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DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Ano_Hana_-_05v2_[h264-720p][CBD9AC61].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD V2 PATCH: [UTW]_Ano_Hana_-_05v2_Patch.zip
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Ano_Hana_-_05_[XviD][B89E6134].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
EDIT (5/13/2011):: So yeah, we screwed up the reference to One Piece. The v2 fixes the relevant incorrect lines and adds a semi-important sign at time 15:17. If you already downloaded the previous version, you can use the patch provided above to update the release. The XviD v1 release already contains the fixes and the new sign.
<Moshiburner cynicism here>
>Me when I wake up and I find that this “One Piece the show you retards” shit is actually true
1[2011/05/13 0723.20] …what
1[2011/05/13 0723.24] wait
1[2011/05/13 0723.28] that wasn’t trolling?
2[2011/05/13 0725.35] LOL
2[2011/05/13 0725.43] i think the writers were trolling
2[2011/05/13 0725.45] if anything
1[2011/05/13 0725.55] well they succeeded cuz I’M MAD NAO
1[2011/05/13 0726.33] the one episode i don’t do a complete cc run because there’s so much simultaneous dialogue (actually introduced an unnecessary line cuz of it)
1[2011/05/13 0726.40] they talk about ONE PIECE THE ANIMU
1[2011/05/13 0726.54] fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Get ready for wall of text. And episode spoilers (sort of).
[spoiler]It’s hilarious how teachers consider a project to be the best way to close a high school career and how THEY ALL DON’T REALIZE ALL THE OTHER TEACHERS ARE THINKING THE EXACT SAME THING. Hence, I am now working on 9000+ assignments at the same time while having to worry about college applications (long story short I’m going to college in the motherland) and having to deal with an ever-lethargic self thanks to all the stress that I’m building up. Maybe I’ll start seeing dead childhood friends too, eh? Well regardless, I still try to make our releases fabulous in every way possible, and as usual Raze and I both did multiple passes through the episode (something like 5 total). We never even noticed the One Piece thing. Call me retarded, but when I hear Tsuruko talking about the white, ribboned one-piece earlier in the episode, Menma has been wearing it for all 5 episodes (past or present), Naruko wears a similar one for an episode or so and even Yukiatsu hops on the bandwagon, I tend to expect that the next “wanpiisu” I hear refers to a one-pieced dress. I know, I should’ve expected this kind of trolling when they made a direct reference to Garigari-kun (which, if you didn’t realize, is a brand of popsicle on sale in Japan) but MAN. Did it have to be the name of another anime? Really?
I was bored and tired and annoyed so I read an /a/ thread about the episode. Bad idea. You can tell I was tired just from the fact that I made this decision. Well, since I read it, might as well make something out of it. Some responses to general idiocy:
?? = stereotypical, not the letter ?. That’s ???. Not that I expected you to hear the difference. That’s why we exist in the first place: so you don’t interpret something completely incorrectly.
Someone already answered it, but yes, the creators pick out one random line by Menma from the next episode, strip it of all context, put in a random screenshot from this episode as “video”, and call it a preview. Well, the clips you see during the ED aside, that is. I hardly know what she’s talking about or why she says ?????? so loudly either. I am not a Showa person, so I’ve never seen the TV show where they originally used the phrase. Hell, I don’t even know if I managed to figure out the correct reference. She might have been saying “bro, shoot!” in Engrish for all I know; the lack of context is excruciating. Sorry, but I’m not the god of all things Japanese. Just a native translator fluent in both languages. (hint: I’m probably still better than you)
“We were left behind.” Don’t remember the line word for word, but guys. Look. The train passes by while spitting out a lot of noise and the scene changes directly after the line. The least you should get out of the orchestration is that there is a deeper meaning to his words.
Okay, I’m done for now.
If you were scared by the wall of text or don’t feel like reading it:
TL;DR: I wrote an essay here because I didn’t want to do my homework. I wonder if my teacher will give me extra credit? lulz.
Hopefully next week will be better off guys, sorry for such an epic failure.
Moshi signing out.