Unlimited Translation Works

Author Archives: Fotc

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Lite – 02

A very fitting Lite. I’ve been sick all week, but I can’t take time off from work because of deadlines.

DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_Lite_-_02_[34F0B200].mkv
All right, maggots, listen up. I’m only gonna say this once, so you’d better grind it into that pile of dog shit you call a brain harder than I’d grind my neighbor’s wife’s pretty little posterior. Ooh-la-la.
First off, we’re subbing Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren and thems shorts that comes with ’em every week because I want to. It ain’t gonna be no cake walk, but you can be surer than I’d grind my cousin’s wife that it’s easier than getting her permission. You’d better thank those freaks in FFF Squadron for helping, you ingrateful maggots.
Second, you will not expect a release until 24 hours after broadcast has been completed. That’s 1600, Zulu, maggots. Grind that into that pile of camel vomit you call a brain and don’t ask questions. I got work to do, and it’s keeping me from grinding my brother-in-law’s sister’s former roommate’s terrific tushy, so you can be surer than hell that I’m not gonna do anything for your damn sake.
Third, Lites will be done as UTW Squadron because that’s how shit goes. Grind that into that hairy slime mold you call a brain like I’d grind my aunt’s cousin’s boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend’s daughter’s beautiful behind, and don’t ask questions, maggots.
Fourth, writing a post will never delay a release, maggots. Grind that into that stinking dung beetle carcass you call a brain and never ask if a post is delaying a release. This shit takes less than half an hour between missions to write, which is considerably more time than I could grind my aunt’s babysitter’s lesbian girlfriend’s uncle’s former roommate’s wife’s, but much less time than I could grind your sister’s rapturous rump. And just like a good grinding, it only comes with a moment’s divine inspiration. None of this shit is planned. Ever.
Got that maggots? Now get the hell back to work before I grind your ass too. Ooh-la-la.

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren – 02

Guten Wasserdrachen.

DOWNLOAD HD: [FTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_-_02_[720p][EBB35987].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [FTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_-_02_[480p][455B2CEE].mp4

The Causes of Eighth-Grade Syndrome and Its Effects Throughout History

fotc (Mazui Subs, Unlimited Translation Works)

1  Introduction

Eighth-grade syndrome (known also as chūnibyō) has gained a singular popularity in recent times as a universally experienced phenomenon. Despite its generally accepted universal nature, and while the particular symptoms of the “disease” are easily recognized, a formal treatment of its causes and effects is conspicuously lacking. In this multi-part article, the psychological, philosophical, social, and cultural causes and effects of eighth-grade syndrome throughout history are explored.

The onset age of eighth-grade syndrome is first explained in terms of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. The underlying cause for the condition is then described in the context of terror management theory (TMT). The symptoms themselves are then described as a form of teenage rebellion and identity development. Finally, various historical, social, and cultural phenomena will be described in the context of eighth-grade syndrome.

An effort is made to provide for the reader without background in the applied psychology, philosophy, and history sufficient knowledge to understand the exploration. The provided background is in no way exhaustive, and the reader is encouraged to pursue further study in the topics discussed. Furthermore, the exploration provided is in no means exhaustive or authoritative; expansions, criticisms, and counterarguments are encouraged and welcome.

It must be noted that this article is planned only in a broad sense. The writing will be performed by sequence (front matter prior to content prior to end matter) rather than by significance (content prior to front matter and end matter) and only during the author’s brief idle intervals during the subtitling process each week. As such, some parts may be omitted during the initial publication if they are not completed prior to the publication deadline. Furthermore, the only source expected to be cited in the article will be the author’s memory of the bodies of knowledge mentioned in this article. A complete, edited version—with omissions restored and temporary notices (such as this paragraph) removed—will be published after the completion of the article.

It must also be stated that no part of this article is in any way intended to cause any offense to any parties, social, political, religious, or otherwise. The ideas are presented entirely in an academic sense. As with any theory, acceptance is a decision on the part of the individual.

Creative Commons License
The Causes and Effects of Eighth-Grade Syndrome Throughout History by fotc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Research was funded in part by FFF Fansubs.

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren – 01


DOWNLOAD HD: [FTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_-_01_[720p][9172389F].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [FTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_-_01_[480p][0FC4800F].mp4

The Causes of Eighth-Grade Syndrome and Its Effects Throughout History

fotc (Mazui Subs, Unlimited Translation Works)


Eighth-grade syndrome (known also as chūnibyō) has gained a singular popularity in recent times as a universally experienced phenomenon. Despite its generally accepted universal nature, and while the particular symptoms of the “disease” are easily recognized, a formal treatment of its causes and effects is conspicuously lacking. In this multi-part article, the psychological, philosophical, social, and cultural causes and effects of eighth-grade syndrome throughout history are explored.
An effort is made to provide for the reader without background in the applied psychology, philosophy, and history sufficient knowledge to understand the exploration. The provided background is in no way exhaustive, and the reader is encouraged to pursue further study in the topics discussed. Furthermore, the exploration provided is in no means exhaustive or authoritative; expansions, criticisms, and counterarguments are encouraged and welcome.
Creative Commons License
The Causes of Eighth-Grade Syndrome and Its Effects Throughout History by fotc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Research was funded in part by FFF Fansubs.

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren Lite – 01

We’ve been working very hard lately. ‘Round the clock, in fact. Jingle Hell.

DOWNLOAD: [UTW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_Ren_Lite_-_01_[D23D8BC7].mkv
We decided that we’d do the Lites for Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren. Note that this does not mean that we have decided to do Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren itself, as we will be waiting to see if it is simulcast.
As usual, we will not pick it up if it is simulcast.
And if the Lites get simulcast, they’re dropped, too.

