DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Shinsekai_Yori_-_01_[h264-720p][842BA532].mkv [DDL]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Shinsekai_Yori_-_01_[XviD][7F1ECFCF].avi [DDL]
Here’s our first offering for the Fall 2012 season!
Thanks go to lygerzero0zero of Evetaku Fansubs for graciously assisting us with the translations of terminology in this series. fnord also deserves special mention for spending hours on end working on this episode and pulling the team together.
With any luck, we should be back to a speedsub schedule with this show next week (assuming Crunchyroll isn’t simulcasting with the CS-Asahi airing).
EDIT: It seems people are wondering about our translation for “Cantus”, so I figured I’d give a brief explanation of the term.
The original Japanese for Cantus is 呪力, literally “incantation/spell power”, and is the psychokinetic/magic power the people in this world use. Our translation for the term is derived from the incantation part of the word (interestingly, while 呪 can mean “curse”, it would be wrong here because the power isn’t a curse/bad thing, nor does it curse things. It’s one of those “a word can have multiple meanings but it means this in context” kinds of things). It’s not exactly a self-apparent translation, but it preserves the spirit of the original term and sounds fancy too.