Unlimited Translation Works

A Certain Magical Kinshomokuroku II – 07

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_II_-_07_[720p][5AE671CB].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_II_-_07_[XviD][30A04A1A].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SCRIPT: [UTW-Mazui]_Toaru_Majutsu_no_Index_II_-_07.ass

Ulrezaj: lol @ Kuroko hulk smash scene
Moshi: lol @ Touma jumping through rocks
Raze: lol @ tornadoes on Accelerator’s back
Kusion: Touma and Accelerator are so badass.

57 Thoughts on “A Certain Magical Kinshomokuroku II – 07

  1. amen665 on November 20, 2010 at 1:28 am said:

    first…. cuz im bored and looking for anime all over the place>>
    thx for lighting quick releases!!!

    DDL not working.

  3. Dauntae on November 20, 2010 at 1:29 am said:

    Thank you very much! Keep up the exemplary work!

  4. inb4 rage about no Amagami

  5. Yyyyyeeeeesssssss. /Megatron
    I needed this to forget about the disaster that was Amagami 20. Thanks!

  6. mabuharo on November 20, 2010 at 1:39 am said:

    wow u guys found new capper that quickly? i thought after the EF drama, it would take 1 or 2 weeks
    Thanks for the hard work UTW!! im looking forward to the razion’s single

  7. Mazui slowpokes.
    @mabuharo; both the previous and the new encoder are part of gg and so most likely didn’t get their EF access revoked.

  8. Episodes 1 – 5 batch when?

  9. fuck yeah! i was waiting for this shit!

  10. Huzzah

  11. heimdallr on November 20, 2010 at 1:58 am said:

    Thanks for the release. I was a bit worried about what could happen after the EF drama but it seems my fears were groundless. 😀

  12. macxxx007 on November 20, 2010 at 2:24 am said:

    yaaaay! Thanks for the subs!

  13. No extra subtitle track for Sparky and Pikachu? Disappoint.

  14. dark_skeleton on November 20, 2010 at 3:09 am said:

    It’s 4 AM now… and yet… I guess I’ll watch that right after grabbing \o/

  15. @Natsu1
    no, Mazui has their own capper

  16. dragon132004 on November 20, 2010 at 3:58 am said:

    This Episode was EPIC….
    Touma and Accelerator Rock.. Thanks a lot guys.

  17. Yay for biribiri!

  18. Oooh!! Thx!! btw, still no Amagami SS BD?? vol 3 is out…

  19. awesome episode, thx for the hardwork. shall be waiting for amagami ^^

  20. njmanga on November 20, 2010 at 5:34 am said:

    Thankyou for the subbing as always, as always you guys rock

  21. Screen shot shows promise.
    Thanks for the quick release <3

  22. Thanks, too bad the current arc seems to be shitty as hell.

  23. @go3001
    BD1 was done a few weeks back. BD2/BD3 just came out but since it’s 2 volumes per month release schedule and it’s only Raze & I working on them, they basically get finished whenever we finish them.

  24. Alright, so
    lol@all the loli violence this season. uncomfortably awesome.

  25. zekk_skywalk on November 20, 2010 at 10:07 am said:

    Clusterfuck. N. Def: facing Kuroko, Mikoto, Touma, and Accelerator all in one evening.
    Touma isn’t the only one with misfortune…

  26. dear my friend, every day now, always be with you~~
    meh. nice raildex episode. i do agree with other people that the guys are getting away with hitting girls just like that. its kind of, unpleasant. maw.

  27. dragon132004 on November 20, 2010 at 10:35 am said:

    If your enemy is a girl and you see what she did to Kuroko, Stabbed her,beat her, shot her then to make things worse she kicked her many times while she had all those injuries..
    So lemme ask you if hitting that opponent is getting carried away then , how are you gonna face up that one??????????????

  28. point taken sir. haha. we’re talking psycho gals on this show. nvm then. then a bit of beating from accel and touma wouldnt hurt, heck. they may even get attracted to them boys for beating them up for all we know. haha. i could be wrong though.

