Unlimited Translation Works

From the New World – 25 (END)

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Shinsekai_Yori_-_25_[h264-720p][F280761E].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Shinsekai_Yori_-_25_[XviD][FFA61BD8].avi [DDL]
The release of this episode concludes the 6-month ride of Shinsekai Yori! An what a great ride it has been. The adaptation could have been better (at least, that’s what all the novel readers have been telling me), but the story has been so fantastic throughout that I can safely say it’s one of the best series I’ve had the opportunity to watch and work on.
An inconsistency you will notice in this episode is that the Fiend is now referred to as a girl (the Fiend was male in the novels). We’ll of course fix the previous episodes accordingly for the batch.
This project would not have been possible without the efforts of the stellar team on this show. Here’s what they have to say about the project!
fnord (Translator/Editor/Typesetter): Currently having fun in Japan…
valerauko (Translator): It was really nice to work on. I loved the novels great deal and the anime kept most of that charm too. Too bad there’ll never be a second season.
lygerzero0zero (TLC): It was a lot of fun working through the translational challenges the story presented and seeing scenes I’d read come to life. The books were still better though.
fgghjjkll (Timer): The show had its ups and downs, and although I generally did not like it, it had its moments. The thanks I get from timing this show each week motivates me to wake up early every weekend (though I make fnord really mad most weeks), so thanks for your support.
ar (Encoder/Typesetter/Handyman): Had a great time working on it, and had fun with everyone throughout. Was a good series and one of the better ones in the last couple of years.
Raze (QC): Simply fantastic to work on, especially with such talented people.
Hopefully the batch work for this won’t take too long, but seeing how unpredictable my schedule these days has become, I’ll stop short of making any promises. In case you missed it, we are doing the BDs for this, but again no promises on when they’ll be released.
Thanks for following us for this show, and hopefully we’ll see you guys again next season!

98 Thoughts on “From the New World – 25 (END)

  1. pumpkin_so77 on March 23, 2013 at 9:47 am said:

    Thanks for your hard work. I really enjoyed this series.

  2. Flaiboy on March 23, 2013 at 9:47 am said:

    You guys are the best! thank you!

  3. thedarktower on March 23, 2013 at 9:52 am said:

    it was really great series.
    thanks a lot for early translations throughout the whole series. you are the best!

  4. Leona on March 23, 2013 at 9:52 am said:

    damn. laptop off atm. will get this in the morning. thx guys

  5. Anonymous on March 23, 2013 at 9:53 am said:

    Well done! *claps*
    I’m also grateful for the explanation about the male/female difference.

    (On the main revelation near the end: I knew it! Or at least, I guessed it! I didn’t get as far as realising why/that it was _necessary_ rather than accidental/arbitrary, though, which in hindsight I should have deduced.)
    (I wonder about why the huge-mirror attempt didn’t work, and why the second attempt /did/. Yes, there was the pointing and exploding, but… those bandages weren’t nearly enough to conceal the hairy limbs, snout, or other aspects that should have prevented there from being that much shock when the bandages came off. Regardless of that, it was a beautifully dramatic scene.)

  6. Congratulations

  7. fgghjjkll on March 23, 2013 at 9:59 am said:

    >Raze (QC): Simply fantastic to work on, especially with such talented people.
    fnord says otherwise

  8. Mucha thanks for translating this great series. Definitely the best anime of 2012.

  9. Thanks guys! The ending of this episode was nicely done – it definitely made me realize how 1 group of students decided the future of their village (well, they are the main characters after all).
    From the ending,
    I want a tainted kitten now… plus the library slug…

  10. thanks

  11. what_the_f on March 23, 2013 at 10:43 am said:

    pfff, why they could not just inject the attack inhibition and death feedback genes to the other humans instead turning them into rats. this is stupid.

  12. Jii-san on March 23, 2013 at 10:47 am said:

    Thanks for subbing this show – it didn’t start out as the best thing ever, but it really grew on me. Thanks for the time and effort put into the releases.
    On another note, I have to wonder why what happened didn’t happen when the girl was used to decimate Kiroumaru’s troops, because I doubt any of them would have been disguised or difficult to see.

  13. dwannex on March 23, 2013 at 10:59 am said:

    “Too bad there’ll never be a second season.” πŸ™
    Anyways, thanks a lot for subbing this anime.

