DEEPLY SIGNIFICANT SEAG—crap, those aren’t seagulls are they
DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW-Mazui]_Little_Busters!_-_01_[720p][4521F7D8].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW-Mazui]_Little_Busters!_-_01_[480p][168C19D7].mp4 [DDL]
UTW and Mazui have crossed baseball bats/eel pies/three-section nunchuks to bust out Little Busters! in (more or less) record time for you, the audience! Be sure to check out the long-awaited animefication which feature random item generation (now with free Japanese cultural item DLC), MPC achievements, which award lack of skill, and more importantly the save-a-quote feature, which allows you to turn any bland statement into a phrase for the ages. Oh, and play the game if you haven’t already (says the person who hasn’t gotten around to playing it for years)!
And yes, those are minor spoilers lol. Won’t ruin the fun though, so without further ado, do enjoy!