Unlimited Translation Works

Amagami SS – 12

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_12_[h264-720p][6ED7962D].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_12_[XviD][46AF753B].avi [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SCRIPT: [UTW]_Amagami_SS_-_12.ass
A… let’s see. Four hour delay. I don’t even know where to start.
I was away the whole day until pretty much 4pm EST today doing important IRL stuff. Apparently the ts was delayed again, only this time we didn’t get a workraw until right when I got back. Ershin had to translate the entire thing off CCs without video and audio help, IGChris couldn’t edit because he has class if we’re not fast enough, Kusion had to pick up his granddad from the airport, ar did something weird and we had to adapt to a new workraw and shit being off by a few frames, Aegisub trolled me way too many times today, I was tired as balls from a long day (and actually long week too), and anyone who actually knows Japanese (and Japanese 101, years of watching anime, your dictionary, your Bachelor’s degree, etc. do NOT count) will know Japanese is practically 50% contextual and therefore translating from CCs (and having to fix the result) is like shooting yourself in the balls.
My shameless bitching aside, this brings us to the end of the Sae arc! And with that, a new poll. Stay tuned next week for some tight Speedo™ action.
EDIT:: Finally got around to doing Sae’s monologue, so here you go.  You can also find Kaoru’s monologue HERE, and Haruka’s monologue HERE.
[spoiler]I’ve been afraid of strangers ever since I was small,
and I’ve never been able approach others well.
That’s why, right after I transferred here,
after I happened to pick up the coin purse you dropped,
I ran away while you were talking to me.
Sorry for what happened then.
Senpai, you talked to me about all kinds of things,
but I… kinda panicked and…
My heart was beating really fast…
So I wasn’t able to respond to you.
But you took the trouble to find me after that so you could thank me.
That was also when I learned that you were the brother of my friend Miya-chan.
Hehe, Miya-chan said that you were kind of a perverted guy, so I was a little surprised.
But I enjoyed the conversation you and Miya-chan had together.
I don’t have any brothers and sisters, so I thought, “having a sibling is so nice.”
I thought it would be wonderful to have such a kind and interesting brother.
When we talked about how I wanted to get a part-time job,
you said, “I’ll help!”, and you became my instructor.
Training so I could speak loudly, speed-changing into my P.E. uniform and swimsuit,
and a mock interview while fishes were poking my feet…
All sorts of other things, too…
The training was really tough, and there were times when I thought I wouldn’t make it…
But because you, my instructor, would be sure to lead me on,
I was… somehow able to finish them all.
Thanks to the training, I was finally able to work the job I had always wanted to try.
I’m sure I wouldn’t be able to work as a waitress if I had never met you, Senpai.
My heart races every day as I work at my part-time job.
Everyone at the restaurant is really kind, and they’d always help me out and teach me how to work.
I want to become independent as soon as I can.
Hehe, Daddy comes to the restaurant often to see how I’m doing at work.
I think he’s worried about me.
I used to be afraid of strangers, but I can now talk to all the customers.
I feel like the world I live in is growing wider and wider.
I’m sure this is all because… I met you, Senpai.
My world sparkles brightly as it expands…
And in the middle of it all… is you, Senpai.
Senpai, um…
Sorry I keep making all these requests, but…
From now on, could you… uh, um…
From now on, could you… continue to… lead me on?
I… want to follow you, Senpai… wherever you may go…
Because I li… uh…
I… like you, Senpai.[/spoiler]

69 Thoughts on “Amagami SS – 12

  1. Elite Soba on September 17, 2010 at 4:31 am said:

    Huzzah. I’ve been waiting for… 4 hours? Oh well, I’m glad this got released.

  2. Elite Soba on September 17, 2010 at 4:36 am said:

    By the way, when I say 4 hours, I mean 4 hours. As in, I’ve been here for the last 4 hours hitting F5 again and again. It’s been quite an exhilarating experience. And wow, it looked like you guys had a terrible day. I still appreciate you guys, though.

  3. Rival Clous on September 17, 2010 at 4:38 am said:

    Thanks for the hard work guys. WE ALL LOVE YOU IN A CONSENSUAL NON HOMO WAY <33333

  4. Elite Soba on September 17, 2010 at 4:51 am said:

    Okay, I’m posting one last time because I really don’t like how I sound in the other posts. I blame over-enthusiasm from ending the arc and whatnot. I’d just like to say that I’m sure we all appreciate your hard work and would still probably support you guys even if the release was delayed another day. Good job, guys.