  14. demi-chan on March 23, 2013 at 11:08 am said:

    I think it was because only the weapons were affected, I don’t think that she actually harmed Kiroumaru’s troops. Once unarmed Squealer’s troops with their guns and such could make quick work of them.
    I think the death feedback might have been tied into the use of cantus, perhaps the mind uses the cantus subconsciously to shut down the body. I mean if cantus can affect DNA to make Tomiko effectively eternally young, shutting down a body should be easy
    I love cats and now seriously want a Tainted Cat and False Minoshiro…too cute…
    I just wish the kids of the kids could be named, kinda want to know what their parents would name them.
    Something I’ve been curious about, we know what Saki does in the town but just what is it that Satoru does? I mean caring for/raising the tainted cats seems more like a hobby or something rather than his job.
    Also does anyone know what happened to the one kid that Saki met? He seemed to just drop off the face of the earth but seriously if the kid could survive the attack on his own he probably has a good head on his shoulders and can help run things too.

  15. DmonHiro on March 23, 2013 at 11:31 am said:

    And so ends Shin Sekai Yori, otherwise called “Humans are bastards – The anime”.

  16. guidodi on March 23, 2013 at 11:33 am said:

    Really liked the anime, THANKS for all the hard work.

  17. Wow. Seriously wow. This show was amazing. If the novels get translated, that’d be just amazing.
    Also. how far did the anime get through the novels? In the notes valerauko mentioned that there’ll never be a second season, how much more material is there?

  18. Can’t wait for a BD set to get released, I’ll buy it instantly.

  19. @Alex
    No more material. That was the end of the novels. They got through all 3.

  20. Thanks for all your hard work! I always looked forward to a new Shinsekai Yori ep, now I’m sad that one of the best anime shows I’ve watched has ended πŸ™

  21. cave_guard on March 23, 2013 at 12:31 pm said:

    [quote=”what_the_f”] spoiler:
    pfff, why they could not just inject the attack inhibition and death feedback genes to the other humans instead turning them into rats. this is stupid.
    The attack inhibition and death feedback relies on a person’s own cantus to destroy themselves. Those commoners and hunter-gatherers don’t have their own cantus at all, therefore even if you give them the death feedback, it wouldn’t affect them if they started killing others.

  22. blackice85 on March 23, 2013 at 12:42 pm said:

    Thanks UTW!
    To anyone who’s familiar with the novels, were they ever more specific on the fate of Maria and Mamoru? Just how did the queerats get a hold of their child?

  23. Thanks for subbing this.
    I bit sad the fate of the stolen infants is left unknown.

  24. blackice85 on March 23, 2013 at 12:46 pm said:

    That too. I enjoyed the series but I feel like they didn’t wrap up everything, although I know some stories like doing that on purpose.

  25. Thank you for your hard work. What a great and intriguing series!

  26. Honestly one of my favorite series of all time. The first 8 episodes, I was kind of waiting to drop the series but for the last 15 or so, wow. Can’t wait to see this.
    Thank you, UTW, for another brilliant job.

  27. @what_the_f
    Well, you need to be able to kill the non cantus users. Otherwise, you would be helpless against them if they were to launch a suicide attack.

  28. WOW! Nice ending, instead of the usual crap.

  29. Jay-kun on March 23, 2013 at 1:05 pm said:

    Thanks! πŸ˜€

  30. Mangakaninaru on March 23, 2013 at 1:07 pm said:

    Thanks for the hard work! πŸ™‚ Really enjoyed this series!

  31. @what_the_f
    pfff, death feedback is useless if you put it to somebody without cantus.

  32. fuonk on March 23, 2013 at 2:01 pm said:

    Many thanks for the consistently fast and high quality subs.
    I’m really looking forward to reading the novel now, although it will be a lot of hard work, since my reading is only somewhere between N3 and N2 level.
    I read the whole argument between Squealer and Saki and Satoru as criticism of the Japanese emperor and military leaders during the decades up to and including World War II. The Japanese common soldiers were pretty much used as cannon fodder, and their desperate situation hidden from the Japanese public, all in service to the goal of conquering all of Asia. Does anyone else see it that way, or am I reading too much into this?

  33. Thanks a lot for subbing this series! It has been an enjoyable ride.

  34. awawawa on March 23, 2013 at 2:26 pm said:

    So, they say the “fiend” is a girl in japanese? I thought it could be just a long-haired boy.

  35. Alouette on March 23, 2013 at 3:11 pm said:

    Otsukaresama deshita, UTW no minna-san! You guys totally did a very good job. Thank you.

