Thanks for doing F/Apoc. And for letting us know about F/E.
Will you folks be doing F/HF when it is out though?
Or are you guys officially retiring. Again.
Thanks for doing Apocrypha, it was a great ride with you guys.
Sad to hear that you are not doing Extra as well, but I can understand as it was probably hard to do Apocrypha at this tempo as well.
Thank you for Apocryhpa, may the blessings of the Holy Maiden be upon you.
ohh man what a finale.. i nearly cried..
Huge thanks UTW for keep doing this after all the problems you people had irl. Too bad you are not making the next one. Personaly i would wait for your work no matter how it could take.
I really hope you do the BD release for this one at least.
As for the rest impatient stupid bastards on the comments all this time. I wish when for whatever reason big or small you delay do something in your life, to have someone like you to yell and talk bs at you just like you did all this time.
I would like to thank all of you for your hard work subbing this series. You did amazing work and I wish all of you the best in the future.
Thank you once again
“Also no we’re not planning to sub Fate/Extra.”
But Amakusa is. And no amount of Jeanne whining at him that the dead shouldn’t lead the living will convince him otherwise.
Thanks for subs XD
Kinda surprised you aren’t doing Fate/Extra though as you have done all the Fate series since your group has formed. Well hopefully someone else that does quality subs will pick it up. Thank you again for the good job with Apocrypha.
Thanks for the subs guys! Too bad about Extra, but I hope to see you back for Apocrypha Blu-rays, at least (where I hope you’ll have the time to revisit your subs and fix any typos and whatever else you feel should be fixed). Hope you have a great 2018 and thanks once again!
Not matter what people said, I truly appreciate all the effort UTW put for subbing this series. Thanks you and hope to see you with new project sometime in the future.
I was being a smartass, but HOLY SHIT! Last time I looked, the only english translation for AW:IB was babelfished from a spanish translation, and it’d hit the point where I just assumed no one was going to touch it. Thank you for making me look again!
Good, let another group take care of Fate/Extra, they’ll do a better job with it for sure. It’s time for this group to retire, permanently this time. You don’t have what it takes to fansub properly.
Thanks for Subbing “Fate/Apocrypha” it was much Appreciated, i look forward to seeing what is coming up next for UTW. To bad about UTW not Subbing “Fate/Extra”, but that is just as the the Cookie Crumbles i guess! Just hopefully another Subbing Group or Someone else Picks up “Fate/Extra” to Sub that does Decent Subbing for “Fate/Extra” ! But Thanks Again for the Great Job you all Did!
Thank you guys for all the hardwork. Despite being a bit late with the last episode, you STILL beat Netflix to it by miles.
In a way, thank you Netflix for bringing quality subs back to life.
If there’s anything Netflix should learn from this, it’s that anime fans prefer simulcasts over “binge all in one go” formats, and if they fail to deliver, we shall seek the high seas once again.
We shall see if Violet Evergarden will change how they stream anime.
Really hope someone / a good group will sub “Fate/Extra”. A shame that UTW won’t be, but I can’t complain – they’ve put out top grade stuff for free for all of us, many thanks for that!
Thanks a lot (from France) for your work on this anime!
By far the best translation to me (APEX was good too)
Except Fate, any plans? Looking forward to your next subbing
i have a tiny dick and even smaller balls. the balls are above the dick also. the balls hand down around the dick like the ears on a basset hound. the dick stinks and i hate it. the balls do not smell. however, i also hate the balls. thank you.
Love the work you guys have done and superb translation! Also with your permission can I ask permission in sharing a batch upload of UTW translation of Fate/Apocrypha?
Thank you so much UTW <3
You have brought along so many good translations.
It is really hard to express the gratitude with just words…
Thank you.
BTW. Do you guys feel any interested in doing a translation for the Code Geass Recap movie?
If you dont know or understand what I am talking about. Here is a link!
Here is the 3rd one. 3 Recaps movies will be coming this year (2018) The first one was released on Blu ray and DVD the 23rd february.
Sorry for being greedy!
Have a wonderful day. Thank you once again
I wanted to grab a bluray batch of the show from UTW, but I guess I’ll just have to look for a bluray release from someone else that uses UTW’s subs, or mux the subs in myself….It’s been forever now, it doesn’t look like they’re coming back to do it. Though it wouldn’t be the first time…UTW really needs to quit it with their uncanny ability to randomly disappear for like a year without warning, leaving their projects hanging in the loop. Either stick around, or quit, but choose one or the other, and make it clear to your fans which option you’re going with. The current practice is extremely frustrating for everyone involved…
I can’t help but checking back every once in a while in the hope that UTW will revive one day…
At least the website lives on unlike most sub groups of the past.
