DOWNLOAD 1080p: [UTW]_Carnival_Phantasm_-_05_[BD][h264-1080p_FLAC][078E60EB].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD 720p: [UTW]_Carnival_Phantasm_-_05_[BD][h264-720p_AC3][B3A88264].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Carnival_Phantasm_-_05_[BD][XviD][9FAA6F96].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
I mean, come on. How can an episode about Berserker running an errand not be funny? XD
__ar really deserves a special mention here. A lot of man hours was put into the typesetting for this release with the sheer number and variety of signs. I’m sure you’ll agree with me once you’ve watched the release that he did a phenomenal job once again.
As usual, only the 1080p version contains the audio commentary. This episode happens to have two commentary tracks: a regular one and an Ilya one.
No torrent? ;_;
No torrent no fun ;_;
been doing F5 all day
727.99 MB!!! o_o
You got the labels mixed up, lol.
Btw, I noticed just now… what are those commentaries in 2nd audio channel? XD
Been waiting eagerly for this, especially after I finally got Tsukihime to work to actually understand the references :X Muchas gracias!
I just read the title of the episode in the image and couldn’t avoid laugh! Let’s see this episode!
You guys are amazing, Thanks.
I am the tracker of my torrent
Seed is my body, and Peer is my blood
I have created over a thousand torrents
Unknown to TokyoToshokan, nor known to NyaaTorrents
Have withstood slow connections to download many series
Yet, those eyes will never watch anything
So, as I pray… Unlimited Torrent Works
Thank you very much, UTW.
Having only downloaded the 720p encodes before, are the commentaries subtitled?
Pure awesomeness. Well no question that I’m getting the 1080p for the audio commentary.
I was just ready to hot the sack… and this happened ( =___________= )
gah! your awesomeness is giving me sleep deprivation!! ლ(¯ロ¯ლ)
Yay, thanks a bunch!
Does the commentary tack say anything about Mahoyo or you just recalled it? lol
‘ll wait for a couple of episodes after munchin’ on this. Thank you UTW guys.
Pingback: Carnival Phantasm ~ 05-08 (Carnival Phantasm Season 2) | Welcome to Genesis
@KuroZERO I agree.
Awesomeness ETA 5 mins….
[spoiler]Be right back, changing pants.[/spoiler]
No, now seriously, thanks UTW <3
What does the audio commentary contain?
Funny, I was just saying, “Also, WHERE IS MY MAHOYO TYPE-MOON GODDAMNIT ARGH,” (or close enough anyway) in my channel comments last night, because playing Fate/Extra reminded me of it.
WE (or at least, I for sure) LOVE YOU!!
p.s.: going to have exams soon.. hoping to enjoy CP-S3, MBAACC, Mahoyo, Tsukihime-re and Girls Work NEXT YEAR!! WOOOOOOOOTTTTSSSS!!!
this is madness! CP 5!
Thank you so much UTW, another great job \o\
S2 is somewhat boring compared to the s1.
Probably because none of the MB charas are present in it.
Oh wow… what a horrifying thought… BERSERKER DOING AN ERRAND! O_O
Still awesome, though… Thanks for the episode, UTW, and thanks for the typesetting _ar
Oh man, I’ve been waiting for this to be subbed since I saw the raws. I love you guys so much right now.
4 frames (unless I’m mistaken) with glorious unreadable at actual speed typesetting.
That’s some dedication right there.
Once Again, Carnival Phantasm is insanely funny. On to the next 3 episodes.
It’s okay Raze I’ve been waiting nearly a year too. :<
ah, niormally i usually only get 720p’s due to filesize, but.. but.. my beloved ilya givign audio commentary? theres not even a question of course ill get this one in 1080p!
The fuck? Who encoded this shit?
Thank you!! I’ve been waiting for this.
PS: Poor Lancer..
Best episode till now!
Berserker and Lancer are soooo good friends =D
so, are the commentary audio tracks supposed to be un-subbed? because if they are supposed to be, i don’t see any. am i doing it wrong?
They aren’t subbed.
;_; b-but why?
This is such a funny contrast to Fate/Zero, e.g. Gil who is easily defeated.
