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The Causes of Eighth-Grade Syndrome and Its Effects Throughout History
fotc (Mazui Subs, Unlimited Translation Works)
1 Introduction
Eighth-grade syndrome (known also as chūnibyō) has gained a singular popularity in recent times as a universally experienced phenomenon. Despite its generally accepted universal nature, and while the particular symptoms of the “disease” are easily recognized, a formal treatment of its causes and effects is conspicuously lacking. In this multi-part article, the psychological, philosophical, social, and cultural causes and effects of eighth-grade syndrome throughout history are explored.
The onset age of eighth-grade syndrome is first explained in terms of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development. The underlying cause for the condition is then described in the context of terror management theory (TMT). The symptoms themselves are then described as a form of teenage rebellion and identity development. Finally, various historical, social, and cultural phenomena will be described in the context of eighth-grade syndrome.
An effort is made to provide for the reader without background in the applied psychology, philosophy, and history sufficient knowledge to understand the exploration. The provided background is in no way exhaustive, and the reader is encouraged to pursue further study in the topics discussed. Furthermore, the exploration provided is in no means exhaustive or authoritative; expansions, criticisms, and counterarguments are encouraged and welcome.
It must be noted that this article is planned only in a broad sense. The writing will be performed by sequence (front matter prior to content prior to end matter) rather than by significance (content prior to front matter and end matter) and only during the author’s brief idle intervals during the subtitling process each week. As such, some parts may be omitted during the initial publication if they are not completed prior to the publication deadline. Furthermore, the only source expected to be cited in the article will be the author’s memory of the bodies of knowledge mentioned in this article. A complete, edited version—with omissions restored and temporary notices (such as this paragraph) removed—will be published after the completion of the article.
It must also be stated that no part of this article is in any way intended to cause any offense to any parties, social, political, religious, or otherwise. The ideas are presented entirely in an academic sense. As with any theory, acceptance is a decision on the part of the individual.
The Causes and Effects of Eighth-Grade Syndrome Throughout History by fotc is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Research was funded in part by FFF Fansubs.