81. booyah10 on June 21, 2014 at 4:06 am said:

    I can finally continue after ep. 10!!!!!
    Thanks guys!!! Keep it up!!!!!!

  82. ar, thanks for talking some sense into fotc

  83. pedro the mehican on June 25, 2014 at 10:01 pm said:

    Where be the Puchimas? The only reason I come here?

  84. pedro the mehican on June 25, 2014 at 10:03 pm said:

    It was really only long live that was spamming the front page. Puchimas didn’t take up much. Just crappy image of long live under puchi titles.

  85. keemeef~ on June 26, 2014 at 6:19 pm said:

    I believed!!

  86. anon on July 2, 2014 at 2:58 am said:

    ar you gotta reign in fotc again. And the translator.
    Or just tell us if this is actually dropped or not. I know the tl doesn’t want to work on it anymore, and that’s fine, but let me know so we can stop waiting on this.

  87. fotc can’t be helped, he isn’t doing anything obnoxious per se. So no need to rein him in!
    And it’s not dropped as long as the TL said he wants to finish it. But I can’t give you anymore information than that since it’s upto him when he’s feels like doing it. As far as I’m concerned as long as he does it eventually it’s fine.

  88. anon on July 4, 2014 at 8:54 pm said:

    Well, I guess that’s what I get for complaining.

  89. kjsadg on July 18, 2014 at 11:54 pm said:

    I have a sneaking suspicion that maybe you’re being dishonest when you say that this is ever going to be finished

  90. Truth Hurts on July 20, 2014 at 4:53 pm said:

    i don’t say anything anymore because i’m tired of your craps and i have one question.
    are you guys even trying?
    why i’m asking that? they released ep12 22/03 yes 2 days to 4 months .d funny isn’t it? 2ep-4 month.i think you should finish the your ongoing projects and close the UTW because it’s not working anymore.
    this is not game or any kind of entertainment.people donating money to keep animes released on time.maybe 2-3 days or 1 week late but not 4 months.you guys being hidrance in anime world.people can start give this money to hardworking translate groups or palestine,idk something useful.
    So,you guys thinking translation is a game and this is funny,please leave this job for the anime world’s sake.

  91. anon on July 22, 2014 at 1:24 am said:

    6 weeks since the last update on this. If it’s dropped then just tell us so we can stop waiting. If the translator wants to translate it then he should just get it out of the way. There’s no good reason for sitting on this as long as you have, especially after getting so far into it.

  92. BeerWench on July 26, 2014 at 2:07 am said:

    @ Truth Hurts
    That’s just it, it’s NOT a job to them. They voluntarily sub ( or not ) these animu for us.
    When you, me or anyone else gives them any money it is a VOLUNTARY DONATION. Not a buy / sell transaction
    Unless otherwise noted by whomever wanted what ever subbed fast. and agreed to by UTW.
    And yes I am fucking pissed at this faggotry. But bashing them won’t help shit. They owe us nothing.

  93. hdyun-kun on July 26, 2014 at 8:04 am said:

    you’re right,yes it’s a voluntary work not a job and not just you,everybody know it very well.we know that but 4 months man.we respect them but they don’t respect us.they know people are waiting and everbody knows this is not normal delay,this is intentional act,who the fucking busy entire 4 months?all they do is producing excueses but this is the end man.
    And i don’t agree with you in “they owe us nothing” topic.they owe people proper translation,proper timing release.they just can’t keep waiting people for their pleasure.Doing a voluntary work don’t give them this right and “VOLUNTARY WORK” issue only acceptable if they’re working.Do you think they’re working on it?
    for harsh comments,i want to say that some people are short-tempered but you know 4 month isn’t short time .d
    i know utw for a long time and this syd* cause a damage on their reputation.they were a good translation group.But now….
    Anyway,good luck guys,i hope you can finish this show soon.just so you know,we’re STILL WAITING here .d

  94. MoeHikan on July 26, 2014 at 9:45 am said:

    We need to calm down.
    I think in this situation,this show’s translator is wrong not UTW.i’m sure they’re working on it.
    They’re good at translation and i hope they continue to do it.I’ll wait patiently but i hope you guys do BD of this show.