I love you guys for this. THANK YOU
Has anyone seen Iliya’s Castle… that was freaking funny. I’d play that game.
@DmonHiro its a minigame in fate/hollow ataraxia. and yeah its a lot of fun.
so will UTW make a sub file for the separate audio tracks?
@nobody: Did they make any for the commentaries of the other episodes? No.
i actually just found out that season 1 came with audio tracks when i came here to download ep. 5. i torrented season 1 from nyaa, so i didn’t even know there was at the time.
>As usual, only the 1080p version contains the audio commentary. This episode happens to have two commentary tracks: a regular one and an Ilya one.
I’ve been downloading the 720p versions for my 13″ laptop.
Leysritt!!!!! FUCK YEAH!!!!!
This shit could use more Leysritt.
So there you have it. Defeat Gil with your blade, grab Lancer as your new blade. Can’t go wrong.
Just what I was waiting for ( *w*) … though I wish someone could translate the text for the commentary tracks and put it up somewhere (including the ones for the first season).
So when are you guys going to release the next one?
is there any chance that you will be subbing the bonus audio track?
I laughed my ass off before I even hit download. Great SS for the ep.
This was wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Better than season 1 indeed!
>>”Nested between the hills and the sea, Fuyuki City is abound with nature.”
Ow ow ow ow
[spoiler]Panasonic EVOLTA[/spoiler] wut
Next time work fasetr you lazy fucks
Next time spell it right you damn fucks
Wow… There’s really shitload of typesetting on this episode, and you did all of that nicely. Thanks a lot, UTW Team!
thanks UTW.. but i need small bytes of video for my collection
Thx for this really funny Episode guys. I’m still rofling in my Roflcopter
MAHOYO FUCKING WHEN? I demand more Touko <3
Derp, Aoko I mean, I was thinking about Deko-chan and it came to me that Touko was a Deko-chan in the early designs >_<
I sign up just to say, “Damn.”
This episode made my day, LoL.
Total win
I think you may have forgotten 1 typeset around 7:27 in this episode. Watched that scene (1080p version) multiple times and didn’t see it set at all. I think it says “Saber Defeated” or something like that.
Don’t know if that slipped by and didn’t get set or not, or if the player is derping on me.
@Um…: They did add it but it seems to have a mistake or something since it kinda vanishes midway.
“I’ll show you… that my superiority as a mushroom freak isn’t a decisive gap in battle strength!”
I can’t believe that^ was typesetted.
That’s some awesome dedication there (or should I say passion?)
You know… at first I thought Carnival Phantasm was just blasphemy being a small Type-Moon fan. After I watched a few episodes, I loved it immediately. This episode by far was one of the funniest ones so far. Can’t wait to see the next ones! Thank you very much UTW. It is greatly appreciated.
@Leon-Gun: I was actually mistaken, it was actually there, but for some reason it didn’t show up when I was watching it in full screen mode. Other typesets were fine except that one certain typeset.
Can we skip the next one? Since sakura sucks and her episode sucks too?

(Boomelancer~~ I laughed so hard first time I watched the episode haha)
>Can we skip the next one? Since sakura sucks and her episode sucks too?
Sukura is surely a slut, but skipping an episode is the worst idea ever.
Thanks UTW, finally checket the 5th one out. Great job on subs… though I have a feeling that the episode is worse than previous ones. Nevertheless still pretty good.
Same problem as Um… no idea what might be causing it but when I watched full screen from start to end, it wasn’t there. When I heard here about it not working for fullscreen here, I tried windowed and it worked, then I changed to full screen just to confirm and it blinked once at some point during the writing and that was it. Some other typesets also seemed to kinda blink but were still easy to see. Thanks for all the work that must have gone into this regardless.
@Sould the true words of every fate fan.. before he played heavene feel. or saw adorable lolisakura in fate/zero.
Nope. If anything after Heavens feel I only had even more reasons to hate the dirty slut.
Loli sakura is adorable, as a loli. But that doesn’t count.
Also, I see the “saber defeated” both windowed and in fullscreen, so it must be a configuration/codecs/player problem.
Fuck yeah, thank you so much UTW
Hehe. Check their official site.
