DOWNLOAD HD: [UTW]_Hidan_no_Aria_-_12_[h264-720p][AD3164B5].mkv [DDL1] [DDL2]
DOWNLOAD SD: [UTW]_Hidan_no_Aria_-_12_[XviD][22EE9BBC].avi [DDL1] [DDL2]
So I remember the equivalent scene in the light novel being really sinister and full of despair, but in the anime they gave Vlad this hurrdurr retarded laugh and randomly changed the plot for no particular reason. Oh well, I guess there’s bound to be some of you out there who’ll enjoy this episode.
Either way, this marks the end of the Hidan no Aria TV project! The UTW staff were never really very motivated to work on this show, though (with the exception of commander`A); this is probably somewhat reflected in the curtain call comments below.
Raze (Translator/Editor/Last Resort Timer/QC): Yeah, I practically handled the script alone, especially towards the end. I did somewhat enjoy the light novel (although by the time I reached around volume 5 continuing it just wasn’t very high on my priority list), but I’m not sure I can say the same about the anime. At any rate, I hope you enjoyed my work!
commander`A (Timer ep1-6, 8, 11-12/Encoder ep1-6): Truely a spectacular series. I will do the BDs as well!
fnord (Typesetter): I strongly disliked working on Hidan no Aria and can only hope the people who watched it derived some sort of enjoyment from it. I most certainly didn’t.
Daiz (Encoder ep7-12): I actually watched a single episode of this series at one point. I will never get those 24 minutes of my life back. Episodes 11 and 12 gave me a nice chance to test out my new computer, though.
ar did the karaoke timing/styling, Kusion and Nikon both timed an episode each, and Moshiburner helped QC the first three or four episodes until he decided the show wasn’t worth his time anymore.
Oh, and commander`A really wanted to do the post for this last episode but I didn’t let him. Being the nice guy I am though, I’ve appended his very long (and, according to Kusion, pretty good) rant about why Hidan no Aria is the best show of 2011:
[spoiler]I still cannot believe that this is the finale of this awesome series… It’s also sad how people are saying that this animu sucked. Well, FYI, this was the BEST animu of 2011. Even the staff working on this series were lazy and mean. I mean, they kept saying harsh things about Aria-chan all the day. Like seriously, most of them did that just to troll loyal fans of Aria-chan, like me. Really. Unbelievable, isn’t it? Well, that’s life… I, for one, did my best to fight back for the sake of our great and beloved Aria-chama. I’ve been doing it from the past 2 months and I am willing to do it as long as there’s a shred of life left in this empty body of mine… And even after I die, I will keep haunting everyone who said mean things about Aria-tan and fight them till death. And I hope everyone who liked this animu has same passionate feelings towards Aria-pyon.
I actually missed working on episode 7 and 9… I still regret missing those episodes as no one in this group handles Aria-chan with care. They just did those episodes half-assedly and released them without any respect. I had horrible nightmares on those two nights. I’m sorry Aria-chan, I will make up for it when I do the BDs… I promise! Anyway, let’s stick to the topic. This week’s Aria was a double episode marathon, I know it must’ve been hard for all of you to wait for a week without Aria, I mean, waiting for a week itself was so hard… and then we had to wait for another week, which means there was no Aria for almost 14 days! But alas, everything came back on track when I saw two episodes back to back. I felt so relieved after having my dose of Aria-chan after a decade of waiting. Life is harsh. As Jean-Jacques Rousseau said once: “Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet!” I totally agree with him/her/it. The happiness of seeing Aria-chan in front of me was like, the feeling you have while having an intercourse with your opposite gender. No, actually, it was BETTER than that. I didn’t sleep last night as I had some work to do, but I cannot define how happy I was when I was given the script to time and heard Aria-chan for the first time in WEEKS! OH, MY, GOODNESS, that was insane. I forgot how tired I was… I was literally jumping up and down in excitement… I didn’t know what to do. I couldn’t restrain myself from crying. That warm and seductive voice of Aria-chan, that feeling of meeting your loved one after a long time… that was simply amazing. I think I should stop now or I’ll say things that I don’t want to. Happy fapping to Aria-chan.[/spoiler]
I guess this isn’t really the end yet, since commander`A will be doing the BDs, and there’s one more episode to come on DVD apparently.
Enjoy and keep flying with us! I’ll make a formal announcement of our Summer 2011 plans sometime in the next few days.
P.S. from commander`A: We are going to be celebrating the brilliant ending of this series on Skype tonight. If you want to join us then add me (troll4ever_89) on Skype and I’ll add you in the group call!