  95. Keroro on July 26, 2014 at 12:28 pm said:

    UTW==> Unlimited Translation Waiting 😀

  96. anon on July 27, 2014 at 3:02 am said:

    It’s a too late for the usual “be patient” stuff, though. We’re WELL beyond any reasonable “hey a guy got sick/busy so we’ll be late a week or two” or anything like that. Episodes normally take less than a few hours to translate, don’t they? Even if he only sat down to work on it for 30-60 minutes every week, wouldn’t he have finished by now? We’ve entered a complete willingness to not translate this. This is something that UTW has expressed an interest in finishing. They have an implicit obligation to either finish it or let us know they won’t work on it anymore. You wouldn’t tell your friends you’ll do them a favor and then back out without letting anyone know; it’s just common courtesy.
    I want to see the final two episodes translated properly, just as much as the next fan, but this wait is unreasonable. Just any sort of official update on the show beyond “Stalled at TL NOW” would be deeply appreciated.

  97. GenerlisimoTsundere on July 28, 2014 at 4:55 am said:

    Unless one of us explicitly hires UTW to sub this for the masses. Then no, they do not need to finish this or tell us shit.
    Fact is UTW is doing this as a hobby ( read as for themselves) / for love of anime (same thing just with an altruistic name ) / for the E-penis. All donations are just that DONATIONS to support them in doing this. Not payments for work completed or even commissions to have anything done.
    While it certainly is very understandable that many people will think they need to finish it. Fact is no they don’t.
    They already did us a favor by subbing even one episode of any anime. And that is still more then +99,99% of us leechers will ever do for our anime community.
    All I got to say to them is THANK YOU for subbing the anime I enjoy watching, even if you delay the fuck out of it thanks for not dropping it. And you know what even if you do drop it that’s still ok, shit happens , boredom happens, w/e happens. I’ll get pissed reasonably but I’ll still understand. And in the end X out of Y episodes is still better then 0 out of Y episodes !
    For what it’s worth I’m still holding out hope that you’ll do this.
    And to all you little entitled fags :
    Some things humans are entitled to. Are free medicine when one is sick, a living wage minimum wage. Easily gotten jobs that pay it.
    Our taxes easily cover it. Yet no you deserve nothing says uncle sam. Because hard work herp derp American way herp derp back in my day herp derp or just too bad so sad the pussy you popped out of was the wrong one, try again next time.
    Go bitch at the shit that needs bitching, you stupid imbeciles.
    Not at people that could have much more easily went to bed, had a nice meal, had sex, played video games,
    other shit relevant to their lives. But they CHOSE to sub our Chinese cartoons. For that I say thank you no matter how imperfect the result is.
    /rant over

  98. UTW is a great, if not one of the best subgroups out there in my opinion. Like many, I have been waiting patiently for SYD* to finish the subbing, where I haven’t watched a single episode and have been waiting for them to finish it completely.
    But can we please not blame the entire UTW group? As they said themselves, right now it is only the TRANSLATOR that’s stalling the rest of the staff. We shouldn’t blame everyone if it is one person who is delaying it.
    As long as the translator will finish the show, no matter how long it takes, I’ll be happy. But in my opinion, it be nice if we get some word from the actual translator him/herself if they will in fact finish it. Maybe they are really busy with something else, or maybe they lost interest, but I think it be best to finish it cause leaving the last 2 episodes would feel like a waste of time for not completing it when you’re that close.
    Slight tease but how does someone lose interest in subbing something as funny as SYD 😛
    Perhaps they can change translators? Who knows. I just hope they can finish the series.

