DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_24_[h264-720p][1DF1511D].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Accel_World_-_24_[XviD][F57A86CC].avi [DDL]
And that’s another series completed here at UTW!
It’s been a long ride spanning half a year, and this project started out pretty rough. Nobody really wanted to work on this series, and I had a part-time job on Saturday mornings that severely limited my available time for the first few episodes. There was even a point when our motivation was so low and waking up in the dead of the night was so painful that we got pretty close to dropping the project.
I’m glad we persisted though, and while the ride hasn’t gotten any easier (__ar would want to kill himself every time the studio spammed screen perspectives for him to typeset), the enjoyment of it really improved. Those of us in the team who work on or follow the series are all rooting for a Season 2!
And we have the staff roll call!
Raze (Translator/TLC/Editor/QC): Snow Black ftw. I love her.
ar (Typesetter/Encoder/2nd OP Kara Styler): So it’s been 6 months and time has flown, and what started out kinda slow and silly turned into a pretty good show. Haruyuki stopped being a fag by the end, and that’s cool. Snow Black is wifey material, and Blood Leopard is hnnnnggg. There was a lot of tedious days where I had to spend anywhere from 6-10hrs typesetting, but I guess at the end they were still fun after the fact (though I am sick of typesetting perspective shots of screens!). It was practically Raze, fgg and myself almost all the way through and we managed to pull it off week to week. Bravo sirs, this was fun~
fgghjjkll (Timer): It was a pleasure to work on this project. The series was awesome and I enjoyed every bit of it.
Kusion (Kara Styler): Since I only styled the songs and QC’d 3 or so episodes, I can frankly say that I still know nothing about this show, and that I probably never will. Though, having said that, I can say that Chiyuri is pretty damn cute.
8thsin translated the first 7 episodes before real life took over him. He stayed on to TLC a few more episodes before dropping off completely, but he’s (sort of) back and working through that Nisemonogatari backlog!
I’m hoping to release the OVA sometime this week. The batch might take a while as my medical studies are picking up and there’s also Fate/Zero blurays to work on.
Thanks for flying UTW for Accel World, and we hope you enjoyed our work!