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! – OVA

DOWNLOAD 1080p: [URW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_-_OVA_[BD][1080p][2084DE54].mkv
DOWNLOAD 720p: [URW]_Chuunibyou_demo_Koi_ga_Shitai!_-_OVA_[BD][720p][55C22F0C].mkv
“Much have I fared, much have I found,
Much have I got of the gods:
What shall live of mankind when at last there comes
The mighty winter to men?”
Joined are we in Bilskirnir by fair maidens.

Water Moat – 06

Save a life. Donate today.

DOWNLOAD 720p: [FTW]_Watashi_ga_Motenai_no_wa_Dou_Kangaetemo_Omaera_ga_Warui_-_06_[720p][4C68B1F3].mkv
DOWNLOAD 480p: [FTW]_Watashi_ga_Motenai_no_wa_Dou_Kangaetemo_Omaera_ga_Warui_-_06_[480p][F93AE2D8].mp4
Today, I would like to talk to you about a problem plaguing our world. It is rampant. It may affect you, yet you may not know it. It is a serious problem which we must face as a planet.
As an example of its disastrous effects, sixty-six percent of cases of malnutrition may be attributed to this problem. Dietary intervention cannot correct these cases of malnutrition.
It also causes vaccines to fail, resulting in preventable epidemics and mass death.
The problem is environmental enteropathy: a pathology of the intestine caused by the environment.
What causes this problem? Fecal contamination of the environment.
How does it manifest itself? Fecal ingestion by infants and children resulting in colonization of the intestine by harmful bacteria.
All because some societies do not have toilets or other clean and efficient fecal disposal methods.
While ingestion, transplantation, and direct application of fecal matter to parts of the body both internal and external may be beneficial (see fecal bacteriotherapy), in these societies, it can only be harmful.
Remember the children. Donate your new and used toilets today.
And reward yourself with better health. Eat some feces today.
Or apply the feces as an enema. It works too. In fact, we recommend you do both to ensure your bodily and mental health.
May Crepitus be with you.

Who is Imouto? – 13


DOWNLOAD 1080p: [FTW]_Kono_Naka_ni_Hitori_Imouto_ga_Iru_-_13_[BD][1080p_FLAC][5614C1D2].mkv
DOWNLOAD 720p: [FTW]_Kono_Naka_ni_Hitori_Imouto_ga_Iru_-_13_[BD][720p_AAC][3BEC1FDC].mkv
Joint venture with FFF.
Now that the show is over, and we have jointly exercised our constitutional rights, we would like to leave you with one very important thought.
Sometime in the future, you may have the opportunity to serve as a juror in a so-called obscenity case. It would be wise to remember that the same people who would stop you from viewing this film may be back next year to complain about a book, or even a TV program.
If you can be told what you can see or read, then it follows that you can be told what to say or think.
Defend your constitutionally protected rights – no one else will do it for you.
Thank you.

Pornokano – 03

You chauvinistic pig.
Is this what a REAL woman looks like? Servile, docile, and innocent?

DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Photokano_-_03_[h264-720p][39B23ACE].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Photokano_-_03_[h264-480p][64C75AA1].mp4 [DDL]
No. It is not.
Women are not men’s servants. They are men’s equals.
If you think otherwise, then you, sir or madam, are a chauvinistic pig.
While there is good pornography which portrays women as men’s equals, this pornography does not. It portrays women as servile, docile, inferior to men, and adverse to even consensual sexual activity. It is bad pornography. It is sick, twisted, and disgusting. And you, who are watching this pornography, are just as sick, twisted, and disgusting.
Shame on you, scum. Shame on you.
Enjoy your rape flick.

Little Fujoshits! – 26


DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Little_Busters!_-_26_[720p][D2E9F440].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: Coming soon…
Well, it’s been a long 26 weeks. Thank Ahura Mazda, Allah, Angra Mainyu, and the Greek pantheon it’s over.
If you find any timing errors, blame archdeco. Not that it’ll do much.
I actually don’t have much to say (for once), so I’ll just run it straight to our traditional staff comments.
Raze (TL/QC): Anego best girl. Rin has a nice ass.
Ulrezaj (TL/Edit/TS/QC): This was 50% its potential due to lack of Saya T_T
Moshi (TL): (MIA)
Sutai (TS): Special thanks go to Bungles for almost taking this shitty show over.
Bungles (TS): (MIA)
Sindalf (Encoding/Timing): (MIA)
archdeco (Timing): Moe, moe, kyun! ☆ (After 26 weeks, I hate this fucking show now. God, if you can hear me, please don’t let there be S2!)
KmE (Timing): i didn’t watch the show so i have nfi about what to say ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
Eien (Encoding): (MIA)
jacques (Encoding): i didn’t watch the show so i have nfi about what to say ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌
The jobs changed a lot over the course of the anime, but I think that’s about right. If I missed anyone, too bad, you weren’t important enough.
My own comment? Well, that’s obvious.
Kuroneko = mai❤waifu.
The spring season is going to be a real emotional roller coaster for me. If I suddenly disappear, it’s because I’m (a) in the hospital, (b) in the psychiatric ward, or (c) six feet under. Expect delays when that happens.

Little Exhibitionists! – 23


DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Little_Busters!_-_23_[720p][9D87A54E].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Little_Busters!_-_23_[480p][3E625519].mp4 [DDL]
I would like you to remember that in Kudwafter, whenever Riki and Kud do the dirty, a certain darkness overwhelms their hearts and minds.
Kud remembers how she was chained in a cave, standing in a pool of her own filth, getting ravaged again, and again, and again. And she fears she may never experience it again.
Riki remembers that Kud’s first time wasn’t with him, but with several large, dark-skinned men and women. And he wonders if she’s really enjoying it.