DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Nekomonogatari_Black_[720p][4C075E10].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Nekomonogatari_Black_[480p][52719F1A].mp4 [DDL]
Here you go: the full Nekomonogatari Black release! This release would not have been possible without the enormous effort and time put in from everyone in the team, but __ar, who practically killed himself typesetting these past two days, deserves special mention.
Some comments from the staff:
ar (Typesetter/Encoder/GuyWhoStartedThisHell): Tsubasacat is too lovely~ Also fuck SHAFT and their shaking text.
Ulrezaj (Translator/Editor): Wait, we’re not doing the next season of this too are we? D:
Raze (Translator/TLC/Editor/QC): TIME TO GO BACK TO HAVING A LIF— shiiiiit I still have F/Z Blurays to do.
fotc (Translator/TLC): Kuroneko = mai❤waifu. Kobato = mai❤imouto.
Moshiburner (Translator/QC/Mascot): Wait, I’m a mascot now? Uhh…good shyow. meow.
Sutai (Typesetter): Nadeko the best.
Sindalf (Timer): Coming soon…
archdeco (Timer): Needs more Senjougahara.
fnord (OP Translation/ED Kara): I like -monogatari.
And that’s it! It’s been a crazily intense past couple days subbing this show, and I hope you enjoy our work! I’ll probably announce our next season plans soon.
P.S.: We decided to release the whole thing in its entirety to avoid the issues that would stem from releasing two files, having to fix the audio issue in the first, having to come up with some magical way to help you guys join the two together etc. It does mean our earlier release is now redundant, but it’s the saner strategy to go with.