  5. This arc made a good break, NOW WE MOVE ONTO NANASAKI!! BRING IT!!

  6. negativebro on September 17, 2010 at 5:20 am said:

    It was late release, but who can blame you guys for unforeseen consequences? (Douchebags, maybe.) It was a great episode, and I can’t wait for next week’s episode or your guys’ next blog post. Keep up the excellent work, as always.

  7. Thanks. :3

  8. martinez on September 17, 2010 at 5:30 am said:

    lol….so lovely…..
    wedding scene 😀

  9. frobisher on September 17, 2010 at 5:50 am said:

    Seeing the Japanese subs made me laugh, that made my night.

  10. Thanks a lot :):)

  11. So that’s what happened… Well thank you for the hard work. I love UTW… No Homo.

  12. Thanks for the releases. I really Sae-chan’s arc. ^_^
    Why have most of the people changed to FileServe? What’s the benefit of it? 😮

  13. codehooked on September 17, 2010 at 6:07 am said:

    Dont worry. :]
    idc its delayed thanks for the release
    you think 100GB of uploaded B Gata H Kei 1080P is enough?

  14. Miya nyan was the best part.
    @bk201: Go to their website, and you’ll see that they pay money to the uploader for downloads.

  15. selecaoix on September 17, 2010 at 6:29 am said:

    Kuroneko Miya was the best part of the whole episode.
    And up next, some Ai love.

  16. @runedot: Well, Megaupload also pays money to the uploaders for downloads. 😮
    or FileServe pays more than Megaupload does?

  17. martinez on September 17, 2010 at 6:50 am said:

    @bk201…..i heard that some retarded idiots report the download links…..so MU delete it….
    that’s why people choose FS….

  18. EricJohnson on September 17, 2010 at 6:55 am said:

    Wait a minute. “15 years watching anime, bachelor’s degree” You guys are 30+? o_0

  19. I love you guys!!!! Thanks UTW for subbing fast!

  20. Nah Raze likes to pretend his old to get pensioner discounts ;)) But some of us are around that age.

  21. nice….sae arc finish…
    btw,,is there any hotfile link???anyone???

  22. I’d say I love you guys, but you may misunderstand, I’m pretty hot and wouldn’t want to stand between Kusion and Raze hawt tsundere trap love (I assume ar is the one who watches).
    So just a thank you will have to do.

  23. No more creepy homo narrator! Yay!
    ??????? guys. Thanks.

  24. Thanks for the fast, and high quality, release as always guys!
    Thank God Uncle Creepy is gone now, right? Right? Right?!

  25. “But some of us are around that age.”
    Oh, to be 30 again!
    Thanks for the release guys.

  26. Thanks guys! You’re gooa at what you do!
    Now get your ass over b gata h keu BD2, you lovely faggots!!

  27. TysonBlast on September 17, 2010 at 10:34 am said:

    Wasn’t in the IRC when released, so I’ll say it here.
    Thanks once again for another week of releases, UTW.
    I can’t imagine how stressful it is to release this at a speed like this every week.
    Take it easy, guys.

  28. This is probably my favorite arc so far, so thanks for your hard work on this!
    Looking forward to the start of next week’s arc.

  29. Krycifer on September 17, 2010 at 12:01 pm said:

    God tier episode if only due to Steven Spielberg or whoever he was supposed to be, being voiced by TK from Angel Beats!

  30. The Awesomest on September 17, 2010 at 12:45 pm said:

    I keep thinking that each new arc is not going to be able to hold with the previous one. I keep being proven wrong. I love all of them, but this has to be my favorite! I’m not bringing my expectations down for this next one.

  31. I love it!!!

  32. Guys, i just realize now. I was going to start watching this anime, and went to your on going projects page, and i realize you only have 5 episodes there.
    Can you fix this?
    Thanks, you’re so f*cking beautiful!

