Everyone, meet Anaru. Isn’t she hawt? Isn’t she cute? Of course she is.
That’s right, you know what I’m talking about. Public flogging by dandelions to those who call her by the forbidden name!
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Ano_Hana_-_01_[h264-720p][58F95653].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Ano_Hana_-_01_[XviD][EF1F2C51].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Our second series of Spring 2011, and first ridiculously long full sentence series title. Seriously, first semicolons and now this. Well, the show itself is quite fine I must say, so please do enjoy. I’d know, I worked on this particular episode for like 6+ hours or so.
Props to:
- Raze: cuz he has to be in every honorary mention list. Oh and he QC’d like usual.
- Moshiburner: cuz he should be too (inb4 ???). Well I did QC for aria and TL for this show. And by TL I mean I TL’d the script, did half a pass on the txt, ate dinner while comm timed it (see below), took the script, did a QC pass, applied QC, did another QC pass (this time checking timing errors), applied QC, passed the script to Raze and timed the OP and ED karaoke. That’s a shitload even to type.
- __ar: cuz he was doing 3 things at once. I mean seriously, doing three separate tasks simultaneously requires tons of effort no matter what. Think about it: styling while k-timing while doing IVTC. I could replace styling with counting jelly beans and the IVTC with peeling a banana and it’d still be frickin expert-moodo, you hear me? That’s right. Jelly beans. You know what, change k-timing to chatting on IRC too. All right, counting jelly beans while chatting on IRC while peeling a banana. That’s what he did. Respect.
- commander`A: timing aria AND this, saying “fuck school, fansubbing > learning”. No really. He skipped a class just to time this ep for us. Tiger blood, right there.
Honorary mention:
- fnord: cuz he was honest and said “I CAN’T DO THIS SHOW SINCE I’LL LOSE SLEEP TIME”. He’s got balls. nuff said.
OH RIGHT LOLEDIT: fnord TS’d aria. More cookies for Raze and fnord. I’m going to get some sleep before I really start forgetting stuff. Speaking of sleep, __ar also managed to be falling asleep while doing the above. That doesn’t count in the triple-tasking <_<
fnord did all that boss typesetting in Aria though! But man, us four really outdid ourselves today.
Question is… are we all ready for next week? ;_;
You guys are awesome. I can drop gg now.
SLU- uh, I mean…
Thanks for the subs!
Woooo thanks for picking this up guys.
Yay, dodged the gg bullet for this. Thanks.
Wait, second not third. Please don’t tell me you guys are gonna quit Stein;Gate >_<
@Weskalia: slowpoke.jpg
They already dropped Steins;Gate while ago. See Mazui’s site.
shit. now, im at a loss with you and [gg] for this series! (i picked up yours for hidan no aria) @_@ aaaaaargh.
I’ll have hotdog sandwiches on the breakfast table by morning for all to enjoy.
Well this was quite a surprise, already knew you guys were going to do Hidan no Aria but this one just completely took me by surprise
Oh, thank God! The absence of ads alone should be enough to go with UTW over a certain other group.
I can say nothing but thank you for your uberhard work XD
another one already? wow. thanks.
eh, wouldnt watch gg’s version if I had known you would be doing this
Yes, you picking this up means I have a gg-free season, Thank you.
So only asking, what is the forbidden name?
So, what’s the forbidden name? I wanna know.
YES! THANKS FOR PICKING THIS UP! no gg this season then =D and you guys are the bomb, how can you do it all?!
gg this season is actually good. they’re trolling us with eclipse translation style with honorific, eastern word order, etc.
What is this, I don’t even… Downloading…
One of my favorite (most expected) shows of this seasons. Thanks for the subs guys!
We’re gonna kill __ar, aren’t we? His half-asleep Tiger blood will be on our hands.
@So, what’s the forbidden name? I wanna know.
I knew it immediately, so it was pretty fun. If you write anaru in katakana ?????, and then translate it, it’s the forbidden name. (It’s a loanword.) ;D
@Ovindel: aww come on, you should have let them wonder about it a bit longer xD
Ovindel, I laughed when I’ve typed that word into Google.

Also Jelly Beans are yummy. Erm I mean, thanks, now I have to check out YET ANOTHER series. Haha.
Thanks UTW you guys rule =D
Thank you for picking this up and saving us from gg.
Thank your for introducing me to Anaru, Moshiburner.
I love the ED for this show, but I think they should’ve used SCANDAL’s recent cover instead of this high pitched singer.