  99. hgh6hyhg on July 28, 2014 at 8:09 am said:

    yeah,utw’s members are homeless,old mans,abused childs, bla bla bla. almost cried .d.d
    sorry,but we don’t care idiots who say animes are chinese cartoons so F U C K off or learn something before you comment,dumb .d

  100. ripRTY on July 28, 2014 at 8:27 am said:

    yeah,moehikan and sad are right.translator is problem,not utw.i know utw has great members but i blame utw with one reason.they know the situation but they do nothing about it and i hope utw can take action about this show.This is not going anywhere with this TL,imo.

  101. T-Rexxx on July 28, 2014 at 10:22 am said:

    Please finish this show.

  102. GenerlisimoTsundere on July 28, 2014 at 10:35 am said:

    That is the most incoherent, unreadable, piece of bullshit that has ever had the misfortune of being written.
    As such, it is clear you are to blame. For all delays, in all anime that have ever been or ever will be.
    Only when your cold dead corpse is burning in the fiery pits of ten thousand hells can we have a chance of ever seeing good anime.
    And here’s a pro tip : it’s written “FUCK” with no spaces. Are you such a coward that the mere thought of fucking makes you grab your baby dick to check if it’s still 100% never gonna be used ever ?

  103. GenerlisimoTsundere on July 28, 2014 at 10:43 am said:

    P.S. and sorry for double posting.
    Yeah I haven’t watched an episode of SYD s2 either. I believe what UTW have said that it will get done eventually.
    Translator-kun please try to find it in you to finish this Chinese cartoon. I really really really like it and would appreciate greatly being able to watch it.

  104. @GenerlisimoTsundere
    Yeah. It doesn’t help at all with people getting angry for (a hopefully very delayed and not cancelled) show. Did UTW state they cancelled it? No!
    As far as I know, there is absolutely no other group with UTW’s quality doing SYD*. I mean I can go to horrible subs, but like their namesake, it is quite horrible. I’m actually waiting for the BD versions, but no group seems to have done them yet either…
    And people slamming UTW, I’m pretty sure calling them names and insults does not motivate them any further to complete it. Please for everyone’s sake, lay off the insults and swear words and switch to more civil ways.
    The term “Chinese Cartoon” that GenerlisimoTsundere is using is a pun and kind of like an inside joke. We know anime is Japanese, but we sometimes refer it to ‘Chinese Cartoon’ cause it’s funny 😛
    So Mr. Translator, please know you have our support in this, and even though it is late, please finish the show! And to all the people slamming UTW, please be a bit more patient…

  105. GenerlisimoTsundere on July 29, 2014 at 4:02 am said:

    Some times being civil amounts to little more then wasted effort. Ultimately however, I would rather you be correct, rather then myself regarding being civil to solve problems. +1 to you good sir.
    I will however offer an apology to UTW, if I have offended anyone of there staff. That was not my intention, at all.
    That however does not fly for people like hgh6hyhg. I honestly care less about people like that, then I do about weeks old dog turds.
    I believe that getting a civil discussion isn’t a right but a privilege. I want to be respected therefore I offer my respect when I talk first. barring a few choice colorful words that I mean no harm with and will take none if same is replied to me.
    Such as : “This show is fucking amazing, best shit I’ve seen in a fucking long time” regarding SYD s1.
    Reply : “Fuck yeah bro”
    I believe this style is something akin to showing sincerity by rejecting mundane taboos. To demonstrate that the spoken / written content was not a thin facade of sweet behind which anything and everything may hide.
    However to people who right of the bat show nothing but cheap entitlement, lack of empathy for anything other then themselves. My answer will be. “They asked for it and I’m happy to deliver to the best of my abilities.”
    However to people who had nothing to do with the crapstorm I again offer my apologies.
    But I will ask, that you try to understand that being a witness to shit and not calling it out is basically condoning it.

  106. BeerWench on July 29, 2014 at 5:05 am said:

    ^That and arguing on the internet is a hobby of his 😛

  107. aerg on July 30, 2014 at 9:43 pm said:

    There is nothing about this discussion that’s “right off the bat”, you dweeb.
    It’s been two months since episode 11 was put up (episode 11 having been a month late itself). There’s been a remarkable amount of patience shown, but there has got to be a limit. If the translator doesn’t want to do it, which he clearly doesn’t, then he should come out and say it and stop letting people get their hopes up. Maybe then this can be passed off to someone who actually gives a shit and it can be done.

