This is how I’ve felt when people have bugged me to release for an entire week.
DOWNLOAD HD: [FTW]_Tamayura_More_Aggressive_-_10_[720p][BF878798].mkv
DOWNLOAD SD: [FTW]_Tamayura_More_Aggressive_-_10_[480p][9C1A13E1].mp4
Nothing that’s noted to be “QC’d” has been fixed. Enjoy, whoever batches this.
I hate this show. 10 weeks of trying to drop and counting.
Let’s recap the week:
[01:33] <fotc> tamayura10.postfotc.notsortedbytime.opedinsertnotincluded.ass up.
[02:27] <Futsuu> thanks
[02:27] <Futsuu> all yours, Kusion
[20:34] <@Kusion> oh i still need to do this
[20:34] <@Kusion> im just not going to bother and just mux
[04:25] <archdeco> Kusion, tamayura where?
[11:32] <Futsuu> tamayura fucking where
[11:34] <Eien> yeah kusion
[11:34] <Eien> why are you stalling anime
[11:34] <Eien> didn’t you love this shitty show
[11:34] <Eien> >make me work on it
[11:34] <Futsuu> this is 15 hours after he said he wasn’t gonna bother
[11:34] <Eien> >i do stuff asap
[11:34] <Eien> >you’re stalling
[11:34] <Eien> wow.
[11:35] <Futsuu> muxing shouldn’t take 15 hours!
[11:38] <archdeco> we’re talking about Kusion here
[11:38] <archdeco> nothing is impossible for him!
[16:11] <archdeco> Kusion, release Tamayura
[16:16] <@Kusion> cant till later
[10:50] * archdeco slaps Kusion around a bit with a large trout
[10:55] <Eien> kusion stop
[10:55] <Eien> stalling anime
[10:55] <Eien> omg
[16:09] <archdeco> Kusion, release Tamayura
[21:15] <fotc> Kusion: Release Tamayura.
[23:48] <Futsuu> Kusion wtf
[23:48] <Futsuu> Release Tamayura
[02:02] <@Kusion> damn
[02:03] <@Kusion> i guess
[02:03] <@Kusion> i have to
[02:03] <@Kusion> oh man theres an insert too
[02:03] <@Kusion> k dling
[02:14] <fotc> You could have done it earlier if you weren’t playing games all day.
[02:14] <@Kusion> pls
[02:19] <Eien> Kusion stalls
[02:19] <Eien> anime
[02:19] <Eien> more than me
[02:19] <Eien> !
[02:19] <Eien> i stalled at releasing
[02:19] <Eien> for 1 day
[02:20] <Eien> because i had exams
[02:20] <Eien> kusion stalled at releasing
[02:20] <Eien> for like 3 days
[02:20] <Eien> because he’s playing games!
[02:23] <Futsuu> Dialogue: 0,0:16:09.26,0:16:16.78,Top,,0,0,0,,I’m the only one without a spark, an direction, or anything.
[02:23] <Futsuu> pls fix
[02:27] <Futsuu> Dialogue: 0,0:19:47.11,0:19:52.18,Default,,0,0,0,,And I’m sure someone else sparked her dreams too.
[02:27] <Futsuu> {\i1}her{\i0}
[02:52] <@Kusion> >making me italics
[02:52] <@Kusion> o godf
[02:52] <@Kusion> this qc
[03:03] <@Kusion> dam
[03:03] <@Kusion> i cant pass
[03:03] <@Kusion> this map anymore
[03:03] <@Kusion> ;_;
[12:59] <Futsuu> >[Nishi-Taku] Tamayura ~more aggressive~ – 10 [720P Hi10P][56312541].mkv
[12:59] <Futsuu> Kusion pls
[12:59] <Futsuu> this is embarrassing
[13:00] <Eien> yeah
[13:00] <Eien> mfw
[13:00] <Eien> we were done wayyy earlier
[13:00] <Eien> but kusion is stallin
[13:00] <@Kusion> wow
[13:01] <Futsuu> new ep airs day after tomorrow, bro
[13:01] <@Kusion> we might as well dual release!
[13:02] <Futsuu> no u
[13:02] <@Kusion> ok
[13:02] <@Kusion> i have an interview soon so i guess ill apply shit after
[13:02] <Futsuu> have you done anything at all yet
[13:03] <@Kusion> i downloaded it
[13:03] <Futsuu> if not, Eien style the inserts
[13:03] <Futsuu> pleae
[13:03] <Futsuu> please*
[13:03] <@Kusion> Eien stop stalling
[13:03] <@Kusion> thx
[13:04] <Futsuu> look at him not responding
[13:05] <Eien> ?
[13:05] <Eien> i was
[13:06] <Eien> talking on skype
[13:06] <@Kusion> this Eien
[13:06] <@Kusion> stalling
[13:06] <@Kusion> forever
[13:06] <@Kusion> we’re trying to fansub here
[13:06] <Eien> >kusion blaming me for stalling
[13:06] <Eien> >kusion
[13:06] <Eien> >kusion
[19:43] <fotc> Kusion: Release Tamayura.
[20:07] <Futsuu> yes Kusion
[21:51] <fotc> Kusion: Release Tamayura.
[10:46] * archdeco slaps Kusion around a bit with a large trout
[10:46] <Futsuu> yeah Kusion
[10:46] <Futsuu> release tamayura
[11:42] <archdeco> I second that
[14:24] <@Kusion> o
[14:24] <@Kusion> right
[16:14] <archdeco> Kusion, where is Tamayura?
[19:25] <@Kusion> its
[19:25] <@Kusion> on my pc
[20:09] <fotc> Kusion: Release Tamayura.
[20:12] <fotc> Release it before the next episode airs, or I will show you the true meaning of mail terrorism.
[20:12] <fotc> I still have that transparent box.
[20:12] <fotc> And I know how to use it.
[20:12] <Raze> wow
[20:13] <Raze> still no tamayura!
[20:13] <fotc> All he has to do is release!
[20:13] <@Kusion> PLEASE
[20:13] <@Kusion> ;_;
[20:13] <fotc> Six days, man.
[20:13] <fotc> Six days.
[20:13] <Raze> even more wow
[20:13] <fotc> Release it.
[01:00] <@Kusion> ok
[01:00] <@Kusion> i think
[01:00] <@Kusion> its time
[01:00] <@Kusion> to release
[01:01] <@Kusion> do i have
[01:01] <@Kusion> to style the song
[01:01] <@Kusion> oh she sings it
[01:01] <@Kusion> might as well not style it
[01:29] <fotc> Kusion: Please release on time tomorrow.
Meanwhile, while Kusion should have been releasing.
It’s been a pretty good week aside from the spamming on my IRC.