Couple mistakes in the ED:
Should be “Your voice called out to me, “Let’s go home together””
“Saikou no omoide wo” should be “The best of memories”
You have “I covered my face with my bagbag”
The romaji for the one line should be “chotto setsunaku”, not “chotto setsunage ni”
Just wanted to point these out to you guys for the next ep.
Thanks for the nice work on it
gg gets another drop lol. And damn boys deuce shows…props. You led us to believe you all were going to be low key this season.
ps not complaining
Depression incoming.. probably.
And I guess it doesn’t matter where this character designer goes; three different studios with the same look. Not that I dislike it.
..also immediately got “the forbidden name” :DD..
and i thougt vageena out of ore no imouto would be a crazy name
thanks for the release,
this show looks really nice =)
on another note:
am i the only one that has problems with the 720p video?
it freezes close to the end of the episode for a little moment…
nothing serious, just wondering.
happens for 720p hidan no aria and 720p ano hana
This made me T_T
Thanks again UTW. :’)
So, does “Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai” translate to something?
@jmaeshawn lol quality subs mazui
I think gg did a decent job on this
The typesetting for that timber sign is probably the culprit, it’ll playback fine on faster systems but we noticed it did have a little bit of lag on a dual core laptop. Since it was right at the end of the episode we decided to leave it as is since it doesn’t cause any watchability issues.
It’s typeset in the Opening on the left hand side of the kanji, but anyway just in case and for anybody else:
“Anohi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai.”
translates to
“We Still Don’t Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day.”
Hope this will shut everyone bitching about dropping Steins;Gate. Good luck with competition against gg!(I’ll stuck with you guys)
gg did a pretty good job but personally I would stick with UTW due to random trolling like the “vagina bones” in yumekui merry.
Should be “Your voice called out to me, “Let’s go home together”” – there’s not really any difference between calling out and saying, other than the impact.
“Saikou no omoide wo” should be “The best of memories” – Translator/Editors choice of wording. Depends on how they interpreted it’s meaning based on context.
You have “I covered my face with my bagbag” – I’m at fault for Bagbag(tm). We noticed it after we released. Copy/paste fail.
The romaji for the one line should be “chotto setsunaku”, not “chotto setsunage ni” – Check your ears and listen again, ;p It’s definitely “chotto setsunage ni”.
This was a late release after fansubbing for 24hrs straight, we tried our best to not mess anything up~ I think we did a pretty ok job lol.
Dear UTW staff:
There’s a massive translation discrepancy between your work and gg’s. The main character calls Menma “??” which according to various sources translates more accurately into ugly. I don’t usually mind small differences but this time the mistranslation into “boring” is quite serious imo. I hope you will fix it in a v2 or something, since it’s an important point plot-wise.
UTW and gg staff are up to something… fierce… Me gusta…
Blame Raze for that, though you can blame me too; we both went liberal away from plain old ugly. I originally made a sentence w the word “cooties” as I thought it would capture the childish spirit better. idk Raze’s reasoning for boring, and indeed upon reconsidering it seems further off meaning-wise. I can tell you, however, that my sentence structure didn’t match the original dialogue well. (I can’t check my scripts and copy paste it atm; this is from an iPhone.) So, both our faults. I don’t know the rest of the plot and I don’t know if you do either when you say this, but it was a pretty pivotal statement even in this episode alone so I’ll make sure it’s redone.
No blame need to be placed on anyone. I don’t know Japanese but being bi-lingual I do understand the difficulty in translating. Thank you for putting more effort into this and keep up the good work.
Am sensing a pattern to UTW release for spring
Is commander A the same person on Ryuumaru?
I would join abandon Ryuumaru and join UTW instead if I were him.
The best fansubbers after Eclipse passed away!
[UTW] > [gg]
Ryuumaru pretty much share almost all their staff with UTW. But here, Ryuumaru = comfag’s group and UTW = Raze’s group.
Stop bitching about gg, the- You know what nevermind.
>people complaining about ads
Like Hidan no Aria, I’ll DL both releases. 8D
THANK RAPTOR JESUS. Now I dont have to use gg this season.
Obligatory kisses/handjobs for the UTW staff. No homo of course.
Very good. I wasn’t sure how it would be but I enjoyed it.
This looks like an amazing show. Thanks for subbing this.
Forbidden name
thats a good position..
i mean
“styling while k-timing while doing IVTC. I could replace styling with counting jelly beans and the IVTC with peeling a banana and it’d still be frickin expert-moodo, you hear me?”
Bit exaggerated, it has only one single telecine pattern over the whole ep, it only switches twice due to the ads. Takes 30 seconds to IVTC manually – depending on how fast you can type.