Alas, hope ya’ll are well.
Thank you so much for the sub and letting us know your stance on subbing Extra!
Fate/Extra pl0x
Fate/Extra pl0x
Hell Yeah !!
thank you so much for the subs!!
Thanks for doing F/Apoc. And for letting us know about F/E.
Will you folks be doing F/HF when it is out though?
Or are you guys officially retiring. Again.
>Also no we’re not planning to sub Fate/Extra.
Cries in disappointment.
Thanks for doing F/A though!
Thanks for the subs, was a great ride. This was the best Fate series I have seen, perfect finale!
Thanks for doing Apocrypha, it was a great ride with you guys.

Sad to hear that you are not doing Extra as well, but I can understand as it was probably hard to do Apocrypha at this tempo as well.
Thank you for Apocryhpa, may the blessings of the Holy Maiden be upon you.
Thank you for subbing Apocrypha.
Appreciate you!
KME, what about the BD batches?
“Also no we’re not planning to sub Fate/Extra.”
i heard that before
No one’s seeding….ouch. Thanks for the good work btw.
Thanks for all the work on Apocrypha, much appreciated!
Thanks for all the hard work folks. I’ve been a fan since back around Amagami SS, and I’ve always enjoyed your work (and love the group name).
Thank you for bringing us Fate/Apocrypha.
Shame that you guys aren’t subbing Fate/Extra Last Encore.
tnx for the ride
Thanks for the good work, really apreciated.
Why aren’t you guys subbing extra?
Thanks from UBW through the present. Peace.
Thanks for coming back for this, I really appreciated it.
Thanks for all the work subbing this!
Thanks for all the hard work!
Thank you!
I’m sorry you’re not going to sub extra as well… But will you still be here for other anime? Or is it a farewell? T.T
Thanks for all your hard work guys. I’ll be keeping an eye out so let us know if you plan on doing anything else.
ohh man what a finale.. i nearly cried..
Huge thanks UTW for keep doing this after all the problems you people had irl. Too bad you are not making the next one. Personaly i would wait for your work no matter how it could take.
I really hope you do the BD release for this one at least.
As for the rest impatient stupid bastards on the comments all this time. I wish when for whatever reason big or small you delay do something in your life, to have someone like you to yell and talk bs at you just like you did all this time.
I would like to thank all of you for your hard work subbing this series. You did amazing work and I wish all of you the best in the future.
Thank you once again
“Also no we’re not planning to sub Fate/Extra.”
But Amakusa is. And no amount of Jeanne whining at him that the dead shouldn’t lead the living will convince him otherwise.
She is best girl.
Thanks for the subs, really brought back the memories seeing [UTW] in my torrent folder.
Thank you for your service!
Thanks for subs XD
Kinda surprised you aren’t doing Fate/Extra though as you have done all the Fate series since your group has formed. Well hopefully someone else that does quality subs will pick it up. Thank you again for the good job with Apocrypha.
Thank you.
>Also no we’re not planning to sub Fate/Extra.
What about Accel World: Infinite Burst? Can we ask you to sub THAT?
Thanks for the subs guys! Too bad about Extra, but I hope to see you back for Apocrypha Blu-rays, at least (where I hope you’ll have the time to revisit your subs and fix any typos and whatever else you feel should be fixed). Hope you have a great 2018 and thanks once again!
4 groups already did that, more redundantness.
Not matter what people said, I truly appreciate all the effort UTW put for subbing this series. Thanks you and hope to see you with new project sometime in the future.
Thank you for your hard work! You made another fate available to us who can not read moon runes! Thank you!
I was being a smartass, but HOLY SHIT! Last time I looked, the only english translation for AW:IB was babelfished from a spanish translation, and it’d hit the point where I just assumed no one was going to touch it. Thank you for making me look again!
Good, let another group take care of Fate/Extra, they’ll do a better job with it for sure. It’s time for this group to retire, permanently this time. You don’t have what it takes to fansub properly.
Thanks for doing this series!
God Bless U all UTW.
thanks for your effort.
Thanks for all the hard work for Apocrypha! \o
heaven’s feels when?
Thanks for the hard work. Was nice seeing the site again.
Thanks for all the hard work UTW!