  108. GenerlisimoTsundere on July 31, 2014 at 2:55 am said:

    I have to agree. Even if technically, neither the translator nor UTW as a whole. Owe any of us nothing.
    It’s still polite to explain to his/her fans why s/he can’t translate this in the foreseeable future.
    However here’s the kicker. Any explanation offered by the translator will NOT speed up the translation. Also as is human nature and or his current stress level. It may lead to him/her being even more pissed at us fans thus delaying translation even more. In regards to UTW simply asking a different translator to finish this. I’m rather sure UTW are a bright bunch. If they didn’t do it. Then suffice it to say, why don’t we just have aliens beam down and translate our beloved Chinese cartoons for us. / end sarcasm
    As for us fans being patent, that’s just a prerequisite for you know having dignity and being above raging retarded twelve year olds.
    Allow me to demonstrate what I mean.
    You aerg have not subbed anything for me. Therefore I should conclude that you as a part of the anime community are the most worthless member ever. The same can be said of me and frankly +99.99% of us.
    But wait, neither you nor me have opened up a fagsub website. So we have zero responsibility right ?
    True only if we keep our mouths shut. The second we speak up. We are in essence standing on the same stage as anyone at UTW. With that in mind what have you or I done for the community ?
    Donated, you ask? Well that’s very kind of you. But donators must understand that donating =/= purchasing or even commissioning for that matter.
    Donating = Hey dudes you’re cool. Here’s some spare cash I can give you if you want it.
    By donating you are taking a gamble that the money donated will help the group translate more Chinese cartoons. You however get no guarantee that it will. Tis the nature of the beast known as “FAN SUBS” NOT “FOR-MONEY SUBS” or “THIS-IS-OUR-WORK SUBS” but FAN SUBS
    So what can fans do to help other fans ( and themselves ) see this released in UTW high quality?
    Are you a Japanese to English translator of very high competency ?
    Can you help ?
    Know anyone who is, can they help ?
    Unless anyone can answer yes, then no you can’t help. and asking is likely to make it worse. Positive encouragement is the best, we who answered no can do. That’s just fact. Is it fair. No, it is not. But unless you can do something about it FOR REAL. Then guess what, no one cares, and you’re making it worse. Thanks for delaying my Chines cartoons BAKA!
    As for hiring a pro translator. Most won’t even touch this stuff, you know copyright and shit.
    The ones that will are more likely to be worse then CR and them mofos ain’t nothing to write home about.
    From my understanding bare bones no frills translation of a script like SYD will cost upwards of $750
    Also bare in mind we already have a free translation from CR. And well it’s shitty!
    I understand you are busy, probably stressed. But please if you can help it, try working on SYD. It would really make me and a lot of other people ( and fags ) happy…umm ok don’t think about the fags NO ONE wants them to be happy. Still some good people would really appreciate if you can finish this 🙂
    Good luck with what ever it is that has you so busy / stressed. Fight hard. Play harder. Never give up!

  109. hgh6hyhg on July 31, 2014 at 10:49 pm said:

    Please,shut up man.i’m sick of you and your unnecessary writing.all you write is “we must wait,donation is not buying,translator must be busy.i’m good guy others bad….” you say same bullshit everytime.if you’re going to write same shit,why are you writing that damn thing again?.nothing changes in your completely rubbish comments.it’s all same thing.
    But don’t worry,i understand.i think you just love arguing on internet and seeking attention.people wait answers from UTW but you keep replying every comment.UTW’s translators have keyboard,if they want to write,they can write,they will write.Who cares your shit anyway.are you in UTW? answer is:NO.so SHUT UP,please.
    PS.you can reply this comment,it’s natural because it’s addressing you but stop meddling with other UTW releated subjects.if you want attention so badly,you can burn yourself.i recommend it and with this,world will be cleaner.