  33. Not a hater on September 17, 2010 at 1:22 pm said:

    why apoligize? you guys are still the fastest group around…

  34. “Nah Raze likes to pretend his old to get pensioner discounts 😉 ) But some of us are around that age.”
    If I were only 20 years younger, I’d chloroform you, drag you to my shack, rape you, kill you, and rape you… … In that order… <3

  35. CODEHOOKED on September 17, 2010 at 5:13 pm said:

    too bad this arc isn’t as good as the previous 2 arcs. ):

  36. martinez on September 17, 2010 at 5:23 pm said:

    “Hey, bos!”
    “W-what’s the matter, Umehara? What are you doing in the preview? Don’t tell me you’re the heroine starting next week!”
    lol……absolutely BEST preview dialogue! 😀

  37. @Martinez: I said it! I said it! Umehara’s arc!
    Anyway WTF! The narrator was even more gay than usual.
    Oh, they should add a strong male voice saying “Finish him!” just before the Moe Death…

  38. Although I don’t share the dislike of others for the narrator, I also hope for a normal next arc. I’ll stay tuned for Speedo action, haha.

  39. This arc is tied for first with Haruka’s, I have a sneaking suspicion the Ai arc is gonna be fucking weak.
    But I’m gonna watch it nonetheless.

  40. Just letting you guys know for a final release, there is a typo at 3:31. You subbed “Isn’t that Tyrolean cafe is pretty close to the station?” There shouldn’t be that “is.”

  41. Horrible narrator is horrible T_T He totally ruined so many moments for me in this arc >.<
    That and I must say I didn't really enjoy watching Nakata Sae… she APPEARS overly shy, but the way she… I dare say SEDUCES… Junichi, with her apparent innocence but sexually provocative outfits, makes me dislike her. I just don't believe that "cute" can carry a relationship all the way that well: that's all Sae was. Her personality seems much weaker and less interesting than Haruka's or Kaoru's, and yeah…
    In any case, thank you very much for your subbing work, UTW! I look forward to the yaoi, I mean, swimsuit arc XD (I lol'd hard when the preview showed up, flashing back on TheCumi's prank on everyone last week XD)

  42. Sup, boy. Falling in love with the mirror? Don’t worry about the failure of love. It won’t fail you if you’re courageous. But you can’t always be lucky, so good luck.

  43. Why cant that narrator just stfu :(, thanks for the subs as always

  44. “Wait a minute. “15 years watching anime, bachelor’s degree” You guys are 30+? o_0”
    Of course. Life only really starts at 30! =D
    You infants won’t understand that yet. Go home and change your pampers 😛
    Anyway, thanks for the final episode of this great Sae arc.
    Would be nice if you’d drop that slow-as-hell Failserve crap and went back to MU which was a huge deal better.

  45. PaleBlue on September 18, 2010 at 4:44 am said:

    LOL Moe Death. I’m surprised you didn’t use that for the screenshot for this release 😀

  46. lawls. That is why you don’t get guns >> Now stop trying to hurt yourselves >>
    Honestly, I wouldn’t care if I saw this next week instead of this week. Humans need rest >.<

  47. Quote from SaeFtw:
    Of course. Life only really starts at 30! =D
    You infants won’t understand that yet. Go home and change your pampers.
    So… When we reach 60 we’ll unlock the option “New Game +”?
    At 90 “New Game ++”?

  48. @Diogo4D
    B Gata BD2 will be done when it’s done and not a moment sooner~ LOL. ISO hasn’t even finished upping yet, so we can’t start on it till it is. So maybe a week from now by time everything gets done.

  49. ok, thanks for the reply.
    I´ll be waiting.

  50. TysonBlast on September 19, 2010 at 2:10 am said:

    So, Michael Rivas is doing more work in Japanese anime now?
    TK last season, and now this.

  51. Who cares about Sae-chan!!!
    Miya-chan in neko outfit rellllllllly cute!!!!!
    Why the hell there is no Miya Arc???
    BTW Sae-chan in lolita dress is relly good on her…i like that…huhuhu
    Never mind that…lets Nishishishi….Vote for Miya arc…Make some poll for Miya-chan please.. @_@

  52. martinez on September 19, 2010 at 4:24 am said:

    Miya maybe in the special eps…..:p
    i love her most….

  53. i know you guys are busy but…
    the one you did with haruka was awesome, but i want to know what kaoru and sae said too (especially sae…)
    just a request.. 😀 and keep up the awesomeness…

  54. Snake? Snake?! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!!!!
    Great ep.

  55. HydrogenGuy on September 19, 2010 at 7:22 am said:


  56. ARGH this narrator should die in terrible pain. Cuntface ruined the whole mood, also WHAT THE FUCK IS MOE DEATH!? Worst arc by far.