  36. スタン on March 23, 2013 at 3:24 pm said:

    I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart for subbing this anime. 10/10

  37. GP-02A on March 23, 2013 at 3:38 pm said:

    *sees staff who worked on this show*
    yup, its an all-star staff. thanks for all your effort in delivering the best subs for this show.
    be looking forward to your next project come spring season.

  38. Chris on March 23, 2013 at 3:46 pm said:

    Actually, the feedback is tied to trigger on the subconscious recognition that you are killing participants of your society — basically the creatures that qualify as “people” to you.
    One of the Temple of Purity monks got sick from kill some of the Queerats because they were eerily too much like people to him. Yet the “gods of death” will happily slaughter Queerats by the thousands without suffering ill effects.
    My hypothesis is that the Feedback does not normally trigger on Queerats for most humans because their society treats Queerats as being subhuman. The humans that really believe that Queerats are barely sapient animals and scum really do make the best “death gods.”

  39. Chris on March 23, 2013 at 3:50 pm said:

    Saki wasn’t even directly responsible for killing the child. But her subconsciousness mind recognized that her plan was carried out with the intent to kill another human.
    She only escapes the feedback because she can rationalize that the child actually killed herself and that she didn’t actually directly attack her.

  40. tormaid on March 23, 2013 at 3:53 pm said:

    I really hope Vertical decides to translate the novels now…

  41. THANK YOU!

  42. Thank you so much for the series! This series is indeed provoking and amazing in every sense.

  43. pengu on March 23, 2013 at 4:49 pm said:

    Such a good last episode! Thank you for the work you put into this series. I’m really looking forward to the BDs, I’ll seed them like there’s no tomorrow.

  44. macxxx007 on March 23, 2013 at 4:52 pm said:

    You guys did a great job!
    This show has had its ups and downs for me, too… the major time skips for one and the fact I felt I was watching something on the history channel for another… but overall, I’d have to say I had a great time watching this show… pity they didn’t have a decent battle animation budget… if there’s anything I’m taking from this series it’s the 1ST ED!
    Thanks again for all the hard work you did on this! You can definitely expect me next season! YOU GUYS ROCK!

  45. MotsuCQ on March 23, 2013 at 4:54 pm said:

    This series has been a highlight of Friday/Saturday nights for so long now. Thanks for all of the releases!

  46. I waited until midnight every Friday to watch these releases, and they have all been wonderful. Thank you all so much for creating these releases!

  47. Edifier on March 23, 2013 at 7:17 pm said:

    Amazing anime, amazing ending. Thank you very much for releasing this UTW, you are the best!

  48. Christine on March 23, 2013 at 7:25 pm said:

    Thank you so much for this series. Absolutely amazing.

  49. Anonymous on March 23, 2013 at 7:45 pm said:

    fd: Note that, if a suicide attack were an option, they would have used it long ago to take out the Fiend. This is particularly relevant when one is going to die anyway in a few seconds from deliberate Cantus leakage, but even without that I’m sure someone would have been willing to sacrifice themselves to save hundreds of others.
    (Cantus being necessary for the system, as stated by other commenters, seems to be the most plausible explanation.)
    The one exception to this seen (other than the Psychobuster) is the injection of the Fiend in Tomiko’s meomries, which like the Psychobuster was probably indirect enough to mostly bypass the system (at least enough to be able to carry out the action).

  50. Thanks for translating the series
    I had figured out that the Queerats were human a while back, since non-Cantus humans were mentioned but never explored. But I had assumed that they had morphed due to Cantus leakage.

  51. Sushi on March 23, 2013 at 7:54 pm said:

    A pretty good series overall. Though, I’m still puzzled by Kiroumaru’s actions. There was really no need for him to assist Saki in defeating the fiend. His primary reason for going to Tokyo the first time was in search of weapons of mass destruction to wipe out the humans due to fear of his colony being massacred on a whim. He backed down simply because he wasn’t able to find any and the success rate of such a rebellion would be low. Now that humans are on the verge of destruction with no means of fighting the fiend, the queerats could have easily replaced them as the dominant species on the planet. Yet he chose to assist them in killing the fiend. He did manage to ensure the safety of his queen but for how long no one knows. However by doing so, the original source of his fears still remain. Humans can still wipe out whole colonies based off “entirely obscure reasons.” It seems illogical for him to help the humans if you think about it from the perspective of the queerat species as a whole.
    Well, whatever. Still a pretty decent series if you don’t take the finer details into account.

