Apparently, yesterday was our good leader’s birthday. Yes, this is Raze.
Alas, we all forgot it was his birthday (I blame it on him not telling us).
Oh, yeah. That’s my waifu—I asked her to make something nice for Raze. Sorry I can’t help, Mikoto! I’m just bad at baking ;_; (she’s going to shock me for not helping her out, maybe I should go see if she needs some help… hmm, but she does have Kuroko helping her… wait, that may be bad! Okay, gonna go make sure Kuroko doesn’t do anything stupid!)
What the UTW staff did for his birthday:
– __ar wrote some AviSynth script to detect scene changes, obviously a waste of time that could have been used to say “Happy Birthday, Raze!”
– Kusion fapped to some Mikoto pictures hidden on his HDD. This was obviously the best use of time.
– Nikon stayed useless, as he usually is. He’s not a good friend.
– Ershin was out with his IRL waifu. Good man!
– Moshiburner was probably studying or some shit.
– fnord was dicking around, probably trolling some poor sap.
– commander`A (who’s this?) wished Raze a happy birthday. Too bad no one cares about him.
– Shuugo was playing his OreImo PSP game (I’m assuming).
– Bob64 posted one (1) link to 4chan.
– Zir0h was probably fapping, too.
So, to make amends, we’re wishing him a great, big, happy birthday via the UTW website!
Late wishing is late… Just admit it that you niggers didn’t even remember about it. I wished him as soon as it turned 21st. Suck it, faggots.
Wow Happy Birthday Raze!
Oh my god, all that fapping =D
Anyway, a late happy birthday from me as well. Hope the cake was not a lie, Raze!
Btw, I hope Shuugo leaves my Ruri alone =p
happy birthday ,raze
Look at all that Juice!
I feel sorry for commander’A about what u’ve written about him
.. oh and is Raze the Misaka Mikoto baka?
.. guess all of us should get you the real her as u only got 21st birthday once in a life
Happy Birthday
Well happy belated birthday then
.. and that was the first time Commfag ever released anything on time.
Though Happy Birthday Raze, hope you had a good one mate.
fappy birthday, Raze!
Happy birthday, Raze!
Say thanks to your parents to made sex on day and created some guy named Raze.
raze, belated happy birthday to you sir! always appreciated your work from way back. [TMD-Raze] on FMA:B hope you had a good one!
Poor comfag.
[?? ???? ??]??(??-?)~?
Never thought I would say grats to someone on the 21 march since its my birthday aswell but nevertheless, Grats!
Happy Birthday, Raze. Hope you had a great time. ^_^
a script to detect scene changes? fascinating.
Just keyframes or something more advanced? what would you use it for? convenience in Ktiming check?
Happy birthday too, Xeb!
Happy day-after-birthday Raze :3
And then there was cake …
It’s using mvtools+cframediff to detect scene changes. I’d say it’s mostly to try and produce more accurate scene change detection than the xvid encoder. I’m using it to output some yatta data + produce a fake xvid keyframes based on the scene change detection (which is the same as a normal xvid pass 1 stats except it uses generic I/P frame values so it’s only good for keyframes).
It’s mostly for encoding uses where having fairly accurate scene change detection is beneficial for automating some things.
There’s nothing really out there to do it, so I thought I’d try and figure out a good way to do it myself.
I doubt it would be much use to most people as is, but here you can take a look if you like.
!ezaR yadhtriB yppaH
Gah, you’re 5 weeks older than me…
Happy birthday Raze!

hope that u will always bringing high quality release (and don’t forget moar FAP)
I was fappin to Misaka-sama as well. Happy birthday Raze!
Raze Tanjobi Omedetou Gozaimasu!
March 23 > March 21 Happy late birthday Raze!
Happy birthday, Raze. I hope you enjoyed it.
To the whole UTW team: I appreciate the subs!
Happy Birthday,Raze The Sub Master! lol
happy birthday!
is Raze crying?
