DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui] Toaru Majutsu no Index II – 21 [720p][E45944B4].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui] Toaru Majutsu no Index II – 21 [XviD][792A89BD].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Our encoder forgot about Index.
And yes, we’re currently working on the blu-rays.
gay fansub
INDEX>>>>>>>>>>>SHIT>>>>>>>>>>>misaka slut
Downloading now.
Keep up the good work guys.
3 more episodes to go T_T
YES! Now I have to go to sleep
I don’t want to ruin it and watch while I am half awake.
hooray more accelerator!
Thanks for the encode.
Lovely Misaka screenshot there!
btw, what’s that “Index” you’re talking about?
thank you!
maybe it’s because i’m clueless, but why is it for every index post, it’s called a certain magical k— long k word, isnt it index…?
Holy shit, any ep with biribiri is a good ep.
btw, how short can those skirts get? its ridiculous.
dat angle
Kuroko will have a field day if she saw that pic.
@Cat: I lack a lot of japanese knowledge so I can’t confirm it but according to them and some others, Kinshomokuroku means Index in Japanese. The novel and anime call her Index in English because technically Index hails from Europe. But technically that’s how the title would be if they were to use a completely Japanese title.
Thank you, looking for a megaupload link though.
wow yeah, I’ll download it for sure (*’o`*)/
Because Kinshomokuroku is what the kanji compound ???? romanizes as. The title is:
??????????? (toaru majutsu no kinshomokuroku II)
thank you, but…forgot?, how is that possible!?!?!, misaka is in the episode
Accelerator is freaking overpowered!
Agreed, Accelerator is too good.
[spoiler]Holy shit, Kazakiri at the end? ZOMFG CREEPY AS HELL[/spoiler]
Misaka!!~~ to bad i was just about to go to bed, this will have to weight. Tho thats not bad, it gives me a good reason to get out of bed. ANIME!!
> Our encoder forgot about Index.
Forgetting about index is actually possible?
Woohoo! Thanks a bundle!
Kinsho = Banned books or literature
Mokuroku = Catalogue or list
Hence: Index Librorum Prohibitorum
@ Klakket: I know that she is supposed to be suffering, but that face just reminds me too much of the kind of expression you see in the last panel of a rape manga/doujin or something…
Yay! Blu-Rays!
Ok, so the Japanese title would be To Aru Majutsu no Kinshinomokuroku, even thought every goddamn site calls it To Aru Majutsu no Index, because it’s Index as in “name”, not as in “library”. But why the fuck do you call it A certainly magical Kinshinomokuroku!? Shouldn’t it be A Certainly Magical Index?
It’s an inversion
Normally the title is “To Aru Majutsu no Index” but they’re just switching the part of the title that are in Japanese and English respectively. So “To Aru Majutsu no” -> A Certain Magical, “Index” -> “Kinshomokuroku”
You would think that Vento would go easier on Kazakiri since they both have the tongue thing going on.
nice subs as always!
Guys guys, don’t think about it too much. They are just playing with the title. Some people would call the series A Certain Magical Index instead of the japanese alternative so nothing wrong with them doing the exact opposite and going for the completely japanese title.
Just one clarification note;
[spoiler]@21:32 Vento calls FUSE=Kazakiri ‘datenshi,’ which means fallen angel. This specific wording is important because she is an artificial fallen angel, as created by the AIM Fields powered up with the virus uploaded through Testament. The fact that ‘fallen angel’ is important is that the act of an angel turning from God and falling is incredibly destructive, which Aleister hopes to use against the magic side by scattering the Misaka Clones across the world to generate a planet-wide AIM Field.[/spoiler]
NEAT! Thanks for the episode!
unrelated lol : xDD i know misaka fans are better than index, but the poll shows 100% o.o..
thats not too far then
on good way, perhaps season 3 can finish things before new testament arc begins
The poll is rigged, pay no heed to it.
It’s not rigged. If you press the “View Results” button, then the “Vote” button then it only shows “Yes” as an option. Not. Rigged.
lol why the hell did they draw Kazakiri’s face like that? >.> That looks more ‘brain-dead’ than it does ‘suffering’.
Woah, this is good.
[spoiler]Holy smokes did Accelerator really just give a Building 7 facsimile a toss??? I do not want him on my curling team.[[/spoiler]
well its not rlly correct to say Kinshomokuroku = Index.
for those of you who care to know:
???? is romazied “Kinshomokuroku”
? Kanji means “forbidden”
? means “writing”
?? both together are “prohibited books” and are read as kinsho
? means “eye/insight”
? means “record/register”
?? basically can be translated as “index” and is read mokuroku
so, ???? means List/Index of prohibited Books
its often called “Toaru majutsu no index” because there are katakana below the kinshomokuroku (??????) which is read “Indekkusu”, so basically Index
its shorter and easier for non-japanese to use the latter one i guess^^
hope this clears it up
Why do they make the whole freaking season boring as hell only to deliver a few episodes of win in the end? <- looks like Last order.
guess i got my answer then, thanks everyone, but lol at that haha
OP song says
“I’m always dreaming after you”
Not “running”
Full version seems to have
At two different spots.
This one said “Dreaming”
Sorry, busy not giving a fuck.
can you guys do the Kanzaki Kaori SS chapter which is the railgun BD extras?
Er… Maybe. We’ll think about it.