I didn’t get that forbidden name unless I watched it.
And I probably wouldn’t even notice if you didn’t mention it. Thanks for messing with my thoughts.
Anyway, thanks for the ep!
Well I was working on 2 different ts’ at the same time. And yes thankfully TBS typically have pretty consistent telecining patterns that only change at every cut of the episode.
It’s the checking that burns time, preparing is easy enough most of the time.
studio done stuff I liked
secret base ed
you doing it
too many shows fml
:0 … I will wait for an sd/avi version please!
I Watched it, I dont get that forbidden name part.
XVID pl0x
still waiting for avi guys
remove the u and flip the r upside down
As always thanks for great subs, anime itself looks good, intrigued me enough to watch it.
What other shows play on ghosts coming back from the dead and helping the main character(s)? Ones I can think of:
Cross Game
Angel Heart
Final Fantasy Advent Children
All of which were really touching. I have high expectations for this.
For those of you that don’t understand the forbidden name:
“The relatively sombre direction the anime is likely to take is rather offset by the fact that Naruko Anjo’s name is continuously abbreviated to “Anaru” (“Anal”)…”
Think about the Japanese and their difficulty with the letter L, and you get Anaru
ah, I see. I was thinking “Nessa”
Can’t find ED on the internet
Is it just me or does Anaru look a lot like Jessica from Dragon Quest 8 (http://www.creativeuncut.com/gallery-03/art/dq8-jessica-albert.jpg)?
Does anyone know how convert the mkv to avi keeping the subtitles as created by UTW?
Simplest method for those with no prior experience would be to use MediaCoder but if your computer can’t handle h.264 its going to take a really long time to convert.
where is the Xvid? I want to watch this show!
What does ??? mean?
Bah, why can’t you guys sub Maria Holic: Alive. Only option currently is Commie (not even a simulcast) and they’re taking about a hundred years to release the second episode.
Because none of our translators wanted to translate it. It’s not their kind of show, especially when its a good 450-500 lines per episode. Also if we subbed M+H: Alive, it would be even more slowpoke than Commie. They are subbing it pretty quickly. No typesetter wants to speedsub M+H: Alive, it’s a hell of a lot of work.
you should really teach me how to typeset like that ar xd
What a great show!! Thanks for subbing this anime
where avi?
I love you guys ridiculous amounts for doing this. No more gg trolling.
Thank you guys for doing this could you please add types at the beginning the bowl says Jin-tan I think so
>No more gg trolling
Except their first episode was troll free.
gg seems to think this show will be A+. They’re probably gonna be minimally trolling, they usually only troll with shows they don’t like much.
I’m two minutes into this show and I want to brutally murder all the characters and splatter their organs everywhere.
I think this episode needs a v2 and quickly cause types missing and in some points the translation lose.I know you can do it better…If you start a job make it decent at least.
This is great! Watched it twice (first time for anime eps)
>Except their first episode was troll free.
I watched gg’s release, and putting/leaving in a lively shaving advert straight after the episode ends isn’t my idea of playing nice. They did it to piss people off and make them mad, which it did. Seems like a textbook case of trolling to me.
Avi sure is taking long //crawls into a corner
*hugs ar__.* T_T You guys… Thx for moar expert animu…
I am on fansubbing holidays for a day or 2, so whenever I finish it.
She looks like kamichika rio from drrr.
>I watched gg’s release, and putting/leaving in a lively shaving advert straight after the episode ends isn’t my idea of playing nice. They did it to piss people off and make them mad, which it did. Seems like a textbook case of trolling to me.
gg has always been like that -_- Especially with Star Driver(ever heard of MORNING LESCUE!?)
But yeah, not a lot of people seem to mind since the commercials are pretty funny
Menma: what Index should have been like!
Anaru = Misao (Asura Cryin’)!! I knew I loved her voice for some reason!!
Great anime, though I gotta say I DLd primarily cause of the pic!
Nice, this show looks really interesting. Thanks for subbing guys!
Thanks for subbing this. I am really looking forward to seeing more of this anime.
Next episode pl0x!
@Annonymous: underdogs fighting their way to the top
I you’d ckeck you can find that lot of guys are part of two or three diffrent groups. UTW, gg, commie, ryuumaru, bss; old eclipse, menclave; Frankly saying these are (mostly) the same people… So dont be suprisec
This is turning out to be one of the most interesting shows of the new season
agree… I only watch dog days and this show for this season.. but this show is far more interesting than dog days though..
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I like how they used Aion Online sound effects for the video game he was playing in the opening lol.