DOWNLOAD: [Evergreen_(Kagisora_Tomiyaki)]_Tari_Tari_Chapter_1_(English)_[UTW].zip [DDL]
On behalf of UTW, I am happy to present to you our first scanlation release: Chapter 1 of the Tari Tari manga! This manga is being serialized in the monthly manga magazine Gangan Joker, so you can expect approximately one release per month.
Most of the UTW founding members (including myself) actually got into the whole fantranslation business starting with manga projects, so this release represents a significant point in UTW’s history. It’s pretty exciting for us to revisit our roots together after such a long foray in the anime scene, and we hope you enjoy the result!
Once things work themselves out and the cogs begin to turn on their own, you might start seeing more manga releases, both here and… well, you know where. *wink*