  52. Kiroumaru thinks Yakomaru’s methods are hypocritical, selfish and wrong. He definitely thinks there is no need to change as Saki mentioned.

  53. plus Yakomaru almost wiped his colony.

  54. The handsome stranger with the hairy balls on March 23, 2013 at 8:13 pm said:

    This has been one of the best anime we’ve gotten in a long time, too bad it sold like shit and we wont get anything similar.

  55. Pingback: Shin Sekai Yori Episode 25 (FINALE) – The end that begins anew - Entravity

  56. i'm a person on March 23, 2013 at 9:29 pm said:

    Thank you so much for subbing this great show so consistently, and thank you for loving it too and continuing to work on it all the same even through all the… amusing (?) table-flipping by the watchers. I actually enjoyed seeing your occasional jokes about that on release posts quite a bit. Great job!

  57. @Sushi
    As usual, it was implied. Kiroumaru preferred having his colony be destroyed by the humans than become the slaves of Yaromaru and his new ways. Then at some point he realized Saki would protect his colony if he asked her.

  58. Someone on March 23, 2013 at 9:56 pm said:

    Thanks for subbing.

  59. Impetus on March 23, 2013 at 10:19 pm said:

    I can’t thank you enough for subbing this. Ever since the previews I had been looking forward to this show. When I heard you were picking it up, I was elated. I had high expectations for your subs and this show, and (having not read the novels myself) was not disappointed in the slightest. I suppose that I should now read the book and see how it compares.

  60. Solinus on March 23, 2013 at 10:32 pm said:

    In my book, Shinsekai Yori is second only to Fate/Zero for best anime of 2012 and I appreciate it very much that I could enjoy it with your great subs, UTW.

  61. EcchiSkecchi on March 23, 2013 at 10:33 pm said:

    Now I’ll marathon this series.

  62. Really great series and thanks for the subs. otsukaresama!

  63. Wait, wait, so you tell me the death feedback only applies to queerats??? Then shouldn’t the fiend got killed by it already when the Robber Fly Colony defeated Giant Hornet Colony!??! I thought they’re using the fiend to kill queerats??

  64. It’s been 6 months, Christ, where’s the time gone?
    Thanks for the subs, one of the most enjoyable things I’ve watched in a very long time, despite the dubious animation quality, the story told was gripping enough to keep me eagerly anticipating each release – all thanks to the translations you provide.

  65. Good story. Sometimes rough to watch, but purposefully. Thanks for subbing this, you guys rock.

  66. fuonk on March 24, 2013 at 2:13 am said:

    The child only used Cantus to disarm the opposing bakenezumi. They were actually killed by Squealer’s soldiers, not by the child. That was actually a clue we had all along– remember, a big deal was made about the state of the weapons implying that they hadn’t actually been used in battle. Cantus was used in the battle, but if we hd been alert enough, we would have realized that Cantus was not used directly to do the killing.

  67. Saki Watanabe on March 24, 2013 at 6:17 am said:

    Have the novels been translated somewhere? Can anyboyd please provide links?

  68. fuonk on March 24, 2013 at 6:37 am said:

    The first two chapters were translated by a fansub group named Aidoru, but they don’t intend to translate any more of it. As far as I know, there is no official English translation yet.
    Here’s the page with links to download the translation of the first two chapters:

  69. Breakfast Cakes on March 24, 2013 at 9:28 am said:

    Are you guys going to work on the BDs?

  70. The Ghost on March 24, 2013 at 9:34 am said:

    I may disagree with the author’s opinion but I have to say that was the most entertaining way to get across one’s view of abortion I have ever seen.

  71. Big_Boss_90 on March 24, 2013 at 9:38 am said:

    Thank you very much for this series, guys. Really.

  72. Dark Flame Master on March 24, 2013 at 1:04 pm said:

    after watching the ending.. *slow claps*
    great series.. pretty solid overall.. MASTERPIECE!!!

  73. Finally! They decided to tie the knot and have children of themselves. Dat tainted kittens. HNNNNNNGGGG!
    Anyway, thank you. :3

  74. Mercury on March 24, 2013 at 2:20 pm said:

    This is one of the best series I’ve ever watched. It’s epitomizes the core reasons I enjoy anime so much.
    Thank you UTW, for working so hard on this series so that we could all experience such a masterpiece!
    Thank You!
    Thank You!!
    Thank You!!!

  75. Genjuu Mugon on March 24, 2013 at 3:48 pm said:

    Thank you for all of the work you put into subbing this series, I really quite enjoyed this one.