  29. Thanks from Portugal guys!
    I love you all, with all my heart!

  30. seyrine on November 20, 2010 at 1:03 pm said:

    thanks guys!! this wont fill the void that is amagami, but it’ll help cure my withdrawal symptoms. 😀

  31. Thanks for another episode! But seriously, of all the possible versions, why “Biribiri”? Oh, well… Still the best available translation, though.

  32. Question to the encoders:
    Is an SD version encoded with x264 not feasible?
    If IQ couldn’t be improved any more, maybe at least file size would get a bit lower?
    Best regards,

  33. question, how many lolis left will they punch in this show?

  34. thewizardninja on November 20, 2010 at 3:02 pm said:

    None. There’s still two females to go though.

  35. Thanks for Index II.
    Don’t care about that fat herp derp Rihoko, but make sure that for next week’s Amagami, when the new arc starts, you have a capper for it.

  36. njmanga on November 20, 2010 at 4:38 pm said:

    love this series

  37. FUCK YEAH!!! Accelerator win BIG. I got enough dose of Biribiri and Kuroko now 🙂

  38. Shadow-F-Asura on November 20, 2010 at 5:24 pm said:

    OMG frecking epic…seriously epic! and i know this is a wierd thing to comment on but the lighting during to kuroko fight was also epic….this show just keeps on giving!
    Thank You…Thank you! lol yep you got 2!

  39. Ok so I’m halfway through but had to ask.
    [spoiler]Is the villainess objective really just to find out if awesome psycho-soldier-dolphins (or ants…) are possible?[/spoiler]

  40. Testicular Sound Express on November 20, 2010 at 11:27 pm said:

    Ah, good ol’ Gender equality. If it can be pawnched, Pawnch it.

  41. @wawa
    [spoiler] Yes, because then humans will no longer have to be used to experiment on. Outside of Academy City the ESPers are treated in a similar manner to the mutants in X-men. They have to constantly be worried about keeping their powers in check. This is especially difficult for Awaki; as you saw in the episode she has trouble keeping herself under control. [/spoiler]

  42. Why is Last Order so perfect?

  43. seyrine on November 21, 2010 at 9:14 am said:

    @Sartaj: cause she’s a portable misaka you can take anywhere… 😀

  44. Thanks!
    My my, they *really* like hitting women.

  45. dragon132004 on November 21, 2010 at 2:05 pm said:

    I’m one who by all means don’t like the parts when it comes to hitting girls..But;
    As I mentioned if you’re opponents were psycho girls who won’t hesitate to torture or even kill you then what are you supposed to do then? How you can handle an opponent like that?? Give her a hug!!
    Not to mention, Accelerator was holding back, you know he can easily kill his opponent by touch them but he instead he chose to hit Awaki that’s all…

  46. @Dragon132004
    “As i mentioned if you’re opponents were psycho girls who won’t hesitate to torture or even kill you then what are you supposed to do then? How you can handle an opponent like that?? Give her a hug!!”
    And then you’ll get killed by giving a hug. 😐
    A real psycho wouldn’t calm down by a simple hug and you know that’s too damn cliche. psh. feminist.

  47. GX-9901 on November 21, 2010 at 4:43 pm said:

    ^ dude was being.. what do you call that. sarcastic y’know.

  48. dragon132004 on November 22, 2010 at 6:37 am said:

    As for “Give her a hug!!” Of course not.. I was just joking, being sarcastic you know, my bad if you didn’t get it LOL.

  49. Which software did you use to make a gif out of a defined time in mkv, like in utw’post A Certain Magical Kinshomokuroku II – 02?

  50. what gift?

  51. [quote]what gift?[/quote]
    I think they are asking for a Razion version of “No Buts”. 😉

  52. Thank you guys!
    Whoa. Next time, Misaka’s mom. Fuck yeah.

    I got over the punching girls shit
    The back tornadoes totally made up for it. fucking lol

  54. actually no. I changed my mind. SERIOUSLY WTF. They help the wtf wind crossbow guy but punch the girls half to death? HON ESTLY?

  55. Obviously the best way to combat a loli is with acute cuddling. Hugs are just the front line.

  56. testing

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