  110. mother of hgh6hyhg on August 1, 2014 at 4:52 am said:

    I apologize for shitting out of my cunt hole that faggot.
    I was very drunk one night and raped to death a smelly old hog.
    Abortion in my shitty country failed and piece of shit hgh6hyhg was born.
    I try kill it every night but it won’t die.
    I pray they bomb with nukes our terrorist country to kill this thing I sorry created.

  111. @hgh6hyhg
    I almost got brain cancer trying to read your post. It is painfully clear you do not understand ENGLISH.
    So why do you even care about ENGLISH fansubs.
    Go back in your cave, you damn terrorist.

  112. hgh6hyhg on August 1, 2014 at 8:20 am said:

    if you gou brain cancer,i’m happy for that.
    i’m not sorry for my english.

  113. HonestLurker on August 1, 2014 at 10:54 am said:

    It’s sad that what drove me to make my very first post here wasn’t gratitude for UTW’s releases which by the way are exceptional. Not a fun conversation among anime fans. But simply that I could not stand seeing what this “hgh6hyhg” is saying.
    GenerlisimoTsundere is one hundred and fifty percent correct when he said that you [hgh6hyhg] are to blame for the long delay. Frankly if I was the translator or anybody in UTW and saw your stupid self righteous blabbering. I would be disgusted enough to NEVER release anything ever again.
    Without getting too long winded, I’ll just tell you this. You, hgh6hyhg, are just a sad little man incapable of even forming coherent thoughts. Your English is disgustingly abhorrent, your grammar is at best abominable. The sight of you not using a capital I in your ” I’m(s) ” is repulsive.
    You’re not sorry for your English? Anyone however who even remotely understands English is!
    Not using proper English is no more a crime then not using proper Swahili.
    The difference is non of us English fans go to Swahili fansub sites and troll them in god awful Swahili.
    In short what I want to tell you is :
    No one cares what you think. You have EARNED ZERO RESPECT from any of us. No one here, not me, GT, Anon, Sad or anyone else needs or wants your permission for anything. Not for posting anything, not for replying to anyone nor for having the capacity to use proper English to express our thoughts. If it pains you to read them. Then just go away. Honestly your existence here is delaying our ENGLISH SUBS.
    As such I wish you would just keel over and never show up again.
    I know that is asking too much, so I’ll say this : GenerlisimoTsundere or anyone else. Please do not reply to this mentally retarded, angry little man anymore he is simply not worth it. Trying to have any kind of discussion with him, is like trying to have a meaningful conversation with a leaky bag of fresh dog / pig turds.
    LMAO @ mother of hgh6hyhg comment
    Ha, hope at least you had it neutered !

  114. T-Rexxx on August 1, 2014 at 11:37 am said:

    Any progress on remaining eps?

  115. BeerWench on August 1, 2014 at 12:07 pm said:

    I blame hgh6hyhg for causing this cluster fuck of a delay.
    Dear translator
    Please don’t pay too much attention to the raging retard(s) messing up the comments. But they are funny to bait 😉 I hope everything is good for you.
    Reason I’m commenting, I wanted to give my thanks for all your hard work up til now.
    I don’t know if you know this. But all your work hasn’t gone to waste. Watching your translation of SYD Bleep
    put a smile on my face,likewise on many other fans I’m sure. It may not be a lot, but you have my sincere thanks for your hard work. As well as that of my BF, GenerlisimoTsundere. Who still hasn’t watched a single episode.
    We both wish you all the best for the future and earnestly hope your situation will allow you to finish this someday!
    Good karma, you have it ♥

  116. @ hgh6hyhg
    Do you know what “Almost” means ?
    What the hell is this “gou” word you used. Is it sound FX of you sucking cock while writing.
    > AND
    i’m not sorry for my english.
    Please go kill yourself. Your posts are a misery, to the entire English speaking world.
    I suggest drowning, so you can at least have meaning as fish food.