  76. Vraela on March 24, 2013 at 5:57 pm said:

    Thanks for this series it was amazing.

  77. Great show, can’t wait for the dvd batch so i can watch it again

  78. Thanks so much for subbing this series with such high quality!!
    But i’m still having trouble understanding how “Power of imagination is what changes everything” fit into the series. Does anyone have an idea???

  79. Thanks for your wonderful work, UTW!

  80. idiotonahill on March 24, 2013 at 11:35 pm said:

    That ending! VANILLAAAAAAAA!
    *immolates self before being prosecuted by the church*

  81. Anonymous on March 24, 2013 at 11:47 pm said:


  82. SilentMichael on March 25, 2013 at 12:16 am said:

    thanks for the subs UTW, was truly an epic series.
    Btw if anyone’s interested in regards to the orgininal novel being translated (non-fan sub)
    give this link a look at!.

  83. Chris on March 25, 2013 at 2:23 am said:

    You’re watching the wrong show if you want people to watch people stand around waxing poetic about human will overcoming all obstacles.
    They’re psychics. Visualizing what they want to accomplish is just a way of making it easier for them to use their powers.
    The show is basically:
    “The Great Queerat Slave Rebellion Against Their Psychic Future Human Overlords.”

  84. Chris on March 25, 2013 at 2:36 am said:

    Although on second though, I suppose “imagination” refers thematically to Squealer’s revolution and desire for reform.
    Likewise, it may indicate a hope to reform their society into one that is less oppressive.

  85. FuenteFOX on March 25, 2013 at 6:51 am said:

    I may have missed something (and I presume it was covered in the novels) but…
    If the “Fiend” was Maria and what-his-face’s kid and she was taken shortly after birth to the point that she believed herself to be a queerat would that not imply that Squealer and his colony of queerats had something to do with what I assume would be the un-natural deaths of both Maria and whats-his face? I’ll grant that Maria could have died during childbirth, but whats-his face surely wouldn’t have abandoned the kid. So why the civility at the end towards Squealer? I’d have burned his ass down right after the fiend died.
    Secondly I could see how a pool of labor would be necessary for humans in a semi-post-apocalyptic world, but with cantus even something like building a house would surely take no more than a day for one or two cantus users. Why keep the queerats around in the first place when their labor is no longer necessary and few people know that they descended from humans, let alone after the botched revolution. Promise to Kiroumaru aside I’d have burned all their asses down right after the fiend died.
    Lastly, as the two great heroes of the Great Queerat War of 245 wouldnt Saki and other dude be in a position to change the views and ways of the cantus using world. I mean right before the SHTF (shit hit the fan, for those not in the know) they were both of a pretty good mindset to say F-this village! It had taken Saki’s sister and robbed her of any memories she had of her, and taken away the memories of her first love. Then on the heels of that it robbed her of her best friend because she had to run away to take care of weak-dude because they were about to 86 (kill) his ass too. The village collectively hid what could have been useful knowledge and the adults disposed of kids like I do a can of soda that has lost its fizz. If the death feedback is something that the mind can control I’d have found a way to control it then I’d have made the village reform it’s ways and bend to my will or I’d burn their asses down right after the fiend died.
    But alas even with their “enlightenment” Saki and other-dude decide to reintegrate into society and become a part of the system so they can have a kid and raise murder-kittenz. Perhaps in 12 or 13 years their murder-catz can hunt down their kid’s friends when they start to go all apeshit, forcing two of them to go on the lamb eventually spawning another fiend to be raised by the surviving queerat colonies. Sunrise, Sunset.The circle is complete.
    Prior beefs aside this was a great show, I’d probably say somewhere in my top 50 anime. The animation was pretty good, the music was great, story was original, characters… meh-ish, but overall I’d say a 8.7/10. It was riveting enough that I eagerly awaited most of the episodes and only occasionally wanted to punch Saki in the throat.Thanks to the great folks at UTW and I guess I’ll fork over the cash when its available on BD here in the states.

  86. Thank you for doing a great job with subbing this. It was a classy act on all fronts.
    I don’t think I’ve been so excited by an anime since my very first one. I’d nominate it for AotY 2012 if there was such a thing. And lose, judging by the sales. But at least the “Western” ratings have gone quite a bit up (looking at you, MAL). Yay.
    I’m going to try and find how much was adapted, but in case I fail, I’d appreciate if someone clarified what was meant by “too bad there won’t be another season” – is this due to poor sales or have they driven themselves into an adaptation corner or there is nothing else to cover?

