Rest assured this does NOT appear in the actual release.
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_12_[h264-720p][6E06166B].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Fate_Zero_-_12_[XviD][07201328].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
Here you go, guys. Some _philosophy_ to be had in the second half of the episode, so I was making doubly sure that everything’s fabulous.
It’s worth mentioning here that Aniplex screwed up the translation of an entire section of this episode pretty badly. Gilgamesh was talking about pleasure (愉悦), not superiority (優越). Too bad for them the two words sound very similar.
In other news, the Mahoyo trial came out this weekend; too bad it ended just when I was starting to get into it. ~45 minutes of reading material isn’t quite enough to write a review on, but I might put some pics up of the demo later if enough people are interested.