  57. besides the point, Kaoru monologue trans where?

  58. bernkastel on September 19, 2010 at 9:03 pm said:

    Accepting donations to go to Japan to murder the narrator.

  59. goshisanniichi on September 19, 2010 at 10:24 pm said:

    This has been my favorite arc so far. You know, though… they could just keep make new story arcs until Junichi’s bagged every girl in the school… his teacher too. lol. A bit overkill maybe?

  60. goshisanniichi on September 19, 2010 at 10:34 pm said:

    BTW, I think ‘kyun’ is probably better interpreted as having one’s heart skip a beat as opposed to moe… moe-death seems more natural(?) to say, but I think what Stressemen (the narrator) is saying is more along the lines of, “she was so cute his heart skipped a beat which killed him.” Or something along those lines, my Japanese isn’t that great but I’m fairly confident that I’m not wrong…

  61. @goshisanniichi
    Unfortunately, you’re wrong. “Kyun” describes the tightening of the chest from something moe (or anything emotionally powerful, to be precise, but that’s pretty much 100% the definition of moe anyway). “Kyunshi” is indeed “death by kyun” or “death by chest tightening”, but let me explain why we went with “death by moe”.
    We basically made use of a translation technique I like to call “cause and effect”. For example, water makes things wet; ie. water causes things to be wet. A cloth with water in it is a wet cloth. In the same vein, something that is moe causes someone to go kyun. Just like how Sae being moe made Junichi go kyun.
    You’d probably argue at this point “but moe and kyun are not exactly the same thing, and therefore you lost some meaning!” I’d start talking about how the very act of translating itself results in a lot of lost meaning, implications, and connotations few of you can even imagine, no matter how skillful the translator, but I digress. Let us examine the relevant lines in our script:
    Dialogue: 8,0:20:03.88,0:20:09.90,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,At that moment, her eyes pierced through his heart, and he died from moe.
    Dialogue: 8,0:20:09.90,0:20:13.61,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,To die from moe is to have your chest tighten suddenly,
    Dialogue: 8,0:20:13.61,0:20:17.40,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,and have your heart taken from you as you rise to paradise.
    Let’s say instead of using “moe death” we used “death by chest tightening”. We’d get:
    Dialogue: 8,0:20:03.88,0:20:09.90,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,At that moment, her eyes pierced through his heart, and he died from his chest tightening.
    Dialogue: 8,0:20:09.90,0:20:13.61,Default,,0000,0000,0000,,To die from chest tightening is to have your chest tighten suddenly,
    I don’t know about you, but the first line isn’t half as funny anymore, and the second line is a redundant expression, which we would have to edit in the same way as we’d change “green car is green” to “green car” and you’d lose half the point of the sentence. Bottom line is, “Moe Death” is a legitimate translation (the MEANING is fully translated), it’s funny, and therefore does the job. I suppose we could’ve just used “kyun-death”, but a lot more people know what moe means than what kyun means.
    Finally, the onomatopoeic term in Japanese used to describe the skipping of a heartbeat is “doki”. The more you know!

  62. best arc ever 🙂

  63. martinez on September 20, 2010 at 4:48 am said:

    waw…..i got a free Japanese lesson from Raze….. 😀

  64. I’m still wondering why “Mero” is the onomatopoeic for “Falling in Love” -_-‘

  65. @TheCumi
    If i had to take a wild guess, I’d say maybe its something to do with ????. A person in love sings a happy melody? That’s all I’ve got! But since ???? also means “falling down drunk” it could be something to do with an on-mim for an intoxicated warm feeling (just like being madly in love).

  66. I realise this is not the right place to ask this but could you reseed the torrent for Summer Wars 720p trueHD5.1 please?

  67. negativebro on September 21, 2010 at 7:57 pm said:

    Cute character monologue. Thanks for the translation.

  68. koclokboy on September 24, 2010 at 1:19 am said:

    mehh… dont know why whis arc is so… flat???
    loves kaoru’s n haruka’s arc better…

  69. Interesting layout on your blog. I really enjoyed reading it and also I will be back to read more in the future.

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