Unlimited Translation Works

Accel World – EX01

DOWNLOAD BD 720p: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_EX01_[BD][h264-720p_AAC][3E56EE18].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_Extra_01_[BD][XviD][4054C232].avi [DDL]
I finally found some time to do a bit of fansubbing, so here’s the Accel World OVA! Although this was encoded from a Bluray source, we will not be releasing a 1080p version.
I will announce our Fall 2012 season plans later today. Be sure to check back!

54 Thoughts on “Accel World – EX01

  1. A. Crush on September 29, 2012 at 2:49 am said:

    I was surprised UTW hadn’t subbed this yet, but it’s fitting to release it with the series finished.

  2. Been waiting, thanks, stinks how there’s not gonna be a 1080p.

  3. Linkmstr on September 29, 2012 at 2:53 am said:

    1080p would be too much for me.
    I’m glad that you guys released it on a good day. (It’s Friday here and you guys used to release AW on Fridays) xD

  4. Can we suggest some series?
    Code Geass Akito
    Shinsekai Yori
    Zetsuen no Tempest
    Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
    Little Busters!
    ^Pick any!

  5. stgmefly on September 29, 2012 at 2:56 am said:

    I came

  6. stgmefly on September 29, 2012 at 3:00 am said:

    I’m looking forward ti Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai the most probably….. But if that doesn’t appeal to your subbing wants that’s always fine I’m still looking forward to whatever you will be doing I’m sure c:

  7. Thanks for this Raze 🙂

  8. @stgmefly rori’s already doing Chuunibyou lol. Little Buster! or Code: Breaker would be nice. But I’ve wait a lot for Robotics;Notes. Since I’m like the series from 5pb and Nitroplus

  9. >EX01
    Does that mean there will be more?

  10. XD
    Just when I came here out of habit to get my Accel World fix I see this!!
    Thank You Raze and team!

  11. stgmefly on September 29, 2012 at 3:37 am said:

    @seife Lol thanks for informing me of that I didn’t know xP And also thank you for reminding me I need to subscribe to their RSS feed ( ‘-‘)

  12. Shawn263241 on September 29, 2012 at 3:38 am said:

    No idea what this’ll be like, but thanks!

  13. Will watch it tomorrow! Thanks! And about the fall plans, trust you guys completely, so I’ll be watching all your choices! Thanks again!

  14. Thanks for the release!
    Looking forward to hearing your fall plans as I’ve got 10 series on my list to check out and I’m hoping at least one of them ends up being one of your projects.

  15. Thanks! (^。^)

  16. @Magus: Psycho-Pass looks amazing, I’ll definitely watch!

  17. Just wanted to say Thanks for releasing this and wnated to find out if this is a final release or is there a version 2? I notice you are translating a characters name, Kuroyukihime, I don’t think the characters names are suppose to be translated out like that are they??
    *Sorry if this sounds like i am critiquing, I was just wondering because i found it to be odd to have the name translated out that way*
    regardless, Thank You for this release.

  18. This is a pleasant surprise. Thank you.

  19. Well, how would Caleb from “Blood” said:
    I want JoJo, I want JoJo! JoJo! JoJo! JoJo!

  20. Mah nigga.

  21. For some reason this crashes both MPlayerX and VLC on my Macbook Pro. None of your other releases have done that.

  22. thanks guys! I’ll be sure to check back to see your next projects. hope that you will take Little Busters! 😀

  23. John Smith on September 29, 2012 at 6:26 am said:

    @ F3ar: works fine for me. Running MPlayerX 1.0.14 on OS X 10.8.2.

  24. namednoob on September 29, 2012 at 8:17 am said:

    When is the 2nd OVA ? thx for this

  25. Big_Boss_90 on September 29, 2012 at 8:51 am said:

    Thank you!

  26. hellsan631 on September 29, 2012 at 9:46 am said:

    Fall plans are sure to include Btooom!

  27. Gel Banana on September 29, 2012 at 10:09 am said:

    When pigs fly, literally

  28. Nickienator on September 29, 2012 at 11:06 am said:

    Wow, Magus, that’s some amazingly terrible taste you have there.

  29. Thanks! 😀

  30. Hm… So this sort of confirms that her real name begins with an S.

  31. Ryu Infiniti on September 29, 2012 at 4:00 pm said:

    Watch it be Sachi, and she ends up being Kirito’s daughter.

  32. Haru’s avatar in this remidns me of Hogs of War.

  33. alex0714 on September 29, 2012 at 7:35 pm said:

    Thanks 😀

  34. Thanatos on September 29, 2012 at 8:24 pm said:

    Thank you for the release, I woke up today quite sad thinking that this morning would be diferent (not watching AW right after I get up) but I went to your site (force of habit xD) and bam OVA episode, yaaay xD

  35. @namednoob:
    When “Stage:02 Kasoku no Chouten” comes out on PS3.

  36. Great and fun OVA. I loved the Chiyu-Snow Black-Pard interactions. It certainly started with a bang, character wise.
    Just Haru still has some self-estime issues…
    But the “plot” was interesting. AA was perhaps a proto-type of BB. Is this perhaps the eventual fate of whoever reaches level 10 in BB, when C.C comes ? I’m just speculating. Have not read the novels.
    Where does this OVA tie in?

  37. namednoob on September 29, 2012 at 9:37 pm said:

    @noko im not much into PS3 stuff does it have any information or ETA or anything ?

  38. Thanks so much UTW for subbing Accel World OVA. I really hope there’s gonna be a second season for AW, I’m gonna miss Kuroyukihime badly.
    It would be epic if Kuroyukihime’s real name is Sachika, exactly just like her voice actress name Misawa Sachika.

  39. Rokudaime on September 30, 2012 at 3:39 am said:

    Never mind the Fall releases, just get me my Fate/Zero S2 BD’s.

  40. LeviathanX on September 30, 2012 at 6:34 am said:

    Thanks for subbing! An amusing OVA 🙂
    Dushka sure was sweet to look at..
    Aw, btw, I like real world references: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DShK (read the first paragraph)

  41. death123 on September 30, 2012 at 12:34 pm said:

    Are u guys gonna make batch torrent for this series?

  42. wow, Accel World OVA released 😀
    thx 😀

  43. A Silver Wing on October 1, 2012 at 5:53 am said:

    Thank you UTW for the hard work in this anime, I look forward to the next chapter if they release one someday, and I hope you guys still offer us your awesome quality subs and translations for it, thank you all again.

  44. naruto on October 1, 2012 at 9:21 am said:

    why the size so big? my internet so slow, even slower than a snail

  45. Great and thanks for all the effort.
    Always waiting for more Accel World!!

  46. accel world season is 1 completed. the second season to be announced upon the ending of Sword Art Online which should go more slow paced on the second court

  47. Kazeto on October 2, 2012 at 7:43 pm said:

    It’s so big because it contains the burst link installer. Or is it that you can’t see it, you slowpoke?

  48. archdevil917 on October 18, 2012 at 6:27 pm said:

    EX02 is release pls sub it thx :))

  49. Will you sub ex02 the second ova? please do it for the sake of completion, please please

  50. alaskankactus on February 6, 2013 at 5:22 am said:

    Can you please sub the second OVA as well? It seems no one else will do it.

  51. Please sub EX 02 OVA!! XD

  52. Please sub second ova as well <3

  53. Makoto91 on February 20, 2013 at 4:51 pm said:

    Please sub second ova as well .

  54. jubilian on March 2, 2013 at 3:13 pm said:

    Is the Accel World SP2 in progress? 😮 It’s already march >.<

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