Happy belated B-day, Raze and Xeb! =)
Happy Raze, birthday! Yours is the birthday that will pierce the heavens!
Happy Birthday Raze ^____^
Keep up the awesome work
Happy belated bday
Happy birthday and stay sharp,raze.
May Mikoto anally rape you today on your late birthday.
happy birthday raze
I did think it was kinda wierd that Ryuumaru / commander`A got to it before you did. ah well happy bday anyway ‘3
@kojika that pic is freaking adorable
goddamn it kusion you fucked up the categories with your misaka faggotry. let’s face it, misaka doesn’t like guys who aren’t on time. get it? on time? ohoho.
happy birthday, raze! my gift to you is masterful wordplay at kusion’s expense as per above.
Lol’d heartily at the post. Thanks guys! XD
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone. And of course, happy birthday to you too, Xeb!
Happy birthday!
Happy birthday chief
Aw dude Raze shares my birthday.
Happy Birthday Raze!
Heres your present:
[spoiler]The wonderful suspense in wondering what this message is before clicking it! And the letdown and lulz after reading this message![/spoiler]
Happy Bday. I would send you e-cookies, but you may not like the taste..
Congrats Raze, I will fap to my Amagami folder as a present, you’re welcome.
??? and __ar = ??????
Happy Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy B-Day
Late, but thought counts 
btw Commander is head of Ryuumaru subs as i remember
Happy b-lated birthday!
It was William Shatner’s birthday yesterday (the 22nd) he’s 80 now…
Happy birthday Raze =^^=
Happy belated birthday, Raze!
Happy Birthday ^^
happy bday dude =D
Happy bday raze!!!
Happy birthday Raze!
BIrthday Happiness to the Great one!
happy belated birthday!
HELL YEA, time for a birthday beat down >:)
here’s an old scipt I used for playing my x-files dvd’s on my lcd screen.
It’s got a conditional for screen changes , and a conditional which detects combing but negates if the combing is also visible if the even and odd planes are stcked on top eachother ie : if it’s actually something in the frame that “looks” combed.
It does use tdeint as a deinterlacer though , mcbob is way too slow to be used realtime. it’s easily replacable. (replace tdeint(video,mode=0) by mcbobu(video).selectodd())you can also omit the blackmanresize bit. It would need some tweaking , since interlace detection in anime can be more precise.
mpeg2source(“VTS_03_1.d2v” )
AudioDub(BlackmanResize(conditionalfilter(video,tdeint(video,mode=0),video,”(YDifferenceFromPrevious() > 4.5 || YDifferenceToNext() > 5) && IsCombedTIVTC(video,cthresh=10,MI=80,chroma=true,blockx=16,blocky=16) && (!IsCombedTIVTC(Overlay(video.SeparateFields().selectodd().addborders(0,0,0,240,$000000),video.SeparateFields().selecteven(),y=240),cthresh=8,MI=80,chroma=false,blockx=16,blocky=16))”,”=”,”true”),1920, 1080, 0, 0, 720, 480,7),NicAC3Source(“VTS_03_1 T80 2_0ch 192Kbps DELAY 0ms.ac3”))
The above post. Lol.
Happy belated birthday, Raze!
well sure .. Happy Birthday goes without saying of course.
And yes it uses YDifferenceFromPrevious() and YDifferenceToNext() to detect scene changes , which was why I replied here in the first place after reading the “What the UTW staff did for his birthday:” bit.
Shhh…[spoiler]Surprise! Happy Birthday Raze![/spoiler]
No weaboo comments?
Anata no tanjobi?? Omedeto gozaimasu!
Also, getting old past 18 sucks, there’s nothing to celebrate.
Happy Birthday man.
Happy belated birthday. I-it’s not like I went through the effort to say that after seeing how late it was or anything, don’t get the wrong Idea. I was just in the area.
RULES ! & 2 !!1!1wanwan