  87. Tekira on March 25, 2013 at 8:50 pm said:

    @ what_the_f:
    Apart from the case whether it’s possible to give humans without Cantus death feedback, it would have been useless. If both parties can’t kill each other, they’re equal. But the Cantus users still wanted to rule over the ‘normal’ humans (so those scientist guys weren’t so peacefull after all).

  88. Oskuro on March 26, 2013 at 1:32 am said:

    people saying “too bad there wont ever be a 2nd season” is due to the poor sales… but in reality there is no more story, the novel ends more or less the same way the anime ended… the author is focusing on other works right now, so nobody’s sure if he will even release more SSY in the future

  89. slivers7 on March 26, 2013 at 2:31 am said:

    Thanks for bringing this series to an awesome end!
    Oddly, it felt like the first and last episodes were of higher animation quality than most of the rest of the episodes in between…

    A spoily question, though: Did Saki perish from death feedback, after relieving what remained of Squealer from eternal hell, and burning the remains? Like, because she recognized his existence as human, or some such?
    Otherwise, I don’t get why the closing scene, with all of them as little kids, was outlined in flames…

  90. book_mouse on March 26, 2013 at 4:54 am said:

    Thanks so much for subbing this series!

  91. 2ColouredEyes on March 26, 2013 at 6:18 pm said:

    > especially with such talented people.
    man, your team is hardcore, like gods of fansubbing. no wonder there is no doubt that UTW can handle SSY. I hope it is not too late to say my ‘Thank you’.

  92. fuonk on March 28, 2013 at 4:49 am said:

    No anime to look forward to Friday night. πŸ™
    Thanks again for doing such a great job!

  93. binky on April 1, 2013 at 9:26 am said:

    I’m a professional translator/subtitler myself (though I don’t translate anime), but these subs are just otherworldly. Ultra props to you, guys! Keep up the great job! πŸ˜›
    Don’t mean to be rude to anyone, but UTW > Commie > Live-eviL.

  94. Finally had time to watch this. I’m sad that this series was so predictable (pretty sure it was on purpose), but the truth is that it doesn’t matter how predictable a story is. The enjoyment is in the journey, not the end or even the destinations. And I definitely enjoyed this. Of course, I couldn’t say too much before it ended since I’d piss everyone off if I spoiled the story for people (I haven’t read the novel and I’m sure others have not either, but as people seem to have noticed, they gave a lot of clues about what would happen in later episodes quite early on).

  95. NoumiSeijiFTW on April 6, 2013 at 2:22 am said:

    Any ETA on the batch? If it’ll take a while, I have no choice but to download the episodes individually. I really want to watch this show. It seems DEEP

  96. LOl SIN cut your bullshit. Nothing in the early episodes hinted at the ending, that is, assuming you know how evolution works. As evolution always favours the fittest, one would assume those without Cantus could have easily been exterminated centuries ago. The only thing the early plot does is that it does not deny such a possibility of them being the queerats. Just like it doesn’t deny that they weren’t all exterminated in the past.
    A argument that doesn’t invalidate an option doesn’t immediately have to support it either. Such a reasoning is simply absurd… but once again, many people still believe in Creationism even though it was already proven to be false…

  97. BillHive on May 1, 2013 at 3:41 am said:

    That’s what I love about this sub group, they translate wish-fulfillment and character marketing shows (which is expected as those type of shows seem to be the most popular among anime fans nowadays) but when they translate a show that deviates from that, they choose the best shows.
    Kiroumaru’s decision has nothing to do with him favoring the humans or thinking that Yakomaru’s revolution is wrong, stop being so ego-centric you damn [insert you ethnicity/race here]. If the situation was different, he would had likely love to bring the revolution himself. His seemly traitorous actions against his race were all done in favor of his colony. Saki promised to spare his colony and he felt he could trust her. He didn’t have much choice cuz it is highly unlikely that Yakomaru would spare his colony, they were enemies and his colony refused to abandon the hold ways and adopt Yakomaru’s more democratic system.
    @Indie If you watch carefully you will find hints or pretty much direct implications that the “fiend” was only used to render Kiroumaru’s army weaponless and defenseless. It was Yakomaru’s army that deal the killing blows. The death feedback can still take some effect if you are aware that you were indirectly responsibility for the deaths but, as Saki showed, you can prevent it by convincing yourself otherwise.

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