DOWNLOAD HD: [Victorique]_Gosick_-_05_[h264-720p][48A2CC96].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [Victorique]_Gosick_-_05_[XviD][D59D95C0].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
This episode has raging books and teachers who aren’t afraid of ghosts without their glasses~ Apparently there’s some plot development too, but since I haven’t had the chance to watch it from beginning to end as yet I haven’t got much to add on this front!
Oh yeah… only one name change this week! Kujo gained a macron and transformed into Kuj?! It turns out Kujo is actually written Kujou (this went unnoticed obviously!), but seeing as it’s common place for the Japanese to drop of long ‘o’ sounds and romanize it with o+macron I thought I’d give it a try (plus this way chances are most people won’t even notice the difference, and I can argue it’s correct!).
tl;dr Scapegoat.
Enjoy and all that jazz~
Copy/paste names list, there’s probably more but they are the main characters.!
Names: Kuj? Kazuya, Victorica de Blois, Glaviel de Blois, Ms. Cecil, Avril Bradley
ar NB (8/2/2011):
DOWNLOAD 32-bit: VSFilter 2.40.3021 x86
DOWNLOAD 64-bit: VSFilter 2.40.3021 x64
By the way if anybody does get any sign lag (even though you shouldn’t because they are light enough) I recommend upgrading to this version of VSFilter. It has prebuffer enabled by default (so I’m told) and it’s being worked on actively by guys involved in the MPC-HC project thus it has improvements from their internal subtitle renderer codebase.
Even without prebuffer it’s seems a fair bit faster overall for rendering more complex signs. For 32-bit MPC-HC or other 32-bit players use the x86 version, for 64-bit use the x64 version. These builds are compiled by XhmikosR.
Edit: (14/03/2001) VSFilter links updated – ar