DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_C3_Cube_x_Cursed_x_Curious_-_12_[h264-720p][6B2F1A7A].mkv [DDL1][DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_C3_Cube_x_Cursed_x_Curious_-_12_[XviD][4A6B782C].avi [DDL1][DDL2]
Oops, forgot to rage last week. Ehh well you know, the usual deal with engrish and whatnot. This week…oh right. Delays. Yeah it’s like 24 hours before episode 13 would’ve aired if it existed…
Moshi fell asleep or something, so I’ll take it from here. I hope everyone enjoyed waiting for our releases! Here’s a few words from the staff:
Moshiburner (TL/TLC/QC): Spoilertagging before I even start because I know this is going to be craaaaazyyyyyy~
Oh, right. First of all, yes I did fall asleep while typing. NEW SKILL ACQUIRED! So my sternocleidomastoid is aching. Like a bawss.
Aightey, onto the series. C^3, as you can tell, is about the logical construction of various torture devices throughout history by reconfiguring many small cubes which originally fit into one large cube. To do this, Fear constantly needs to use her spacial recognition skills and use her power to change the velocity vectors of her cubies and recreate her maddening tools. Yay, geometry. But hey, at least we aren’t doing linear algebra, if you know what I mean. Hehe, EHEHEHEHE yeah I’ve been doing math problems recently ;_;
Anyway, yay artwork, boo fanservice. This last episode was epic in that it earned the dreaded animation censor for something that isn’t just excessively revealing. Thas right, the other NSFW(ya know ya like it fnord!). Props to them for going so far with the insanity.
Overall, decent show. I feel it surpassed other generic Fighting with Fanservice (abbreviated FwF, remember that kids. If it goes viral, you heard it here first!) shows with the “we don’t do generic lines of speech in-between fights” policy and the murderfaces/epic guro. Yup, I’m satisfied!
By the way, was that picture her butt or breast, I still—jk.
Daiz (Encoder who consistently worked on the series on time): I was the only person to work on time for this series every single week and I was completely forgotten from the roll call initially… I guess the lesson of the day is: Delay stuff for days to make people remember your work ( ゚∀゚)アハハ八八ノヽノヽノヽノ \ / \/ \
8thSin (TLC): I stuffed my thing up Fear’s tight crack last night, too. It was tight, she screamed a lot.
Kusion (Editing/TS/QC): I remember trying to convince Moshi to do this over Horizon back during the fall season. He didn’t want to, until he saw the first episode of Horizon. At any rate, this has been a really fun show to work on. I’m sorry about all the delays, there’ll be no more delays for spring season. Now, enjoy the final episode or I’ll curse you!
Sindalf (Timing):
Raze (TLC/QC – first few episodes): A show combining both fanservice and crazy faces. How absurd.
__ar (TS assistance): Silverlink did some really cool stuff with the animations for this series and I enjoyed working on it, regardless of how slowpoke we were! 呪うぞ~