Some of you may already know that I basically get up at 2am every Friday to fansub anime for you guys. I’m thinking of simply getting my full night’s rest this time, however, for two reasons.
1) I have a very important interview tomorrow which I want to attend in tip-top condition. Not getting enough sleep because I was fansubbing in the dead hours of the night probably isn’t a good idea.
2) I had LASIK surgery done on my eyes a few days ago, and it’s pretty important that I give my eyes plenty of rest this week. Waking up prematurely to stare at a computer screen for hours straight when I’m supposed to be sleeping doesn’t seem very good for my eyes.
I probably shouldn’t be sabotaging both my future and my eyes just to give you your subbed anime several hours earlier, which means the soonest I can (and will) get to them is when I’m back home after the interview. Which would unfortunately mean a delay of about… 10-ish hours.
Incidentally, today is Moshiburner’s last full day in the US. He’ll be having his graduation and an all-night party before he embarks on a long flight back to his native Japan on Friday. Which means he probably won’t be translating Ano Hana this week (and he can’t fill in for me for Hidan no Aria either).
If things go well, we could probably release the episodes for both series by this time tomorrow (this would require me to translate Ano Hana instead of Moshi, which I could probably do after Hidan is released). We’ll see.
Hi Guise. Moshi here. I put on my robe and wizard ha—graduation cap, and now I’m back for a bit before I’m off to party. Though my head hurts whenever I stand up. Lol.
Speaking of Lol I might be LoL’ing with my RL bros so you may want to look for my presence online in something like three to four hours. Not sure if we have 5. No, I won’t be subbing there. Why? Because 1. Raze is gone anyway and he lurvs to do at least 1 edit/QC pass on hana before it’s released, and 2. I’m sure I can spend the last night for a while with my friends before I go to the motherland without you guys ragefacing, right?
Oh, and no worries about Raze being all “man two scripts a week that’s so INTENSE that I need to do really bad work on flower” because I made a flvraw pass and a CC pass on it (that’s 1 TL pass and 1 check pass) before I went to grad. Beast. You’re welcome, Raze.
Anyway I’m sorry for the lack of my usual lolzy links and cynicism (if it’s missing at all). If you saw some kind of spelling or grammar or Englolish in my post, blame my head. Me duele.?????? Oh, and the lack of a release. Lol.
My flight is tomorrow so I may or may not have a chance to make a lolzy Anohana release post (given it’s released tomorrow), mainly because I’ll either be finishing up my suitcase packing or be all-day partying (proceeding all-night partying. Trololol.).
NYandere, get chance and luck bro. Best of wishes.
arEdit: (10/6/2011 08:33 (GMT) )
Ano Hana Ep09 status – Encoded, Typeset, Timed, Translated. Needs QC or Editing or w/e Raze calls it. All stalling is his fault this week (and not mine lol).
Generic no Aria Ep09 status – Encoded. Possibly Translated, idk.
So according to the status of each show, Hana will probably come out first and Aria at some point one day this weekend (comfag is travelling around the world instead of fagsubbing, so technically all Aria delays are his fault). Please forward all Hidan no Aria related complaints, death threats, love letters and so on to (commander`A) and he will get back to you as soon as possible (depends how bored he is lol) .