  117. asdjhfsd on August 4, 2014 at 5:01 am said:

    Well look at that. SYD is dropped.
    You sycophantic dickriders can all go and kindly off yourselves now

  118. OhshitIamgoingtorapeyoufaggots on August 10, 2014 at 1:21 am said:

    Just informing you shit sucking cunts that I actually had faith and waited and even had a down period of not watching anime, only to find that this still hasn’t been translated.
    Just stop translating you lazy normalfag assholes. You’re just stringing people along and giving them false hope that they will actually get a good release for a show. You might as well jack it in and go live your successful normalshit lives and forget about this whole thing. Everyone would appreciate it more than being fucked over
    And fuck you Daiz you finnish wanker

  119. @ asdjhfsd
    Where does it say that SYD is dropped?

  120. purposelycryptic on August 15, 2014 at 8:31 pm said:

    Was mentioned in post for Fate/Kaleid Liner, sadly :{
    “In related news, UTW has announced that it will outsource work on Seitokai Yakuindomo Bleep (“SYD*”) to legal Japanese animation subtitle and streaming provider Crunchyroll.”

  121. GenerlisimoTsundere on August 16, 2014 at 12:25 am said:

    That along with the whole Dr.Raze got raped to death by crazy lesbians. Sounds more like SARCASM.
    Then an actual “news post”
    Sadly many people suffer from acute sarcasm blindness. While this might be desirable for automatons.
    Humans exhibiting this condition are frankly indistinguishable from an old log or a brick. Sad really as an understanding of sarcasm is needed to fully appreciate SYD ( at least s1, I’ve not watched s2. Nor will I until UTW either releases or drops )

  122. poiuytre on September 7, 2014 at 4:08 am said:

    I keep thinking that if I come back to this page often enough, something will have changed
    I am constantly disappointed

  123. SkullSkill on September 9, 2014 at 11:23 am said:

    Still waiting 🙂
    Take it easy, you might just as well as release BDs directly, that would be much more appreciated
    I love how UTW subs every show very nicely, and for that account I will always wait 🙂
    God bless you, wise and noble souls (y)

  124. So how much do the BD’s usually cost? I’m sure some’re out by now. Does anyone have a price?

  125. so, did the translator for this show fall off the map or whats going on? (assuming like others that the one post was complete sarcasm, esp since CR already finished the show long ago)
    and just a side note, you are wrong on one part GenerlisimoTsundere, it wouldnt have to be just the fans asking the translator for progress (in general, not just for this group) so when that happens and someone does post asking for status (a fan) the one who asked and knows can just make a quick post while the translator is still doing his or her thing, nor would they be upset about it because one would assume the question on progress by someone in the group would be asked maybe once or twice a day (if they even work on it that often)

  126. olshadow16 on November 18, 2014 at 3:24 am said:

    Can we expect the show to be finished anytime soon?

  127. I want to believe!

  128. GoobyPls on November 22, 2014 at 11:03 pm said:

    I’m still waiting for this to be finished. I literally cannot find another group besides Horriblesubs that is releasing this AT ALL. Last episode posted in June. I’m really losing hope that I’ll ever be able to enjoy this season.

  129. Just two more episodes, stay strong guys!

  130. Sauber on January 21, 2015 at 9:19 pm said:

    I’m still waiting. I’m not joking. I have yet to give in and watch the horriblesubs.

  131. does anyone know what other sub is doing this, i dont wanna watch horriblesubs and i have waited long enough

  132. Taffelsson on January 25, 2015 at 10:58 pm said:

    Any minute now.

  133. sasukeskapa on January 26, 2015 at 1:23 am said:

    This will be a legend. Hopefully not a legend like Duke Nukem Forever…. 😀
    “Not giving in to HorribleSubs” hype 😀
    (The reached the level where it doesn’t matter anymore how long it takes. If we could wait this much even a few century is no big deal anymore, IMO :D)

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