I couldnt watch these subs, they were just too shitty
new subs plz. ty
I just loved how it said “Defeated” all the time, except for: “Lancer – Dead”
Thought it was eneloop instead of enerloop?
Doing that would be like advertising for Sanyo…
@Soul: if you actually played Heavens Feel and only got “Sakura is a sirty slut” then you have issues (unless you somehow think all victims are sluts who asked for it).
I’d be lying if I said that the “Sakura is horny” scenes didn’t annoy me in Heavens Feel. That route had too much focus on the XXX for my taste and thus it’s my least favorite one despite it being important with all the information you get about the real meaning of the grail war.
About Carnival Phantasm 05: Whose female voice is it that is doing commentary on Berserker’s errand adventure? One of the female characters of the show?
2 seconds of casual clothes Rider beauty? I’ll take it.
>2 seconds of casual clothes Rider beauty?
YOu are gonna love Episode 6 then. Focus on Sakura, and Raider.
Oh, Caster also shows up, and so does Shinji, but who ever cared for Shinji?
My hate for sakura unabled me to enjoy heavens feel.
Which kinda sucks since it’s supposed to be the ultimate route, and kinda ties most things together.
I was just hoping they would kill her soon. Turns out she didn’t even die, bullshit.
Ah… Thank you.
Epic, so funny… so so funny. Made my friday.
Great episode, can’t wait for the next.
Screw the chauvinist purity fags.
Being Lancer is suffering…
Can’t wait for more.
good episode. can’t wait for the next one.
[spoiler]LOL Berserker pawns everyone and destroys maybe half the city without even noticing it.[/spoiler]
BTW TYPE-MOON just updated their site and they announced a Type-Moon Ace vol.7.
The thing about it is that it comes with a Mahou Tsukai no Yoru Demo.
So I’m guessing the official announcement will come out then.
Type-moon Ace will come out December 15, 2011…
Why they hate Lancer so much?
I mean, really, [spoiler]he’s getting killed in every episode where any F/x is included[/spoiler]
Nasu, I’m disappoint.
LOL at Berserker unwittingly winning the Grail (in the form of an electric flask). Double LOL that Ilya ended up accidentally wishing for a new battery from the Grail.
RIP Lancer (ver 5.0) – the most powerful Noble Phatasm, ever. XD
@k2m2: A Mahou Tsukai no Yoru demo? Took them long enough. I’ll believe it once it’s out.
its so epic that berserker actually seems to seen lancer a s afriend now, lol.. the scenes of them drinking beer together were so manly xD
@Soul well it would be weird if sakura died in ther own route.. then again, the focus is also a lto on ilya in it, isnt it? agh i wish they wouoldve actuallly made th eilya route! speaking of whihc, the “shocked eyes” in this episode looked exactly like those in ilya’s spinoff manga (which is quite awesome, i mean come on she even wears archer’s clothes and powers once.)
id love a figure of this.
btw i got aproblem with my MPC + CCCP.. it plays every video just fine and applies the subs also just fine, but for some reason i cant choose the sbs or audio, it didnt bother me much up till nw but now that i cant even switch to ilya’s audio commentary when i even downloaded the huge version for it is kind of bad.. i dont know whats teh problem, everythign is on the latest version btu when i right-click on the video, the audio- and subtitles- menupoints are in grey letters, a sif there werent any, which is kind of weird.. anyone knows how to resolve the problem?
Fucking casuals, anime is srs business!!
@Break, click on the tab “Navigate”, there you can change Audio and Subtitle.
@Fsfrk thnks man^^ still dunno the reason why it doesnt work with a simple rightclock, btu at least i know an alternative now (couldve figured that one out sooner too..)
All those Sakura haters ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
[spoiler]Still the best girl[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Only in bed. :D[/spoiler]
It’s eneloop, not enerloop.
I wonder if Berserker’s first errand can pertain to Hercule’s 12 labors. XD
Pingback: [RE-Post] Carnival Phantasm ~ 05-08 (Carnival Phantasm Season 2) | Welcome to Genesis
How did I miss this episode? Definitely one of the funniest yet. And V. Akiha is SO DAMN HOT!!! That short clip of her is enough to make this episode gold.