Thanks for Subbing “Fate/Apocrypha” it was much Appreciated, i look forward to seeing what is coming up next for UTW. To bad about UTW not Subbing “Fate/Extra”, but that is just as the the Cookie Crumbles i guess! Just hopefully another Subbing Group or Someone else Picks up “Fate/Extra” to Sub that does Decent Subbing for “Fate/Extra” ! But Thanks Again for the Great Job you all Did!
Thank you for subbing this Anime.
Great work! Hope to see your projects again in the future
Thank you guys for all the hardwork. Despite being a bit late with the last episode, you STILL beat Netflix to it by miles.
In a way, thank you Netflix for bringing quality subs back to life.
If there’s anything Netflix should learn from this, it’s that anime fans prefer simulcasts over “binge all in one go” formats, and if they fail to deliver, we shall seek the high seas once again.
We shall see if Violet Evergarden will change how they stream anime.
No need to plan it. Just do it.
Thank fuck, now someone better will do it.
Really hope someone / a good group will sub “Fate/Extra”. A shame that UTW won’t be, but I can’t complain – they’ve put out top grade stuff for free for all of us, many thanks for that!
Thanks a lot (from France) for your work on this anime!
(APEX was good too)
By far the best translation to me
Except Fate, any plans? Looking forward to your next subbing
Just wanted to say thanks so much for this release.
thanks for everything, will this series be in 1080p?
Thanks a ton for this release! Ya’ll are awesome <3
i have a tiny dick and even smaller balls. the balls are above the dick also. the balls hand down around the dick like the ears on a basset hound. the dick stinks and i hate it. the balls do not smell. however, i also hate the balls. thank you.
I suspect you guys will do heaven feel instead? I mean its the arc every fate fan is waiting all this time xD
If UTW translate Fate UBW BD vol 2 and heaven’s feel movie i would die happily <3
Love the work you guys have done and superb translation! Also with your permission can I ask permission in sharing a batch upload of UTW translation of Fate/Apocrypha?
Thanks for the tip Ivan
Too bad about Fate/Extra. You will be missed.
>Also no we’re not planning to sub Fate/Extra
There are already decent (good even?) subs out for Extra.
Chyuu subs are the best one for Extra
Thanks guys!
Illya movie Oath under Snow when?
So, I’m guessing we will see you guys at work when Index III comes out then?
I heard a rumor that guys are working on the Seitokai Yakuindomo Movie.
Thank you so much UTW <3
You have brought along so many good translations.
It is really hard to express the gratitude with just words…
Thank you.
BTW. Do you guys feel any interested in doing a translation for the Code Geass Recap movie?
If you dont know or understand what I am talking about. Here is a link!
Here is the 3rd one. 3 Recaps movies will be coming this year (2018) The first one was released on Blu ray and DVD the 23rd february.
Sorry for being greedy!
Have a wonderful day. Thank you once again
The BD is out (all episodes)
Any plans or dates for releasing a BD batch?
Any ETA on the BD’s?
Batch never.
Sigh, they’re dead without a word AGAIN? I wish they would stop doing that… -_-
The announcement should be batch never ever.
I wanted to grab a bluray batch of the show from UTW, but I guess I’ll just have to look for a bluray release from someone else that uses UTW’s subs, or mux the subs in myself….It’s been forever now, it doesn’t look like they’re coming back to do it. Though it wouldn’t be the first time…UTW really needs to quit it with their uncanny ability to randomly disappear for like a year without warning, leaving their projects hanging in the loop. Either stick around, or quit, but choose one or the other, and make it clear to your fans which option you’re going with. The current practice is extremely frustrating for everyone involved…
Still dead
At least do Heaven’s Feel. The other Fate stuff can wait.
UTW is DEAD too..
the only choice is move to privete tracker fot BD hiks…
Hatsuyuki fansubs are better anyway.
I suddenly can’t log in anymore for some reason, so I guess my account was deleted…that’s nice…Really drives home how dead this place is I guess…
Yeah, sorry. Couldn’t be bothered copying all that info over ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Are you guys ded? Started watching anime first from this site when angel beats was airing. Good times
Any chance of doing Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0?
No chance
Always great to have less uncertainty, thank you for taking time to reply!
I can’t help but checking back every once in a while in the hope that UTW will revive one day…
At least the website lives on unlike most sub groups of the past.
Alas, hope ya’ll are well.
i’m calling for TND
also Fate Apocrypha sucks total ass